
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs

CHAPTER 32: Rabbis defeat

 Ben was knocked out cold on the ground nearly able to stand up on his feet. And the other was just moving around the beast invading it's fist and trying to avoid it from hitting him. 

 He ran around the beast in circles while also throwing blue energy balls at It. 


The black rabbis roared really loud out of maybe annoyance assive it has had enough of him. The Rabbis then swung it's giant arm and struck the boy,


 The boy yellled as he flew backwards due to the impact of the fist on him,he struck a tree and fell to the ground in pain. 

"Now's our chance" Zerav yelled,

Ben hearing thus raised his head up to look at him and Dianne,whose hand was giving off a light pink intense lol a bright light in the dark. 

 Zerav turned to his left and took off assive running away from battle leaving only Dianne. 

 " Whats that's coward doing "Ben said inwardly as he saw him run away. 

 Immediately it happened Dianne charged towards the Rabbis running straight towards it really fast. 

 The Rabbids looking towards her direction noticed some kind of light making it's way towards him fast.

 " Rooooaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr"

The Rabbids roared louder than ever as she got closer and closer towards him. It launched it's fist downward towards her ,

"No stop it's too dangerous!!!!" Ben yelled as he stood up and fell right back to the ground. 

 Dianne was fast enough to move to her left avoiding the punch sent by the beast. Its huge fist struck the ground and the ground shook once again like an earthquake, causing dust to rise and be everywhere in the darkness. 

 Ben turned his head left and right looking for Dianne but had no sight of her. 

"where is she " Ben said with a worried and scared expression on his face as he looked left and right in search of her.



"NOOOO!!! "

Ben yelled out loud at the top of his lung trying to get up to fight but the injury on his left leg was not making it easy for him as tears slowly rolled down his cheeks. 

The Rabbid hearing his annoying screams turned it's head towards him and began to move towards him step by step. Ben increasing screamng louder and louder as it came towards him, 

"I'll kill you!!!! "He yelled at the top of his lung in anger.

The Rabbis stopped in front of him and stood still for some seconds was still whaling as Dianne death was paining him as he laid on the ground and helplessly watching her get crushed without doing anything about it. He felt weak as he always tried to be tough but there was nothing he could do to save someone else, he can never be a socecrer under these conditions and he blamed himself as he cried out loud. 

 The Rabbid slowly raised it's fist huge high Into the air, Ben knew what was going to happen. 

"I'm going to die" He said inwardly as was shaking in fear of what was about to happen.

 Hid eyes widened staring at the fist which was high in the air directly above him.

 " I deserve this" He said inwardly to himself. 

"I've always followed the rule of weaklings not being aloud in this life where only the strongest can survive "He said again to himself. 

"I am weak after all" he said

"I'm a disgrace to my family name" he said as he closed his eyes ready to take the hit and Into the cold arms of death. 

 In that instance a kind of bright flash appeared which got him to open his eyes, he turned his head to his left. Some distance away from him seeing some sort of bright pink glow which he recognized. His heart began pounding really fast in excitement as she was alive, the Rabbis turned his head towards the light as well as it got it's attention. 

 Dianne ran towards with everything she had and touched, placing her hand on the Rabbids foot. 

 " bestow onto you the power of lightness decide the laws of reality and heed my Command" she said speedinly assive she was in a speed talking contest.

"Zero grav" she yelled. 

 The Rabbids lifted it's fist to hit her but it could not, as its slowly started to Emmit a deal pink glow and slowly started to float up in mid air. 

"you are alive thank God " Ben said as he smiled but paused as Diane gaze was not on him but on the beast she sent floating in the air. 

"Zerav it's all up to you " he heard her say and his expression changed completely to be dull. 

 Then Zerav is seen climbing on a tree with his bear hands moving,jumping and twisting from one branch to another with his scythe hanged at his back. His movements weren't human like, the way he moved jumped climbed with his speed and agility were similar to how a beast. 

 Zerav was climbing the tree getting to its highest part keeping up with how fast the Rabbid was floating, immediately he saw it he knew it was the time to strike and for him to finish the job.

"I'm not going to miss" Zerav said to himself, jumped high up into the air holding onto a branch and twisting high above it. 

 And like a monster aiming for it prey he trusted towards it with incredible force with his legs from the tree. 

 He jumped forward towards the Rabbid taking his scythe which was hung at his back, his scythe blade was Emmiting a dim purple glow and also releasing dark purple charges. 

 The dim light from the scythe got the beast attention, though at this point it was upside suspended in mid air as it was facing Zerav. The light got it's attention then it turned it's head at Zerav. 


It growled a it launched it's fist towards towards Zerav who was also suspended in mid air. 


My latest chapters are going to be dropping late due to the fact that I have slot of things I'm working on but pls bear with me as this isn't the only thing I'm writing and I'll try to be quick as the hard copy is almost complete.