
Chapter (2) The Dawn of That Which Should Not Have Been

"That which exists without my knowledge exists without my consent,"

- Judge Holden, Blood Meridian

(3rd Pov)

[Author's note: Prepare for a bit of SCIENCE!]

Imagine a room.

The room, like any other room, has one door, four walls, and a bed. Along the walls are dressers, a bookshelf, and even a nightstand. Imagine that this room is immaculately cleaned once. The books stand pristine on their shelves, the bed is folded nice and neat with its sheets tucked into the corners.

Everything is neat and orderly.

Now, imagine someone living in said room. Over time the room will no longer be the immaculately clean image you first thought of. Instead, dirt will cling to the doors, spider webs may be in the corners and those books may even end up scattered on the floor.

All in All the room becomes disorderly.

This transformation, this shift from order to disorder, mirrors the essence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics—a fundamental rule of the universe. It's the reason why untended gardens grow wilder, why hot coffee cools, and why a pristine sandcastle eventually succumbs to the relentless waves.

At its core, this law captures the natural tendency of closed systems—those untouched by external forces—to evolve from structured arrangements to more randomized states. It's a law that underlines the subtle dance of energy, illustrating why the universe tends toward greater entropy, embracing disorder as time progresses.

And so the question becomes: 'What if a universe was a bit more disorderly than the others'

(3rd Pov)

Months passed as the Kaminoans diligently worked in their stuffy clean laboratories. Their diligence had so far been rewarded, evidenced by the fact that an almost end of term, male human fetus, placed in a quasi-amniotic fluid floated in a glass cloning pod in the Chief Medical Officer's personal laboratory.

The Prime Minister had finally decided to step in and inquire about an update to one of the cloner's most ambitious projects yet. He had held off not only due to the workload as the chief politician of his people but also because of the invisible danger that radiated through the air around this request. Even now the mere thought of his exchange with Shadi Duritos made him shiver thinking of the otherworldly venomous yellow eyes that illuminated the hood of his dark wardrobe.

"Minister, are you listening?" Nala Se asked in concern staring at the minister with worry.

"I am sorry, I was thinking of our client, please forgive my inattention. Please repeat what you were saying," he apologized burying the nightmarish experience once again.

Nala Se immediately understood what the minister was referring to and did not hold his rudeness against him and instead repeated what she had previously said, "The clone should be ready within a few more weeks as it finished the final developmental stages," she informed of the clone's progress in growth.

"Good, we are right on schedule," he remarked staring at the white flesh of the human baby, "And what of the special enhancements our customer asked for?" he inquired.

Nala Se nodded before touching the screen of the datapad and swiping to a page of notes, "All of his additions were able to successfully be implemented. The individual will have a heavy increase in reflexes, muscle mass, and life span. Our customer even asked for the pricey eternal youth option, though I am unsure why he asked for the clone to have a large aversion to electricity," Nala Se explained before noting the oddity in the customer's request.

Lama Su looked at the scientist with a grave expression, "Don't ask questions you aren't prepared to hear the answer to," he spoke with fear laced in his voice.

Nala Se nodded before continuing, "I must report however that this clone is experiencing brain wave signals that are nothing short of bizarre," she spoke with slight confusion, her voice layered on a scientific curiosity.

Lama Su looked at her strangely, how could he not? Nala Se had cloned organisms of almost every species and had simulated thousands of cloning procedures since she had enrolled in the Kaminoan Research Division. Academic excellence and scientific brilliance have been her staples since she joined.

The minister frowned, "Bizarre, how exactly?" He asked, a sense of both anticipation and dread hanging in the air like storm clouds.

Nala Se breathed in deeply before letting out a tired exhale, "The brain activity has shown to be quite a bit higher than any other clone, but that alone wouldn't be enough for me to bring it to your attention," she said before continuing, "It seems this clone has some kind of 6th sense, one that is heavily intertwined with emotion," she finished letting the Minister consider the logical conclusion to what she had said.

The Minister brought a hand to his small pale chin and contemplated the familiar traits he knew he had heard before. 'Where have I heard of such an oddity?', He asked himself. Only to find his eyes widening at the mere prospect of what Se was hinting at.

"You couldn't possibly think that this clone is… 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦?" he asked in disbelief.

If anyone else had suggested such a possibility to Lama Su he would refer them to a psychologist so that their condition could be studied. Since the advent of cloning technology and contact with the force-sensitive individuals of the galaxy, cloners of all varieties have been trying to make their own batch of force sensitives. The purpose of these clones tended to center on one purpose: warfare.

All had elaborate fantasies of placing the galaxy firmly under their control with their nigh unbeatable army. Even if the other factions had more skill and experience, each and every power-hungry tyrant cloner in the making would have more than enough in numbers to deal with any and all opposing threats. It propelled forward cloning research for nearly a century as all researchers vigorously looked for methods to obtain the holy grail and apparent apex of cloning science.

Sadly, all who ventured out to conquer this achievement were left with dead end after dead end. The possibility of a force-sensitive clone became an impossibility, it seemed as though the universe itself worked against any attempt. No matter the race, species, mutation, or any other permutation changed in the experiment the result was a failure.

That is….until now

"I am afraid I am drawn to the same conclusion, Minister," Nala Se concurred, "...Should I terminate the clone?" she asked casually.

Lama Su paused for a moment as he contemplated his next course of action. Obviously, there had to have been something more to the genetic donor than what met the eye furthering the mystery surrounding their client. One thing was made certain to the minister, however, and that is the fact that above all he could not give this clone away. The prospects of danger and threats simply outweighed any fear he had of the individual known as Shadi.

At least for now, his logic prevailed over his fear.

Leaving the only question that remained unanswered, "To kill or not to kill?" he voiced to himself aloud. He wrestled with each choice as well as their respective pros and cons. In the end, the greed in his heart prevailed over his caution, "Continue with the process. I shall update our plans with this…specimen going forward," he informed.

"Understood Minister," Nala Se said, bowing her head without questioning the orders she had been given.

'It seems I have some different news to inform the client today,' Lama Su thought as he strode out of the Chief of Kamino's Medicinal Research department's laboratory.

He walked slowly through the halls thinking to himself and constructing a plan that might help him avoid the wrath of Shadi. Excuses piled up upon other excuses in hopes that they may be able to save him from the coming scourge. In the end by the time Lama Su had made his way to his office, he already had a slight sweat dripping down his near-translucent white skin.

Once seated at his desk at the rear of the room he took a deep breath psyching himself up before inputting his code and activating his holocaster linking to a private number found on the Republic's holonet. He sat waiting patiently in his office as he knew the holocaster on the other side with his client would be ringing.

A part of him hoped that the communication would be declined. That maybe by some stroke of odd luck the client completely forgot of the arrangement he had made with some politician of a forgotten cloning planet in the outer rim.

Unfortunately, the Minister was not a lucky man.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this… unexpected call, Minister Su?" the sinister voice was the first thing broadcasted through the holonet. Shortly followed by the appearance of Shadi in a blue hologram.

From what the minister could see Shadi Duritos was still wearing the same blackened robe that he had worn during their initial meeting. Besides that, the molten metal yellow eyes glared down upon him from the blue hologram. It was honestly impressive how the dark clothing and piercing danger eyes made the man of a mere 1.73 meters (5.8 feet) appear as though he was some colossus bearing down on his enemy.

Lama Su proceeded to swallow the remaining saliva in his now bone-dry mouth, "I am afraid we have run into an unforeseen consequence, and I am informing you of our inability to complete your request," Lama Su carefully spoke before bracing.

"Is that so?" Shadi asked before a chair appeared behind him and he sat down. Shadi slowly leaned back into his throne before pausing for a moment and simply staring at the Kaminoan. His face showed no hint of displeasure, frustration, or even surprise for that matter. 

'Wait, where did that seat come from?' The Minister's eyes slightly widened as the composure he had built during his stroll slowly began eroding away.

"If it would not be of trouble. May I ask what the error was that led to the failure of my request?" Shadi began to speak calmly as his irradiating yellow eyes bore through Lama Su, "Please do not find my… questions to have any intention of offending you. I simply wanted to know what caused the great Kaminoan cloners to be defeated in their master craft," he elaborated, throwing subtle jabs at the minister.

It would have been a lie to say that his words did not sting the minister's pride in his people's handiwork. He was the prime minister after all, "I… am not offended," the prime minister said relenting to staying calm and mapping out a convincing lie, "As for the cloning procedure, we had encountered a special mutation of your ancestor leading to an inability to make any clones using his genetic template," he shortly explained.

Shadi through the hologram closed his eyes seemingly contemplating. Moments passed in silence and just when the minister thought he was in the clear the dark figure spoke again, "Please explain what this mutation does. Personally I am curious as to the possibility that I might possess a unique trait," he said opening his eyes before adding, "Who knows, maybe even I could have the potential to be a killer,"

The minister began to feel a pit in his stomach. He had not expected Shadi to inquire further, from the minister's observation the man should have discarded the project immediately upon hearing it had been a failure. The minister quickly traced in his mind a cover that held a nugget of the truth and enough filler so as to not seem suspicious.

"From what we understood of both the clone and the donor's genetic framework. The gene seems to relate to some sort of sixth sense," the minister replied doubts already appearing in his story.

"Ha Ha," Shadi laughed," Please don't try to play dumb with me, Lama Su. That is not all the knowledge gleaned from your research. Now, repeat yourself and tell me what you actually found," he emphasized amusement gleaming in the amber colored slits.

The minister finally began to sweat seeing the predicament he had dug himself into. Still, he knew that the core of the lie, the living clone, remained unknown to the man staring at him. Because of this, he decided on the last ditch effort of telling the truth but staying in the dark about the truth of the clone's status.

"I along with the researchers attached to this project theorized that this genetic trait had to do with one's midichlorian count. Before you ask, it is impossible to edit this gene," Lama Su said disclosing enough information to satisfy the tyrant….for now.

From the vague expression that the minister could make out, Shadi seemed to be displeased. His displeasure however was not the one you would see in someone who had witnessed another's failure. Rather it instead was the visage of a cat disappointed at how quickly the mouse it was hunting gave up.

"A shame," Shadi said before quickly deciding to end the broadcast, "I have wasted enough time. I'll remain in touch minister, and do be sure to tell your assistant to add another cube of sugar for your tea," finishing his cryptic words the blue image disappeared.

The minister slumped into his chair. Finally, his dealings with the creature known as Shadi Duritos had come to an en-



'Who could that be?' the minister thought as he poked his eyes above his hand that was massaging his stress-ridden face, "Come in" he said loudly to the occupant outside.

As the door slid open the minister's heart plummeted one final time. Because through the door walked Sorrin, his assistant, carrying a plate of tea.