
Phase 1: A galaxy torn asunder pt6


Part 6​

corvette Headhunter

two light hours from Mandalore system

interstellar void

"Do you still think this is a good idea?" Sev'rance Tann grumbled.

She was sitting on the bridge with Forge, the only one of her team who made it off Geonosis. The large Mandalorian shrugged nonchalantly.

"It's as good idea as any. What are you going to do otherwise, Sev? Go and hide? Play mercenary in Hutt Space?" A pair of soft blue eyes, which looked out of place on the rugged and scared face of the mercenary looked at the Sith disciple.

"It won't be so bad..." The Chiss woman sighed. "You won't come with me if I go, would you?"

"Finally my people have a worthy leader. One we faced in combat and lived only because he was exhausted – you told me so yourself. Mandalore called us back. Its high time I listened. I would prefer to go home with you by my side, Sev." Forge admitted.

"Was that a proposition?" Tann chuckled huskily.

"What if it is?"

"Veil might as well kill me instead of listening to anything I've got to say." Sev'rance pouted. "Kill both of us..."

"It's a risk, I admit. My status as a Clan Leader might open us the door, but after that… Sev, both the Republic and Confederacy are after you. As far as we know your master is dead and even if he wasn't, Dooku wouldn't be in any help. He would be on the run just like us." Forge grumbled.

"Besides you want to go home." Sev'rance hummed. "You aren't even trying to hide your emotions."

"Should I? You know how I feel."

"Damn it, Forge!"

"You know, that's not really my name." The Mandalorian chuckled.

"It is! I fell in love with Forge!" Sev'rance pouted.

"You know you're cute when you make that expression."

An empty caf cup flew from the nearby compartment and bounced off his breastplate.

"Very mature."

"You're one to speak. Boys and their toys..."

"They're not toys! They're explosive devices!"

"Keep telling yourself that dear..."

"Impossible woman!"

"That's why you love me."

"Among other things." Forge looked over Sev'rance's figure, which was on display in her form-fitting robe and let out an exaggerated sigh.

Tann snorted softly.

"We got off topic. No one knows where Veil went. I could get arrested the moment we step foot on Mandalore."

"That's actually a good think."

Sev'rance narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"Not getting arrested! Touchy much today?"

"I didn't get my beauty sleep last night." Sev'rance muttered.

"And who's to blame for that?" Forge gave her a pointed look.

"There's only one insatiable Mandalorian on the ship so its your fault." Tann said primly.

"One insatiable Chiss too."

"Details, details. Explain.|

"We prove ourselves useful. There's a Separatist invasion to help with that. Once Veil's back I'll arrange a meeting. I still have some contacts back home and hopefully they're still alive. If not, we'll improvise."

"That still doesn't explain how I don't get either shot or thrown into a deep dark cell."

"Marry me."


"You heard right. I'm not asking just because I want to, which I certainly do. You know that." Forge grinned. "We're going to make a proper Mandalorian out of you."

"I'm very improper." Sev'rance smiled slyly.

"That's a bonus."


ORR Base

Valley of the Jedi

Location classified

General Garza and Master Perrion stood next to the close combat training area and watched two platoons worth of Jedi Padawans fight with practice lightsabers. About half of them had individual duels, while the rest were engaging in small groups, sometimes against a single opponent.

"They look sloppy." Garza frowned.

"The nexus might be able to give them access to the Force, however they still need to learn how to use it. Only the few who're actually talented might face a Jedi one on one in the foreseeable future and win." Jerrod shrugged. "They're all volunteers."

"A force multiplier against regular troops and a decent counter-measure against Jedi or Sith." Garza nodded. "We'll have to make up with numbers what we lack in quality." Her frown was back firmly in place. "I don't like it. Our biggest successes came from fielding better troops – veterans, both regular soldiers and Jedi alike."

"That's a luxury we could no longer afford. We lost too many of our best on Kamino." Perrion seethed. He should have foreseen it! Veil was a monster! Burning a world he was supposed to keep safe in order to kill as many Jedi as possible… That was an obvious play for a Sith to make.

However that son of a diseased Bantha had to go a step too far, didn't he? Turning Kamino into that… that abomination to everything that lives… Jerrod shuddered. The Jedi who survived – they were changed. Tainted by the touch of the Dark Side.

Even now, Perrion wasn't sure what to do with them.

"How long until they're ready?" Garza's words got his attention.

"Them?" Jerrod nodded at the training Padawans. "At least couple of weeks if we want to avoid wasting a lot of them against regular infantry. If we're talking Jedi – they'll need months at least."

"I can see that." Garza glared at the Jedi Master. "I mean the rest of the trainees. I know we didn't send everyone to Kamino."

"Of course not." Perrion snorted. "It's not like I trust the Confederacy. They're a means to an end. If we're very lucky, they might even be in a position to fix up this galaxy. If they aren't we'll be ready and waiting." Jerrod paused. "Thank you for kicking me out of my funk." He reluctantly admitted. "I was handling my reaction to Veil's actions sub-optimally."

"That's one way to put it, Jerrod." Garza snorted. "You looked like half-baked corpse."

"I felt like one."

"We'll get Veil. For everything he has done, not just Kira. You took out the Emperor. I recon Veil won't be a harder challenge." Garza pointed out.

"I know. He just might be a trickier one, though. We don't have the same resources." Perrion admitted.

"We'll improvise then. With the Jedi Order scattered, all we need is time." Garza turned to look at the old temple where the nexus was located.

"The Separatist will buy us at least a few years, especially with us supporting them." Jerrod smiled. "We've got more volunteers arriving every day."

"Speaking about the Jedi..." Garza inquired.

"I've put feelers through our network. I'll be talking with the Confederate Council too. Everyone we could snap will be a net boon for us."

"Good. I'll leave the Force related stuff to you. I've got a military to rebuild." Garza cracked a tiny smile too.

One way or another they would restore democracy and justice to the galaxy.