
Star Wars: Skywalker

Reincarnated as Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.

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V.2-C.56│More Trouble V│

Something that Yoda detested but knew that it was too late to not follow the plans and actions of the Republic, because they had become so integrated into the system...


"What are you thinking about?" Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were convening with each other.

After the Council meeting that had taken place, and Qui-Gon was called along to be a part of these discussions, they had come to the conclusion that they shouldn't do anything. It wasn't like they would or could do anything anyway, but they all wanted to put on a front about how Anakin was wrong in some manner.

Of course not everyone wanted to hop on the Anakin is wrong bandwagon, but a majority of people wanted to do so.

"I am just thinking about what Dooku had said to you, and also about why Anakin has left." Qui-Gon replied.

"You cant be seriously considering leaving, can you?" Obi-Wan asked as he was much more of a staunch believer in the Jedi compared to Qui-Gon, his master.

"No, I dont think I will be leaving the Order. Especially at a time like this, that would just be wrong of me." Qui-Gon replied.

"Master, you had me worried for a second." Obi-Wan added. "I was just thinking about whether the Count had said something that was correct..."

"Don't get me wrong, Obi-Wan. What Dooku had said was right, and that we do think alike." Qui-Gon said.

"You cant be serious." Obi-Wan deadpanned.

"Oh? But I am, Obi-Wan. While what Dooku had said was meant to taunt you and try and trick you into thinking you should join him, if only for a short while, it was all true. All true except the part about me joining him, that is." Qui-Gon explained before continuing to tell Obi-Wan about a great many things.

From this and that, to his other experiences when it came to the Force. He even taught Obi-Wan properly about how to become one with the Force after death, instead of dying and keepings ones consciousness.

Something that he had taught Anakin, was now finally passed on to yet another person and Qui-Gon was approaching his time to leave the Order.

Obviously he didn't tell Obi-Wan that he would be leaving, but Qui-Gon saw himself as an extension of the light side of the Force. He had felt it for a while now and knew that Anakin leaving was the start of something within the Force.

A stirring like none felt before and it was only thanks to Anakin's influence that Qui-Gon was able to tell of this. He always had this sensation where his previous hand was, as if he was never meant to have his hand chopped off.

In fact he had always felt as if he shouldn't be alive today.

"It is only through the will of the Force that I remain here today Obi-Wan. I cannot go against that, and you shouldn't as well." Qui-Gon added.

"What do you mean?" Obi-Wan asked, because he was actually taken by what his former master had been teaching him.

"What I mean is that there are some things that can only be experienced and no matter how much I can tell you. No matter how much I have passed on to you, there is still much to learn. I know of this, as I have learned a great deal from taking Anakin as my second apprentice." Qui-Gon explained.

"Well, I have learnt that keeping such a close eye on relationships within the Order has become such a contested point. Look at Anakin now, do you see him as a person steeped in the dark side of the Force because of his attachment to these girls he has married?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Well... that is hard to say... There is nothing to suggest that he is and in fact there is alot of information talking about all of the great deeds he has done." Obi-Wan replied. "Then there is even the rumors floating about, with Master Ikrit..."

"Yes, I do believe that Anakin has some darkness within himself." Qui-Gon all of a sudden said something that was immediately off putting.

"Huh?" Obi-Wan intellectually replied. "But master, isn't-"

"You need not worry about that because even I have darkness as well. Have I not taught you about this? Told you about my experiences?" Qui-Gon said as he continued. "Even Master Windu, Anakin's other teacher has seen this darkness supposedly."

"How did you see this master? From what I could tell, Anakin is..." Obi-Wan left off.

"Good. Immensely so and has a passion like no other, which is also something that the Sith rely heavily on. He isn't a Sith and he also isn't a Jedi, so maybe that is his path as the chosen one." Qui-Gon stated.

"His path?" Obi-Wan asked.

"The chosen one in our prophecies is always meant to destroy the Sith once and for all, and with the Sith becoming even more prominent now..."

"You believe that he would find and take care of the Sith orchestrating everything behind the scenes?" Obi-Wan believed Dooku, now that he was having this talk with his master about a person within the senate taking control of everyone and their decisions.

"Perhaps, or maybe he would take care of the Sith by achieving some sort of balance. You see, Obi-Wan, prophecies are strange and special all at the same time. Especially those that originate or come from a powerful seer within the Force." Qui-Gon explained.

Qui-Gon continued. "There is however a problem with prophecies and that is that they never reveal the full picture. Do you know of the line within the prophecy that stated that the chosen one would bring balance?"

"Yes, I remember that. Doesn't it refer to the idea that Anakin would bring balance by destroying the Sith?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"Yes, and no." Qui-Gon replied. "What do you think the balance refers to? The destruction of the Sith? Yes, but also the destruction of the Jedi."

"What!?" Obi-Wan was immensely surprised that Qui-Gon would even suggest something like this. "What does that mean? Would Anakin destroy the Order?"

"I didn't say that." Qui-Gon was calm, serene as a pond, untouched by the world. "Think of it like this. Anakin created an entire new Order, not because he wanted more power, or wanted to do anything like the Sith and forge an empire using them. No, he is already the Emperor of and empire that didn't rely on Force-sensitive people at all."

"In fact, it was his mother that was at the forefront before Anakin went back." Qui-Gon added. "I think he has created the Order within the Empyrean as somewhere the Jedi could potentially go. Somewhere even people who use the dark side of the Force to go towards as they learn about it."

"Master... You are suggesting that the Jedi and Sith work together in some manner." Obi-Wan deadpanned again.

"I didn't say that. You did, and it is definitely something to think about, isn't it?" Qui-Gon said as he laughed.

"Master, you cant turn my own words against me like that." Obi-Wan gave Qui-Gon a pointed stare.

"Well, of course I can. And I will continue to do so, when you give the the chance that is..." Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan would then go on to talk about many other things outside of what was talked about previously, especially when it comes to things within the Republic and the war with the C.I.S..

Despite all of the effort they had tried into keeping some Jedi, people were still leaving. Of course of the people that did leave, there was such a small group within that only dealt with Anakin and they would be the only ones going to Tatooine.

There they would find themselves in a world that was different from the one they previously lived in. Where proper things were put in place for their mental health and proper teachers to help them develop within the Force.

Whether this means they are naturally more aligned to the dark side or light side didn't matter and in the end they would all be becoming extensions of the Force. There is no right and wrong here, at least if the laws were not considered and instead everyone within the Empyrean Order would focus on what they wanted.

Anakin only wanted what was the best for the people, and of course he wanted what is best for himself as well.

How could he do everything and not benefit for himself, that would just be a massive waste of his time if he only calculates for himself. Instead he would rather that everyone, himself included benefited out of the grand scheme and design he had set up for everyone.


As time had passed, the Empyrean Order was starting to gain a reputation for itself and those within were either people that tried to study the dark side of the Force or from areas that were within the Empyrean. There were some stray Jedi, that had heard of Anakin and come here to learn because of the freedom that is granted to them.

If people wanted to stay and become official citizens, then it was great, but if they only wanted to learn from this institution, then Anakin wouldn't force anyone to stay. The Jedi didn't really force anyone either, but it was how they tricked people into staying that was the problem.

What was within the programs and current classes was everything that Anakin had learnt, even information that he himself hadn't looked into. There were just too many things for his mental processors to look at.

The empire had to be run first, and even though Siri was doing great in helping him out in the process, it was still exhausting in a sense. Not that he even needed sleep. His biological functions were just too great for him to fail.

What or who ere the instructors within this Order, one might ask?

He had gotten people that were Force-sensitive trained up, of course it wasn't instantaneous, but he was using his droids. Or at least, what ere previously his droid now working in the Order, that is if they wanted to.

He had a few of his mental thought processors have droids of their own to take over and start teaching as well. It may not be him physically, but mentally he could control and teach people everything they would want to know and this only compounded his experience with teaching.

Aayla spent more time with small children of the Empyrean as she was ecstatic. The time was nearing for her to get pregnant and while Anakin had changed his sperm cells to enable his ability to get her pregnant, it wasn't perfect.

His fertility wasn't in the wrong or anything and he had modified his sperm cells perfectly, genetic wise but things dont just happen instantly. There are failures even in the scientific field when it comes to creating hybrids.

So of course it may take a little more time for his sperm cells to fertilize one of her eggs.

Then there were the other girls, Padme was actually taking a liking to being more political. It was her job after all and she was enjoying it as everything within the Empyrean was peaceful. She basically had no worries as well, as most things were taken care of by Siri for her and she just needed to put down a stamp of approval.

She had the power to do so, as Anakin didn't really want her to waste away her talents if she so desired. In fact Padme and his mother, Shmi spent alot of time together. Shmi was of course trying to nudge her in the right direction by wanting her to hurry up and get pregnant but Padme is against this.

At least for now and Anakin is ok with that. Shmi is also fine with this aswell, since she already has a daughter in law that is adamant in having children already.

Shaak, now married to him was able to finally have the experience she wanted. Shaak and Anakin were going at it like animals, and she surprising had more stamina than Aayla did, which lead to Anakin believing that he would get her pregnant first at this rate.

Shaak didn't want protected sex and told him so, just as he had been doing with Aayla. It would seem that she already wanted to have children with him and he was starting to wonder if this was the instincts she was repressing when around him.

He enjoyed himself immensely and while he considered himself lucky, that didn't mean he didn't put in the hard work himself.

Then there was Barriss, his youngest wife and only a year younger than himself. She is probably the last one on the list wanting children, not because she doesn't want any but because she wanted to do other things.

He respected that, he wasn't about to force anyone into having his children and sooner or later once Barriss starts to see the other girls get knocked up, she may very well get jealous herself. While she also may have her 'special' time with Anakin, that didn't mean she had that much stamina.

In fact she was the worst out of his four wives concurrently and it surprised him that even Padme could outlast the girl.

"Master!" A voice called out to him as he was within his thoughts.

"Oh? Hatsuko! What are you doing here?" Anakin saw the droid, now synth was now having her very own Nanosuit. He had created it just for her, and she was immediately in love with it and had in fact started to proclaim him as a god. Not that she didn't already do so, but that was besides the point.

She was overjoyed at receiving such a gift. "Statement: Master, I have come to inform you of the Federation of Vengeances location."

"Found them you have?" Anakin asked.

"Statement: The F.V. have been located deep within the Hutt space. They have not noticed we have caught on to their movement. Also Statement: Master, my body feels all weird, hot and very sweaty when I am near you... What is this?" It would seem that Hatsuko, previously HK didn't have any way of knowing whether or not she was in heat.

"Right.. Thanks for the info, and for your hot problem..." Anakin could practically smell the pheromones' she was realizing, and she didn't even realize this fact. "I think I should educate you on..."

Anakin would go on to explain about what was happening to her and she would ask him to take care of it. A request that he would accept, if he wasn't already married and she wasn't even connected to him, so he couldn't even make a a lie.

This turned him on which would lead to his wives having a fun time as well.

'Who was in charge of teaching the synths about this stuff...' Anakin thought to himself as he redirected Hatsuko to make use of some items to relieve her pressure. 'Lamentable that I have some honor and loyalty within me...'