
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 7 – Sienn’s Father

Leaving the One CorSec Plaza, they took the Maglev Train toward the CEC headquarter, Layan could feel the eyes on him wherever he goes, Nejaa told him because someone trained in the Force could detect it pretty easily unless the person spying is as skilled as Boba Fett or Aura Sing.

After a short ride in which they profited to watch the metropolis through the glasses, while the girls were marveling at the sight, Layan felt several lewd gazes looking at them and ensure to move his jacket letting show his DC-15s blasters at his belt.

It is a trick he came up with while roaming the galaxy, showing his lightsaber to everyone who has drawn the Empire's attention to himself, so he found this trick of always showing a blaster to intimidate.

This calm down a few but not all, Lethan Twi'leks were such a rarity after all, and the love for Twi'leks is common, their exoticism fascinated men through history.

Leaving the train at their stop, they walked a short distance to the huge tower housing the CEC, the best engineering company of Corellia with a long history of excellence and is a major supplier of the Republic.

The headquarters was mostly used as a relation tool with his museum inside, the real business was taking place in the orbital industrial zone where the ships were built. But you can't just park your ship and go, you have to be registered and accompanied by an employee.

Heading to the counter, Layan found a pretty woman ready to listen to his request.

"Hello, I would buy a ship soon. When could I visit your industrial zone in orbit?"

"This afternoon would be possible; can I know what kind of ship you would like to buy? And would you want a standard or customized model?" Not shaken by his abrupt approach, she asked basic questions after registering his name.

"A light freighter, maybe a YT-series I know of their performance it seems appropriate for my future use. I'll have some modifications to do, but nothing major."

"I will contact you on your communicator when one of our employees will be free to bring you up and make you visit the industrial zone." She wrote everything on her datapad while talking in a very professional tone.

"Thank you, have a good day. Before I leave, have you seen a male Twi'lek called Bibfort Kluub?"

She was the receptionist, she may have seen Sienn father, but maybe their client's identities were kept secret.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that due to our inner politics. Thank you for your understanding."

"Don't worry and goodbye."

Sienn seems downcast, but leaving the building, they saw Nejaa the Jedi that interrogated Layan before. Stepping toward them, he gave them the news.

"I found the father of your companion. He was admitted to the hospital. But don't worry, it's a common illness, he is already cured. We informed him that his daughter wanted to see him, he is waiting at the hospital. Come I'll drive you."

After he said that, he boarded a spacious airspeeder after all of them were seated, Nejaa drove to the hospital while responding to the questions the girls had about the Corellian system.

"Are you part of the famous Halcyon Jedi family, the one who is said to be gifted in absorbing energy and lacking a normal telekinetic ability under normal circumstances?"

Layan asked after some time, Shaak Ti gave him several lessons about Corellia and the green jedis and he remembers the name Halcyon.

"Yes, I am, while I lack a bit in telekinesis, I can achieve the Tutaminis ability."

"Lucky bastard, I tried hard but my control over it is still bad, this technique is so useful, it is with it that Grandmaster Satele Shan blocked Darth Malgus lightsaber barehanded on Alderaan."

"Do it or don't, there is no try." Mused the Jedi with a smile while piloting the airspeeder.

"Quoting Master Yoda to mock me now. Beware I could throw you out of this speeder just for fun." Told Layan while smiling, it was fun to relax, in his past life, he almost had never time to relax because of the pressure he had to shoulder as a leader.

"You could try, but would you find your way to the hospital?"

They continued to joke like that for a minute until they reached the hospital. Led by the Jedi master they reached a room where a male Twi'lek started to lose patience.


When Sienn saw her father, she jumped into his arms and burst into tears. She finally lost control over the stress piling up ever since her capture by slavers. Layan and the girls got a bit emotional looking at the reunion of the father and daughter. He never had the chance to reunite with his family after their separation and looking at this spectacle make him feel good.

Aola and Lyn started to cry while Xiann kept her stoic expression on her face, never Layan saw her cry or even sniff, but he could feel her sadness through the Force.

Once the two calmed down, they separate and Sienn father walked to Layan to thank him for saving his daughter.

Bibfort Kluub was a Rutian Twi'lek in his forties, slightly overweight with an amiable air around him and owning a merchant company that sells the rare fruits grown in the farms he owns on Ryloth and sells it on urban worlds like Coruscant or Corellia to make profits.

"Thank you for saving my daughter! I don't know how to thank you! Here take this and if you come one day on Ryloth, I'll welcome you to my house."

He hugged Layan with tears in his eyes and have him a mallet with around 50,000 credits in it which was a huge sum for a normal merchant that didn't do any shady business giving a high profit.

"Don't worry, keep your money, I did what was right."

Layan tried to calm the man down, but imagining that his daughter, his sole family left could have become the plaything of some jerk somewhere made him both furious and heartbroken.

"No, this is a token of my gratitude, I'll take you to a restaurant and offer you a lavish meal. Will you come with us Master Jedi?"

Bibfort asked Nejaa if he wanted to come but the man refused as he had other matter to take care of.

After exiting the hospital, the group found a luxurious restaurant and eat a luxurious meal, it was a good thing for the girls because the food on the ship wasn't abundant and what was left wasn't really to their taste, they could finally eat until their stomachs were full.

Bibfort told how he fell ill and had to be treated for a tanamen fever, fortunately, it was an easily curable illness. Nonetheless, he delayed him for a bit and saved his life at the same time.

After the meal was over, it was time for separations, Bibfort had to take his ship and see the damages that were done on his house on Ryloth when Sienn was kidnapped and he had his company to take care of.

All the girls were in tear, Bibfort and Layan were watching on the sidelines as they were saying their farewell to each other's and shared their holoprojectors information to keep in touch after that. It was another gift from Bibfort, after what they went through, they became great friends.

They separate at the spaceport and watch as the ship with Sienn and her father was on heading toward Ryloth.

"Will you leave too or stay with us for the time being?"

Layan asked Aola and Xiann, their destination was Coruscant where Aola last family members were residing, as for Xiann, she never said it but from Coruscant, you can go anywhere in the galaxy.

"No, we have time, I already contacted my family on Coruscant, they are waiting for us but we want to stay with Lyn for the time being. We will separate when you will be ready to leave Corellia." Answered Aola.

Soon, the holoprojector in Layan pocket beeped and a hologram of the woman they saw before informed them that they could come to the headquarter and will then be led to the orbital industrial zone.

At the headquarters, a man in his fifties wearing a corellian outfit was waiting for them and led them to the orbit in a transporter ship. Soon, they reached several small space stations where were constructed the smallest ship.

It was a small space station in comparison to something as the Death Star or the Centerpoint station but it housed hundreds of light freighters most of them still in construction.

"I was informed that your preference was the YT-series, so I'll first show you these classes but we have other types of ships that may suit your tastes. Now, if you wouldn't mind following me."

He then proceeds to show them the YT-series.