
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 60 – Reunion

The next day, on Ossus, Lyn was already working hard on her lightsabers. She was selecting among hundreds of pieces what would be best to create her first lightsaber using the crystal she found in the stomach of the beast.

As the necessary steps to use a Krayt dragon pearl as a lightsaber focusing crystal were long and tiring, she decided to focus on one for the time being. To commemorate her victory over a rancor on Felucia, she decided to carve one of its teeth and add quadranium over it to give it a glossy appearance, but she still had much to choose.

"Lyn, come here."

While she examines the hundreds of elements laying on the workbench before her, she heard Layan call her. She exited the workshop in the cave of the manor and headed toward the hall where she saw her so-called surprise.

"Girls! It's been so long!"

Waiting for her were Aola and Xiann, two of the three lethan Twi'leks with which she was imprisoned during her days as a slave.

She ran into them for a group hug after almost a year without seeing each other's. The girls were separated when they each went their way after leaving Corellia.

"Good to see you again."

"I'm happy to see you healthy."

Xian was as before more extraverted than Aola and started to talk about her time after leaving Corellia and her time with Aola.

"What are you doing here?"

"Layan hired me to work in the greenhouse and to study Ossus environment and at the same time the three of us can be reunited. He wanted you to feel comfortable as you were the only Twi'lek here, and also the prettiest girl on the planet, so I came here to give you a bit of a challenge."

"He invited you here?"

"Don't worry, he gave us a brief summary and made us sign a confidentiality agreement."

It was a surprise knowing his serious attitude, but she soon understood he relaxed the rules for her sake. The three of them started to giggle, and talk about their experiences during the past year.

"He beat you up?! Layan wait for me. I'll smack you and break you a few teeth!"

"Wow! You killed a rancor?!!"

"He offered you a white krayt dragon pearl?!"

Xian was shouting every time while listening to Lyn's story, on the other hand Aola was more caring and asked if she was okay and said that she shouldn't put herself into harm.

Layan was watching them with a smile as he saw Lyn's mood, and could enjoy herself. She made a few friends among the Ysannas, but it was not the same.

He let them talk before heading for Ood and Vima, which should be battle ready by now. They weren't sure they would have to fight as they would first examine the seal of the lost city and then act only if Kun's spirit became weak enough.

Exar Kun was a powerful force user, and one of the worst failures of the Jedi Order. After being sealed during millennia and being unable to connect to the force due to the wall of light used to take him down and the seal, his spirit must have grown weaker, even after the power up he undergone during the ritual leading to his physical death.


"To put and end to one of our worst mistakes of history? Yes, I am."

"Vida will fight even though her abilities are not what they were before."

Ood was pretty motivated to put a definitive end to Exar Kun's existence, and Vima was ready to help.

The mask made wonder on her. She still looks like a crone and call herself by her name, but she wasn't mentally unstable anymore and was finally clothing properly, not in stinky shreds of clothes.

They didn't have to worry about Ossus safety as no one should come on Ossus before the Clone Wars and Layan's actions weren't important enough to modify the flow of events for the time being.

Furthermore, a ray shield was protecting Resurgence and paired with a cloaking device creating by Layan, the city was not only undetectable but also protected just in case if someone finds them.

"Finally, a Jedi with the good resolutions, this is what contemporary jedis are lacking. Even when they try to stop a Sith like Dooku, they want to capture him."

"Vima is glad you are confident, but cautiousness is important. Exar Kun was known for his skill and power, he may have become only a spirit and decrease in strength but let's not fall into arrogance."

Vima didn't bother asking Layan about this Sith called Dooku, but internally she started to ask herself how much secret this boy kept in his head. She may have left the Order and became half crazy for a long time, but she knew who was Dooku, he was famous after all.

The members of the New Jedi Order and the girls were ordered to not left the town during their absence, just to be sure.

Boarding the Phoenix, the three of them left the planet and headed for Yavin IV. During the travel, the two old jedis were meditating to focus on themselves before the battle while Layan took care of piloting.

Soon, the ship landed near the rainforest on Yavin IV. When they went down using the transport, they were welcomed by DJ-88, the droid charged with the maintenance of the city and the terra formation machine.

"Who would have thought that Vima would explore such a myth in her life?"

"Impressive city. It was a good idea to divide our knowledge, to avoid its destruction in a sole offensive. Even though I'm asking to myself how the knowledge of this city was lost."

While Vima and Ood were examining the city, Layan gaze was on the droid.

"We really lost many parts of our knowledge. How can such a droid could have been constructed 3,000 thousand years ago?"

DJ-88 was an impressive piece of technology, just as sophisticated as the droids built in the current times. Maybe even more.

"As much as I would like to study this city and the technology, we have work to do."

Ood followed the droid who led them to the weather and climate command center. Not only it was made to terraforming the planet but also store data in its computer. Inside of it was all the details about the seal trapping Exar Kun in his temple on Yavin IV.

The three of them were now watching the details of the said seal, but except for Ood with his extensive knowledge of the force and its mysteries, Vima and Layan were lost.

"Kriff, how such a thing can exist? It combines force and technology, the only thing similar enough I can think to compare it is the Dark Reaper, the superweapon uses by Kun during the Great Sith War."

"Yes, It's impressive. And terrifying."

The two of them were in awe in front of the skills and knowledge of the Jedis of the past millennia's

"The droid was right. This seal is impervious, the only way to destroy it is to destroy the city completely. Even if the city is majorly destroyed, the seal will continue to exist, but Kun's spirit will be able to connect to the force and regain in strength and finally force his way out."

Ood finally concluded after several long minutes of observations.

"So, it means that for the time being…"

"Kun's spirit is at his weakest and unable to regain his strength as the seal is cutting him from the force. His only strengths left are those accumulated before his death and used up to keep himself alive during thousands of years. If left unperturbed, he will run out of energy and disperse by itself with time."

The old Jedi Master concluded Layan's statement with joy as their enemy could prove to be even weaker than expected.

"So, what do we do? No one should come on Yavin IV and we could let Kun's spirit dissipate by himself?"

While Vima was asking this question, Ood and Layan were exchanging a glare, Ood couldn't keep Layan's memories as they were not his, but from Layan's glare, he knew that something will happen on Yavin IV.

Nevertheless, Exar Kun's spirit was never unleashed upon the galaxy in his previous life, or at least, he never knew of it. But as Ood knew Kun's personality, he must never have been freed. He wasn't the type to hide, even more so if he recovered his strength in his spirit form.

"I advocate to destroy Exar Kun once for all. We never know, maybe a ship will crash on the city location or, even meteor fall or whatever you can think to. Better not let him even a chance out of a billion."

"As a Jedi of the time who saw his rise, I concur. He must disappear."

"Vima will follow you. Let's see how my old bones handle a fight after decades of passiveness."

The three of them got out of the lost Jedi city and headed toward the old temple without knowing that someone unexpected was heading toward them.