
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

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42 Chs

CHAPTER 33" Rabbid defeat ii

It growled a it launched it's fist towards towards Zerav who was also suspended in mid air. At that point no escape as there's no way he block himself from the devastating blow.

 He took a risk meeting it in mid air head on since he had the advantage but seems like the tables were about to turn on him. 

 On the ground Dianne was done healing Ben and the other boy with her magic. As she was done she slumped on the ground in exhaustion and Ben immediately ran to her to help her. 

"what's going on" Ben asked her out of concern for her health. 

 "it's draining me" She responded to his question.


She coughs struggling to keep herslef in other and keep the beast in mid air as the Zero grav magic was still draining her energy. 

 "Then drop it we will face it as its hits the ground " Ben, the boy was was almost killed a couple of minutes ago said in pride and confidence.

 "No!! " Dianne responded sharply to his words. 

"Zerav will handle it" she said in a weak tone but confidence showed in her low voice. 

Ben was irritated and yelled, 

"How can you blindly trust him, an ordinary for that matter if I can't defeat this thing then no ordinary can do better"

" His not like you and that's what I like about him, no pride, no deciet he takes someone the way they are and believes in them for what they can do" Dianne yelled back at him. 

"he seems like the only person who seems to get my point of view" Dianne said lowering her tone.

" And I know he belives in me to keep this thing stable so he can beat it that the kind of person he his and it's your pride that got us to where we are right now" Dianne said. 

"if Zerav and I had helped from the beginning we would have been done with this a long time ago" Dianne said in a really low tone but unaware that Ben and the other boy heard her. 


 As the fist cane towards him, Zerav shifted his body position divating all his body weight to the right and falling down slanting side ways. 

 The huge fist missed his body be inches,zerav twisted out of the way switching his target. 

 His initial plan was to go for the eye and the face, but he changed it. Zerav twisted and swung his scythe at the back of the Rabbids neck and a sharp bright purple glow was released. The scythe penetrated it's armour. 


 The Rabbid roared out loud in pain and agony as Zerav was still holding onto his scythe as the Rabbid began to struggle ferociously punching and thrusting it massive fist everywhere but yet was still suspended in mid air. 

 Zerav found his footing on Rabbid back while also holding on to his scythe, he saw a window of opportunity. He then jumped upward to his scythe. 

"Dark repulsion"

He said in a dark tone as his leg gave off a dark glow and he kicked his scythe with so much force it released some sort of shock wave.Causing it to go slot deeper into the ferocious beast completely making it to roar out in pain. 



 Ben,Duanne and the last boy heard the terrifying roar of the monster and got frightened.

 Dianne was frightened by the fact that it might have killed him already. 

Roaring at the top of its lungs, Zerav jumped backwards off the Rabbid, avoiding it's huge fist which it was swinging from one side to another.Zerav grabbed o to a tree branch and watched the monster as it was in pain. Then he yelled.


Dianne hearing his voice was supposed and happy at the same time, Ben had a shocked expression on his face as the ordinary is still alive even he couldnt believe it himself. 

 "Drop it!!!! " 

 They heard his voice once more as he was telling Dianne to drop the Rabbid. 

"What!!! ' Ben exclaimed in shock of what he was hearing then immediately turned to Dianne and said. 

"Are you really gonna listen to him the monster is still alive and kicking and he wants you to drop it so it can kill us" Ben said to her but Dianne was just quiet. Which got on Ben nerves even more. 

"Common Dianne are you gonna listen to him or me" Ben said to her but she was still quiet and he could not tell what expression was on her face as it was dark already. 

"you..... "Dianne said and immediately Ben smiled and laughed out loud, 


"Good" He said in aware that Dianne was not done. 

"Are doing this out of spite for someone whose trying to see your life but your pride won't allow it" Dianne said In a dull tone.

 " I will never trust you " She finally said and the dim glow which Ben could see from afar went off followed by an amazinly large sound of impact which struck the ground in full force. 


Causing the ground around them to shake like an earthquake, the vibration was so powerful it made Ben and the other boy to fall back to the ground. 

 After recovering from the shock, they all stood up and took to thier feets and slowly began to move slowly towards the beast which was motionless on the ground. 


 They heard and it shocked them in fright but the beast didn't make any movement of any sort,so Diane crept closer and closer to it followed by Ben and the boy cowering behind her. 

 As she got to the beast, something was moving on top of it like a monstrous humanly figure. Ben saw this and was immediately frightened and brought out his sword to face while he still stood behind Diane. 


Diane called, 

 Assive the monstrous dark looking figure recognized the name it came closer towards them and as it got to them.it revealed a devilish handsome creature in black and white hair, with light purple pupils in his eyes which seems to glow somehow in the moonlight,It was no other than Zerav. 

 Diane face brightened up (even though she was still exhausted).

 "your OK thank goodness " she yelled and jumped up with excitement making Ben have a pissed off irritated look on his face. 

 "it's not dead yet just unable to move"Zerav said as he pulled out his scythe from its neck causing red blood to flow out of it. 


 Getting Ben and the boy frightened once more. 

 " we can camp here" Zerav said removing his bag from his back, and Diane followed suite. 

 Ben still in shock, 

"What!!! "

" are you crazy? " He yelled

"Camp beside that thing that's prepostrous " Ben yelled,

 Zerav let out an exhausted sigh and turned his head to look at Ben,

 "What are you scared " Zerav asked him in a dull tone which Diane found funny.

 "Me never" Ben's immediate response to the question.

 "Then we camp here or you can go somewhere else to camp in this unholy night" Zerav said in a cold dark tone meaning he was not insisting at all.

 The cold tone from Zerav caused shivers of fright to go down Ben's spine and he had no other choice other than to agree.