
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs

CHAPTER 34: Hard ship

*Early morning the next day*

 Louisa was treated like a servant through out since the competition began. But she liked working normally so none of it really bothered her and she kept her lovely smile on her face despite going through hardship. The lovely beautiful yellowed haired elf Louisa was in a team of 3 girls one boy, they found 2 stones yesterday.

 A girl named Kerra who was also an aspiring archer is the one who louisa has been helping, carry her bag with her own all through the journey.kerra was gifted with immense beauty, she had white hair and dark

blue pupils in her eyes,her hair long enough it got to her waiste just above her backside,just like Louisa.

 As they went on Kerra fired an arrow far ahead of them hitting a tree and it released a light blue glow as it struck the tree.

"Wow!! "

 The girl with them exclaimed seeing kerra's shot.

 "That was so great sis" the boy Kelvin said cheering his sister on, he is a handsome boy with white hair and immensly beautiful light blue eyes.

 "Thank you I am awesome"She said with a smile on her face pushing her white hair to the back,

 "Heyyy!!!!" Kerra yelled 

"Don't make us behind schedule" Kerra yelled as her brother and the girl passed her by.


Louisa said struggling to carry herself as the weight from her bag and kerra's bag was weighing down on her and killing her speed.

 ",Hurry up!!"Kerra yelled at her once again and turned to continue moving forward.

"I'm sorry"Louisa said as she was panting heavenly. The boy,kerra's brother Kelvin noticed this since yesterday but did not want to interfere at all but he is now that things are gradually getting worst.

 He went closer to Kerra,

 "Hey you might want to take it easy on the girl" He said.

 "What!!" Kerra had a shocked look on her face as she looked at her brother .

 "Why?" She asked.

 "I'm just telling you that you should go easy on her at least she's also human as well" Kelvin said an looked turned his head to look left and right and leaned closer to kerra's ear.

 "And beside that's the girl who aimed more than 10 centre in a row without missing a single shot." Kelvin said.

 "What!!" Kerra exclaimed in suprise.

"Shhhh bring your voice down" Kelvin cautioned her.

"This one "She said stylishly pointing at Louisa who was struggling to walk and also having trouble keeping up. Louisa then fell to the ground.

"You can't be serious" Kerra face went dull as she says this.

 " From what I've heard not even Azest could measure up to her" Kelvin said as they both walked side be side.

 "Azest(Kerra paused and raised her hand to her chin to think) you must be joking" She said.

 "I also find it hard to believe but just like dad use to say there's more to something that meets the eye" Kelvin said which also threw Kerra I to taught,making her turn her head backwards to look at Louisa sizing her up.

The girl directly ahead of them who had black hair with black pupils in her eyes turned to the twins(Kerra and Kelvin)

 "We have 2, where are we going to find the other one" she said.

 "I don't know we'll find it as we go" Kerra said

 "Sure hope we haven't missed it" The girl said

 Kelvin straining his eyes searching as they walked , then ahead of them he sighted a kind of large, long plant like flowerwhich had it's petals purple in colour and was in the middle of the rode which they were passing. And on it was what looked like an orange colored something hanging on it.

 "That's it" Kelvin yelled and pointed at it getting Kerra and the girl attention.

Kerra then turned around to face Louisa and yelled who was a bit far behind.

 "Hey slow poke hurry up"

 "Coming" Louisa shouted so Kerra could hear her.

 "It's just a bit difficult to carry my bag and yours at the same time" She said.

 Kerra on the other hand just looked at her and hissed, she then turned and continued moving.

 The boy Kelvin ran to the Ruby which was suspiciously placed on a giant flowering looking plant along thier path.

 As Kelvin was about to place his hand on th ruby, the plant then started to come vibrate in a funny way. Kelvin stood in place at it began to shake and his eyes widened as the top part of the flower which was facing the sky, slowly bent to look down on him.

 Revealing a terrifying red eye at the flowers top side, looking down on Kelvin who was pettryfied in fear as he stared directly into it's monstrous eyes.

 Then tentacles began to rise up out of the ground and was heading straight for Kelvin.

 "Kelvin look out!!!!" Kerra yelled.

 In an instant Kelvin shook off his fear and was fast enough to jump backward doing backflips as he went. But the plant was relentless and the tentacles followed him.

 Kelvin kept avoiding the monster tentacles,then he missed his steps and fell to the ground. Then hard wooden tentacles like vine went straight for him Kelvin was on the ground frozen in fear as he tried to crawl backwards away from it . One tentacle grabbed his legs and the other were going for his neck and hand,he was pinned down and had could not move and the tentacles slowly dragged him back to the monster. He struggled and struggled but could not get free from his impending doom, it seemed all over for him.

 Then an arrow shot out of nowhere and struck the tentacle on his neck cutting it off completely

*Roooooooaaaaaarrrrr* the beast roared loudly in pain as it's tentacles was severed off.

. Kelvin eyes widened and just then the girl appeared from nowhere fast and sliced the tentacles one by one and the plant beast screamed and shook even more as it was in serious pain. 

 As she was done,she quickly placed her sword at her back and held Kelvin arm to pull him up. The monster turned to face them as it was now enraged by it's misery and pain. It's tentacles shot towards them really fast, Kelvin seeing this turned to look at her.

 "Hold on" He said and immediately she held onto him tightly and he stretched his hand forward.


 He yelled and a large blue ball appeared infront of his hand and shit out like a rocket pushing Hime and the girl backwards.


 A huge sound erupted as the tentacles struck the ground.

I really think this chapter might have been a little bit to quick and missing somethings I'll update it as I read through to make corrections for future readers.


kosnikacreators' thoughts