
Star Wars: The Angelic One

A young man in his Twenties dies and is chosen by an Mysterious System to reincarnate. He chooses to reincarnate as a Hybrid to two of the most Beautiful Humanoid Species. !I DO NOT OWN STAR WARS DISNEY DOES!

Hayai_Kami · Filem
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: Tatooine

We are now traveling to Tatooine because our hyperdrive is damaged and needs to be repaired, it's the closest Planet that isn't under the influence of the Trade Federation.

I headed towards Padmé, finding her cleaning R2-D2 and talking to Jar Jar Binks a Gungan that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan picked up on their way to the Palace.

„Hello there little one" I greeted R2.

#Hello, My designation is R2-D2# beeped R2. Thanks for my relentless studying and Ameche-Deru I was able to understand what he was saying.

„it's a pleasure to meet you R2-D2, you did good work out there you saved us and for that you have my thanks" I smiled at the small droid.

#Thanks, but I was only doing my Job# beeped R2-D2.

„Well that doesn't mean you didn't do a great deed, well I need to meditate a bit we will arrive at Tatooine in an Hour or so." I said as I left the compartment.

The thinks I meditate for were what to do with Anakin and Maul, should I change Anakins fate and should I kill Maul now. How would I do this that's when I heard two dings.


[Quest: Change Fate: make sure that Anakin doesn't fall to the dark side.

Reward: ???]


[Quest: Escape, Kill Darth Maul or cripple him: Make sure you and your companions leave tatooine alive.

Reward: ???]


Outer Rim, Tatooine

Tatooine seemed to have been accurately portrayed in the Films, it was a 100% desert Planet. If it wasn't for the Moisture Farms then this planet would be uninhabitable.

We headed towards Mos Espa, one of the few port city's on the Planet. We landed a few kilometers away from the city as per Canon.

Getting close to the city I could feel small electrical devices moving over the city, each one could explode. For the first time since coming into this universe I felt sickening feeling and Anger, if I wasn't immune to the Dark side I would have certainly taken a huge step inside it.

„Lian? Would you accompany me to the settlements?" Padme asked me. She had changed her clothes to be more suitable to the desert but my feather was still firmly planted behind her ear.

„very well" I agreed making a slight bow.

I continued to speak before we could leave „You need to make sure that you're always close to me, this isn't republic domain any Laws or customs that you know may not exist here. The worst type of people come from this places like this"

She agreed and we quickly left the ship to see Qui-Gon, R2 and Jar Jar were ready to leave. Padme and I came behind them.

„Wait the queen is curios about this Planet and would like it if you would take her handmaiden with you" I explained to Qui-Gon.

„This is not a good idea, I can't protect you out here" Qui-Gon said looking at Padme while frowning.

„Don't worry, I will accompany you and take care of Padme. I trust that your Padawan and my droid will be enough to protect the queen." I said to Qui-Gon, who seemed to think about it.

„Very well, but you should stay close" he said nodding.

Looking at rhe distant city I could barely see the edge of I questioned Qui-Gon „How long will it take to walk there?".

„About 45 minutes, maybe 50" he said.

„Too long" I took my hood down and the upper Half of my robe, ignoring the looks I was getting from the 3 and let my wings loose.

„How unusual" Qui-Gon said examining my wings. I could see him looking at Padme and noticing the feather behind her ear, wich seemed to make him let out a small smile.

„Please do not resist Master Jedi" I said looking at Qui-Gon. After a moment of contemplation he nodded. I used Telekinesis to lift them all off the ground and using the wings to fly near the city with the four of them in tow. {R2 is still here but I forgot him for a moment}

As we got closer to the city I could feel the darkside getting close to the city. ‚Probably Maul' I thought while getting a close feeling for the negative emotions he was releasing, Anger, resentment and many other negative emotions were released from him but the most was fear. What he feared I do not know but it was the most powerful emotion he felt. Qui-Gon seemed to also feel something but could not make sense of what it was. The Jedi order has weakened to such a degree they can't even sense a darkside user with all the emotions he is releasing.

I landed us all just outside the city, as to not draw unwanted attention to us.

I again dressed in my upper Robes and wearing my Hood up to hide my face, we were searching for a small dealer for Space ship parts.

After some minutes searching we found a small shop with lots of broken machine parts inside and a whole scrapyard out the back.

Entering the store Watto the Toydarian welcomed us with open arms, looking at him he seemed fatter than in the movies.

„I need parts for a Nubian J-327" Qui-Gon explained.

„Hmm a Nubian huh, yes we have lots of that" He said scratching his chin, Pure greed could be seen in his eyes. He was already imagining how to get us as much money out of us as possible.

I looked at the door as I felt a strong connection with the force entering the building, I got my first look at Anakin Skywalker as he walked into the Shop. Watto spoke to him in a language I didn't know and Anakin spoke back in it. He looked skinnier than in the Movie to the point of malnourished but still with a plenty of energy ‚is the force nourishing him' I wondered.

„Are you an Angel?" Anakin asked Padme.

„Excuse me?" she asked amused looking at him.

„An Angel, they live on the moons of Lego I think" Anakin stated

„No I'm not a Angel but I know one" She said taking a glance at me.

„Really?!" he asked with starry eyes. I could swear he had stars in his eyes so excited he was.

„Yes, in fact he gave me this feather" Padme said showing her feather to Anakin. „This is a feather from his wings, it's beautiful isn't it"

„Whoa, it's so amazing" He said as he hold the feather giving it a few stokes.

„Do you want one?" I asked, he looked at me only now really noticing me.

„Yes do you have some?" he asked even more excited by the idea of having one himself.

„Naturally I have some. I'm the one who gave her the feather." I stated

„What do you…" but before he could finish I already put my hood down an was taking of my upper robes. „What are you doing?" he asked.

„I am giving you a feather." I said and unfurled my wings. He was awestruck, he never saw such a sight. Beautiful glowing light pink skin, deep Red hair that shines golden when the light hit it and six translucent wings the only thing that he could mouth was Angel.

I plucked a feather out of my wings and gave it to Anakin before pulling my wings back in my back and wearing my upper Robes again.

„Thanks" was the only thing Anakin could Mutter still in shock.

„How long have you lived here?" Padme asked to get Anakin out of his shocked state and it worked.

„Since I was very little, three I think. My Mom and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us to Watto" Anakin said

„You're a slave?" Padme asked shocked.

„I'm a Person and my name is Anakin Skywalker" Anakin said looking rather offended by Padme's question.

„I'm sorry, I've never been here before, it's a rather strange place to me."

After a couple minutes Qui-Gon arrived stating that we are leaving.

„It was nice meeting you Anakin" Padme said as we walked out the door

I could faintly hear Anakin calling out „It was nice to meet you too"

„Didn't take Republic credits huh?" I asked Qui-Gon, who shook his head.

„Looks like we will have to find another form of payment" He said as he pulled out a communicator „Wait here for a moment, I will talk with Obi-Wan about this" He quickly entered a alley to have some Privacy.

I noticed Jar Jar walked to a stall full of dead frog like creatures. He looked around and stuck his tongue out to get a hold of one of them and pulled it into his mouth.

A merchant appeared shouting at Jar Jar causing him to spit it out, unfortunately it landed in a Dugs Soup, the soup of Sebulba.

The scene played out like in the Movie, Sebulba started to threaten Jar Jar. Knocking him down and grabbing him by the throat.

Anakin told him. That's when Qui-Gon arrived thanking Anakin „Thank you young-one".

„Your friend was about to be turned into orange goo by an especially dangerous Dug called Sebulba" Anakin said.

„A storm is coming Annie better get home quick" an elderly woman in a one of the stalls warned Anakin.

„Do you have shelter?" Anakin asked concerned for our safety.

„Our ship is a couple of miles out in the Outskirts" said Qui-Gon

„You'll never gonna reach the outskirts in time, trust me. Sandstorms are very dangerous. Why don't you come to my place you can stay there until the storm passed" He said trying to help

Qui-Gon agreed, probably sensed Anakins strong connection with the force. I don't think he has linked him with the prophecy yet, but as soon as he finds out he has no father he will.

We are now just outside Anakins residence and are about to enter, that's when I felt a strong connection with the force just inside. I was confused ‚is Anakins Morher force sensitive? Or is there someone else in the House?'