
Sorcerer in Hollywood

Meet Christian, a time traveler from the year 2017 who finds himself in the vibrant, eclectic world of 1990s Hollywood. But Christian isn't just any time traveler; he's an aspiring director with a unique twist – he's also a part-time sorcerer. As he navigates the bustling entertainment scene of the '90s, Christian's dual talents create an intriguing blend of magic and movies. It is a thrilling blend of time travel, movie-making, and magic, offering readers a front-row seat to the enchanting and enigmatic world of Hollywood in the 1990s, where the past, present, and future converge in ways that no one could have ever imagined. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. This is where I read it- Qidian. so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Dark_Symphony · Filem
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81 Chs

Christian's Troubles

Is this a time travel?

A moment ago, he was in China in 2017, deeply immersed in post-production for his project; the next moment, he's in the United States in 1993, lying in a hospital bed with bandages on his head, the melody of "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" still ringing in his ears?

Is it 1993?

Well, if the news report on the TV in the hospital room wasn't some prank to fool him, it might indeed be 1993.

It seems like he's genuinely time-traveled—although there's no "My 1997..." background music.

In any case, if he hasn't misread the calendar, it's unmistakably 1993.

Ahem, stop! He's now separated from his 2017 homeland by the vast Pacific Ocean. According to tradition, the most fitting background music for this time would probably be the "Imperial March."

Yes, the era he landed in was on the cusp of the information age, the United States is at its zenith.

So, as a time traveler, what should he do at this moment?

Buy Apple stock, Google stock, Oracle stock, buy...

Those are the standard options.

Maybe take the route of Facebook, making Facebook lose its appeal; Go the YouTube way, depleting YouTube's video reservoir?

These could work, though the last option feels a bit off.

Alternatively, mimic "Titanic" and recreate "Avatar," but that doesn't seem right. How about a copy of "Game of Thrones"?

These aren't bad, but—

But he wasn't just an ordinary time traveler, what he would most want to do upon landing in the United States in 1993?

Observing his current situation—lying on a hospital bed, unnoticed by anyone—he closed his eyes, briefly pinching his finger.

Would the skill he'd learned from the old ghost be of use in this era?

[Kid, don't learn this from me. This is the Age of Domination, understand? The Age of Domination!! These things won't be of any use anymore]

With his eyes closed, the old ghost's words came across not as anger but as a helpless cry, as though they were still echoing in his ears.

He always wanted to forget the strange things the old ghost had told him and the peculiarities he'd seen, but he couldn't.

Mountains were treacherous, yet some still risk climbing them, regardless of whether they will die on the ascent. Why? Because the mountain is there.

The Moon goddess Artemis is high in the heavens, unreachable, but mankind finally took that small step. Why? Because the moon is there.

Magic is deemed non-existent, a belief held by all, but he always believed magic was there. The old ghost had proved to him that magic exists.

So, he'd rather be a believer.

After all, without ideals, what distinguishes a person from a piece of driftwood?

But there's always a reason why believers are called believers—

He meditated and practiced diligently every day, yet the results were meager. The strengthening his body received was inferior to the Tai Chi practiced by elderly folks in the park. He'd sneaked into the morgue at the large hospital countless times, hoping to witness the departing soul's light, but all he ever saw were the security guard's flashlight. He'd visited countless haunted houses, seeking kindred spirits like the old ghost, but all he found were used condoms littered on the floor.

What is the Age of Domination?

This is the Age of Domination!

He's like the character in "Zhuangzi" who learned dragon-slaying techniques—

Because dragons no longer exist.

Although the old ghost had once told him that even in the Age of Domination, as long as the pinnacle of human civilization experiences a single moment of supreme prosperity, the interplay of light and shadow will give rise to hundreds of ghosts, during this prosperity, the aura that enables ordinary people to cast spells will emerge from nothingness.

But he couldn't pinpoint the right moment—

The end-of-the-century demon capital of London, with figures like Jack the Ripper on the prowl, was alluring, but at the time, his great-great-grandfather was battling the waves in the Yellow Sea.

The closest temporal point to him wasn't too far off. Unfortunately, when he discovered the existence of magic, Lehman Brothers had already collapsed, and the world had fully transitioned into a multipolar era. While this was a positive development for many people and nations, it meant he'd missed his last chance.

Lost time is never regained. Each failure only deepened his doubts. Now, with the truth right before him, he hesitated to open his eyes and verify it. This isn't like an anime where football and tranquilizer darts, along with a shout of "There's only one truth," can solve all problems.

Do spells truly exist?

Or is the old ghost who convinced him of their existence merely a figment of his imagination?

Is he his illusion?

"Are you awake?"

"Are you an idiot?"

A cold, female voice sounded nearby, jolting him to open his eyes.

The next moment, he smiled, tears streaming down his face—

A blonde girl stands before him, surrounded by an ethereal aura that exudes a speckled brilliance, like a cluster of multicolored auspicious clouds.



1. Zhuangzi- A Chinese Philosopher

2. Sally- Who is she?????

Give this novel some power stones, I will do a mass release!

Dark_Symphonycreators' thoughts