
Phase 1: A galaxy torn asunder pt7


Part 7​

Blue ballroom

Trade Federation Enclave

Raxulon City


"How am I looking?" Trest Ilroth asked his personal assistant.

The younger Neimoidian carefully examined his suit and frantically nodded in relief.

"Good. Now that we're fashionably late lets meet the crowd!" Trest beamed. "You can stay out of sight." He nodded to his security detail made of Commando Droids.

"Roger, roger. Security situation Green. You can proceed, Viceroy."

"Jolly good." Another nod and Ilroth's personal assistant opened a side entrance leading into the ballroom.

Trest slipped between two groups of people who were quietly talking to each other and went to meet the guests of honor.

"Resa, dearest you look fabulous in this dress!" Ilroth exclaimed when he passed by Shadowfeed's greatest star.

The Twi'lek woman sent him a kiss and a sultry smile, before her companion for the night pulled her back to the dance floor. Trest knew that Zabrak from somewhere… Was that the CEO of Interstellar Freights Unlimited? It looked at him, but a bit younger. So, son? Brother perhaps or just a good cosmetic surgeon?

Trest shrugged and continued making his way through the crowd. He excitedly greeted his supporters, beamed at people who he wanted to make business with, complimented guests who wouldn't know taste if it hit them in the face – like that human in the purple… What was he wearing?! Ilroth had trouble keeping his smile in place as he examined the… Seriously what was that? It looked like someone violated, then murdered a huge bathrobe before letting it to bloat on the sun for a few weeks. Damned Outer Rim hicks…

Finally after what felt like eternity, Ilroth got to the guests of honor. There were twenty of them – all representing systems which just joined the Confederacy. This ball was in their honor.

"Senator Sylvaris! I'm so glad to see you arrived safely!" Trest exclaimed.

Thanks to that overgrown feline and her friends now the Confederacy had a solid, friendly foothold in the Mandalorian sector. There were already fleet and engineering elements en route to secure those systems from Republic aggression and begin building forward logistic bases for the navy.

"Viceroy Ilroth." Sylvaris gave him a haughty look, then bowed. "Cathar and her people thank you."

"You're all too welcome my dear! We couldn't do anything less. I'm just glad you saw the truth and did your best to stand against the Sith and their Mandalorian lapdogs."

"We remember, Viceroy. While most of the galaxy might have forgotten, we never did. We know the true face of the Mandalorians. We know the Sith. Cathar is with you to the end of the line."

"Thank you, Senator Sylvaris." This time Trest's smile was genuine. Say what you will about that woman, she and her people truly believed the Mandalorians and thanks to Veil, the Sith, were enemies they couldn't live with. "Together we will stop them once and for all." Ilroth looked around. "It is good to see so many of your neighbors sharing the sentiment."

"We aren't alone, Viceroy. I can assure you, there are dozens of worlds across the sector who could be persuaded to join us, for protection against Mandalorian reprisals if nothing else. I understand that we'll be moving in force against Mandalore soon?"

"Our troops have a foothold at Sundari, unfortunately they won't be able to secure the planet without heavy reinforcements." Trest sighed sadly. "We're already fighting on multiple fronts in the Galactic East alone. So far all we could sent to Mandalore was just enough troops to keep the beachhead open and enough ships to secure the orbitals above the capital."

It couldn't be any other way because there were millions of bloodthirsty Mandalorians waging gorilla warfare across the whole damned sector! The Confederacy couldn't simply bomb them too because more often than not the bastards were hiding within largely neutral if not even friendly populations. Unfortunately, so far the Mandalorians were avoiding hitting civilian targets and thus pissing off the other locals… that was something Intelligence was looking into.

"Our people are more than ready to fight, Viceroy. We simply lack sufficient equipment to do so properly." Sylvaris smiled.

"I'm sure we'll be able to do something about that now that we're allies."

"That's excellent!" The big cat purred at Trest sending unpleasant shivers down his spine.

Damn feline.


"This is Ryloth Resa, live from the Trade Federation Enclave in Raxulon City!" A perky Twi'lek exclaimed at the cameras. "Tonight, we at Shadowfeed have an exclusive coverage of the official inauguration of the Confederacy of Independent Systems newest members!"

The picture changed to show a richly decorated podium sitting at the far corner of a cavernous room. It was flanked by large Confederacy banners with twenty different flags proudly rising in the back: G'wenee, Halmad, Cathar, Er'Kit, Meerian and many others harder to recognize.

"Today, twenty new star systems – thirty one worlds join the Confederacy in our fight to restore freedom and justice in the galaxy! They do it after the last loyal to the Republic Jedi attempted to remove the corrupt government led by the Sith Sheev Palpatine and regrettably failed. While the Sith himself was slain thanks to the valiant efforts of Jedi Masters Tiin, Piell, Windu and Kota, the Tyrant behind this war did not die alone. Master Piell along with more than two dozen Jedi Knights perished in battle, while Master Kota was left crippled. Regrettably we the status of Masters Tiin and Windu remain unknown."

Resa's huge teary eyes looked at the cameras.

"In retaliation, the Sith led Grand Army of the Republic stormed the Jedi Temple murdering hundreds of noncombatants many of them children. Even as we speak, Jedi who chose to remain faithful to the principles of freedom and democracy are being hunted all over the galaxy by vengeful Republic forces. Or should I say Sith?"

Resa smiled proudly.

"While we in the Confederacy managed to overthrow the Sith who attempted to pervert our ideals and was responsible for the atrocities on Naboo and Coruscant, the Republic wasn't so fortunate. The true loyalist of Cathar and their various allies failed to do so in the Republic and thus put a stop to this terrible war. It's my sad duty to inform you that in a closed session earlier today, the Confederate Senate voted not only to officially accept our new members but to continue the war until any trace of Sith influence within the Republic could be eradicated..."