
Chapter (3) Machinations in the Galaxy

"What profit has a man from all his labor, in which he toils under the sun?"


(Shadi Pov)

"I will remain in touch. So stay right where you are," I finished speaking before abruptly shutting off the Holo caster. I reclined into my chair as a devilish smirk appeared on my face.

"That minister was lying to me," I thought aloud with my dandelion eyes staring at a data chip I began fiddling with in my hand. It spoke volumes of the minister's character that even in the face of certain death, he still chose to throw his life away.

"He'll regret his actions in the far future, but he is still valuable," I reminded myself, 'A new character will have to be added to the play if I want to have another personal interaction with that pale-skinned fool,' I concluded making a mental note for further contact.

My smirk finally faded as I began to contemplate the actual important issues that presented themself in the conversation, 'The Kaminoans failed in creating a force-sensitive clone, a shame though not unexpected,' I never actually believed the cloners had any chance of completing the true objective and effectively wrote off the experiment as a whole once I'd left the storm world.

'This was a fruitful conquest, however,' I thought open-ended as I took the data chip in my hand and placed it into my datapad's terminal. I wanted to see one more look through the notes I compiled from the Kaminoan's research database, 'It seems that droid was indeed a worthwhile investment,' a simple upgraded pit droid along with a distraction was all that was needed to gain access to the greatest cloner's in the galaxy database.

'The Kaminoans will prove to be instrumental in the fall of the Republic though they do not know it just yet,' I concluded before a blue light began flashing from the holocaster I had just finished using. Glancing over he read the name and scowled, 'Dratus Gleph,' I was immediately displeased with the caller.

'What does he want now,' I thought annoyed before accepting the call. A blue figure under the Muun species appeared clad in the same black robes as my own, only the figure's hood was down exposing his elongated cranium and the figure's unbearable height.

"My dear apprentice," he began his prim and proper annunciation, and a dark tone spread clearly through the room, I kneeled as the customary action for masters and apprentices, "It has been quite a while since you have contacted me. So I took the liberty of taking the initiative, though I doubt you would mind. Isn't that right my good boy," he said his arrogant chin pointing up as he looked down upon my bent form.

I centered myself, maintaining my emotions and making certain not to disrupt the force around me with the thoughts I was currently entertaining, "Of course not master, why I am a seeker of true knowledge and wisdom just like you. In fact, the only reason I had not spoken with you was merely because I wished not to bore you with daily reports filled with the monotonous happenings of the Naboo Senate," I said in an honest tone, my eyes looking up at him with as much innocence as I could muster.

"Don't fret my beloved Palpatine. I wouldn't dare entertain the thought of treachery coming from you. After all, we are to remake what was once lost and rejuvenate the order," Good he bought it just like he always does. Now he will start ranting as part of step two, "No longer will that treacherous commandment force our numbers to be so infinitesimally small compared to the galaxy. Instead, like a phoenix our people shall be rebirthed and take what is rightfully theirs, as long as they stay true to the faith," he said in a fervent passion.

It was humorous to see my…teacher in this light though this wasn't the only time he allowed himself to be flung into an emotion-filled speech to me. Sadly, his emotions fell on deaf ears for I only agreed with one point in the entirety of what he had just said. But of course, he won't need that, nor should he know that.

"Indeed lord Plagueis, and from my interactions with the Kaminoan government. I must say your wisdom is truly without depth, they will be worthy pawns bringing forth your new empire," I said speaking in the same voice of admiration I had used to gain the apprenticeship so many years ago.

His lips stretched into a curve, he smiled pleased with my response, "Very good my apprentice, Nearly a decade ago I made the same conclusion after a swift visit to that dreadfully dark world. Hearing you concur, is quite relieving and moves the chances of success up a few notches for my plan," he said with a malicious glint in his eyes.

He yawned into his hand afterward, "It seems the time has come for our conversation to come to a close. I eagerly await your next call Sidious, but until then-," he said finishing before waving his hand in an elegant manner as a method of saying "goodbye".

I sighed watching the blue light dissipate into the base of the circular display module in the center of my room, 'It is perplexing that he is the strongest force user in the galaxy,' it was surely a controversial statement to be sure but one I was in full support of.

Before I had been inducted into the Sith or rather what was left of the Sith I had met the current Grand Master of the Jedi order in passing, Grand Master Yoda. The green dwarf looked old, but I knew his appearance did not match his true age. Nonetheless, the feeling I had when I was near him was… disappointing.

It was as if he had grown complacent and lazy in the time of peace for the Republic. He was something akin to a dull sword. Unusable, rusty, and needing replacement, but the Jedi master was most certainly capable and even I now stand no chance against him. However, there was most definitely a gap between my master and the Jedi's figurehead in power.

Darth Plagueis the wise, a truly unique existence in the galaxy, and my master in the ways of the Sith. The man was supposedly immortal and everything I had experienced only reinforced that fact. The Sith lord had an unbearable amount of knowledge and experience, and even I must assume he has lived far longer than any member of his race should. Because of that, my master may not realize it but he has gained an air of haughty superiority.

He is far more reckless than he should, be and much more willing to take a risk now and then. Rather than keeping his nose to the grindstone and planning for all possibilities and cornering his prey just as Dewbacks hunt Wamp rats on Tatooine. I am afraid that loose mentality shall cost him…dearly. Nonetheless, even with his loose attitude, I have never been able to coax the secret to his 'immortality' out of him. Even on one night when I had become particularly bold and made sure to get the both of us heavily intoxicated (though I had taken a drug to alleviate any impairment to my mind). He still managed to deny my 'inebriated' advances, though I did learn something that would be useful later.

"Master Sidious, your dinner is prepared in the dining room," a butler droid entered through my door as I was deep in thought. Speaking of I was starting to feel famished, it seemed I had found another worthy investment. I then followed into my bright dining room to continue ironing out my future plans. After all, the victor is those who plan ahead.


(Jedi Knight Sifo Dyas Pov)

 The power of foresight is an ability many if not all in the galaxy could see themselves desiring. Who wouldn't lust after the visions of the future, past, and far-away events in the present?

Of course, the truth surrounding the force ability is nothing like it has been fantasized to be. The visions are…intense to say the least. Because not only does one get 'transported' to the scene, but they can feel the emotions of all individuals present. The hate, the anguish, the love, and the great pain are all experienced by me along with what I feel. Leading to…problems, I ended up developing a terrible stutter due to my experiences and am heavily medicated because my dreams are not safe from the nightmares my mind cooks up from seeing things I am not even a part of.

Leading to the interesting events of my mediation with my master today.

{Flash Back}



'Smoke?' I asked myself as I breathed in through my nose in my closed-eye meditation. Slowly I began to open my eyes to my surroundings.

A campfire was the only light illuminating the space on a… red ash-ridden sand making the world appear as if it was made out of Blood. The light of the inferno bounced off of a circle of stone stools and hollowed-out wooden logs sunk in the sand to be for seating. The bouncing light danced about as a ballerina glided across the floor and in the air, taking leaps and bounds until it finally died out in the darkness.

On one side of the fire sat a… man, a human male I believe. I was uncertain because the light reflected multicolored bandages that formed his character. He sat hunched towards the fire staring into the flame with what could only be seen as a lifetime of meaningless toil seen through his eyes. He wiped his thumb across his cheek as blood seemed to seep through his skin dyeing the bandages covering himself crimson with his fluids.

Besides the white cloth coverings, he also wore black baggy pants filled on the inside with what I assumed to be bandages with similarly black boots. His upper body was covered with a simple, thin, tight, black, t-shirt that stretched across his torso covering more bandages, on the center of his chest was a faded white insignia of the Republic. The last piece of his outfit was a tattered brown robe-like cloak that wrapped around his wounded features loosely like a bow on a gift.

On the other side of the fire was a boy of about age 16. He bore sand blonde hair along with healthy white skin. His body was wrapped in a white shirt in a traditional desert style, he wore pants that paired with his shirt and were also a pale white. His boots were tan and made for uneven terrain they came to the tops of his shins but below his knees.

The boy seemed hesitant to talk to the man. To say the least, he seemed like me, more shy of interactions with strangers than interactions with dangerous wildlife. He sat on a stone stool looking at the fire while periodically glancing up at the human sitting across from him. He opened his mouth to speak before shaking his head and deciding to remain silent.

The first thing I felt wasn't the warmth of the fire but rather the coldness of the dark side. The evil-natured energy blanketed the very ground like a blanket of snow. I had to center myself and calm my rapid heart from the anxiety and fear it tried desperately to fuse within me. I also had to watch my own emotions as they agitated my anger, hate, and disgust along with prejudices.

I noticed that the figure seemed to not be affected at all by the environment's deadly grasp. Yet the boy seemed to become increasingly more uneasy as he continued to sit closer to the warmth of the fire. Fortunately for the boy, the man's tranquility seemed to radiate outwards guarding the boy as well from the forces of evil, though he did not know it.

Just as the boy was going to force the courage to speak the man addressed him, "Your journey was fool's errand boy. You are not prepared nor are you permitted to be here," the man shook his head as I heard the deep raspy voice that came from behind the flittering cloth covering his mouth, "Turn back," he said slowly and methodically.

The man's eyes were apathetic yet I couldn't quite tell what color they were in the fire's light and the dark backdrop, "No," the boy said defiantly his blue eyes sparkling, "I am a Jedi like my father before me. I was told by my uncle that you were the perfect Jedi long ago. And I ask that you train me in the arts of the light side of the force," the boy said heroically as he stood up holding a light saber I had never seen before in his hand above his head.

The man snorted, "Sit back down and put that away before you hurt yourself," he said dismissively waving his hand. The man coughed suddenly before bringing out a white cloth rag and wiping his mouth of blood, "Kid you are no warrior. You and your family along with your uncle would be better off letting go of dreams of the past," he spoke concisely.

"How could you say that!" the boy said with wide eyes astonished at what he was hearing, "Jedis were no warriors, they were keepers of the peace! And you with my father and my uncle apparently fought through many battles. So you must train me!" he began uncertainly in his tone before regaining his heroic voice.

The man did not get annoyed, he did not get angry, and he did not immediately respond. He instead looked down at the fire, his eyes scanning it, I had no idea what he was thinking, "The Jedi are not warriors, that much is true, but the galaxy doesn't need peace keepers instead it needs creators of peace," the man slowly began to speak, "The time for the Jedi and Sith has passed. The flawed doctrines of both have led the galaxy to ruin again and again. Even if one was to defeat all the current evil in the universe, one day they shall die, and one-day evil will return," he said somberly as he looked at the fire with saddened eyes, "No pursuit in life is worthwhile, that is the conclusion I arrived at with the time I have existed. Long ago I thought that purpose and meaning could be derived through the Jedi order, now I see that it was all futility. That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done," he said before glancing up at the boy with tired eyes, "And there is nothing new under the sun," he finished returning his gaze to the fire.

The boy seemed confused about the words the man spoke, "So I guess you won't help me then," he said giving his childish response.

"No, I am afraid not," the man said not lifting his eyes.

The boy seemingly anxious about wasting his trip decided to ask an unrelated question, "Then what do you know about a man named Joshua Graham?" he questioned innocently.

The man's face showed no change but the mere utterance of the name stirred his tranquil emotions. I could feel a crack in his impenetrable wall and a ripple in his sea. The boy seemed to have felt it too instinctually and inched backward, "Be careful using that name boy," the man said with restrained anger.

"I-I am sorry for offending you sir," the boy quickly apologized.

The man's features softened under his bandaged visage. He calmed his emotions before responding, "It's fine. I have a lot of bad memories tied with that name, but if someone can learn from the life of that man. Then I shall willingly tell his story," he said before turning his view off of the boy.

He slowly turned his head till he faced…me. He seemed to look through my spirit as he began to speak again, "It all began on the storm world of Kamino…."

And all went black again

{Flashback End}

"A-And t-hat's what I saw Dooku," I said finishing my re-telling of my vision to my friend.

"That is….troubling," he said with his hand on his chin in contemplation, "Do you know whether this happened in the past, present, or future?" he asked seeking more information.

"I-I believe it's the f-future. The m-man had a m-modern Republic insigni-a on his chest," I relayed to Dooku.

He seemed to continue thinking about my experience, "I shall ask Qui-Gon what he thinks. He was always more attuned to the force than I, but I am afraid other than that. I am of no more help my friend," Dooku said trying to be helpful.

"I-I will inform the council as well. P-perhaps t-they might shine l-light on this issue," I struggled to say as my brain taxed in thought, "Till we m-meet again, may t-the force b-be with you," I said as I bowed to my friend.

"And with you as well," Dooku elegantly lowered his head.