
Son of Origin

This novel has: SYSTEM, Protagonists, Powers, God's, Action, Fantasy, Fate ________________________________________ Born with an unusual fate, Alex endured a life of misery. However, his fortunes changed when he was given a chance to be reincarnated. In his new life on NEXUS, Alex embraced a peaceful existence. But everything shifted when a mysterious stranger he met in a park triggered the awakening of his dormant powers, threatening the tranquillity he had finally found. Follow Alex as he navigates his journey to maintain peace in a world now fraught with danger.

Dealer8923 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter 3: Echoes of Fate

Alex's eyes flickered a little before they slowly opened; he used his hands, moved his body a little back, and sat while taking the wall support behind him; he looked at his right side and saw Abby.

She was still sleeping; her black hair was spread on her Pillow; her face had a child-like smile and she was sleeping in a child-like position.

Even now seeing her face reminds him of their childhood. The way she slept now was the same as she slept in the Orphanage.

Thinking about the Orphanage, he realised it had been already 18 years since he had arrived in this world.

Well, these 18 years of life had been shocking for him.

While he was thinking about his 18 years of life he heard a voice calling him. "Alex, wake up already, it's 10 in the morning".

Hearing the voice, Alex shouted, "Coming, Mom". Saying this he got up and went to his bathroom and brushed his teeth before taking a cold bath, then he got dressed and came to the kitchen.

When he entered the kitchen, he saw a woman preparing breakfast for 3 people; well, that's his mom, Rim white.

Ya, the same Rim who took care of him in the orphanage; well, when he was 9 years old, she asked him if she could become his real Mom.

And when he agreed, then she adopted him. Now, he was her son, and since then, he had been living with her.

But he had to say he was shocked when he first entered the world, well children in the orphanage were not allowed to leave the Orphanage. So, seeing the technology inside the orphanage, he thought this was a technological advance in the Morden world.

But he was wrong. This world was technologically advanced, but it was not Morden; it was a medieval world.

Yeah, the medieval one filled with monsters, dragons, dungeons and all other fantasy stuff.

After getting to know this was not a normal world, he started reading about this world's history; he wanted to know if there was something that could potentially destroy his peaceful life, and after searching for 1 year, he found one.

Well, not a technical one. What he found was that this world had someone who he hated most, the people who destroyed his past life.

The so-called "Protagonist".

After finding the problem, he started searching for the power system of this world, which was pretty easy to find. Well, he just needs to ask his mom.

So, people in this world awake talent at the age of 18, and that talent decides everyone's future, whether they become a common person or transform into a powerhouse.

Those talents were divided into 7 ranks.

[ F -> E -> D -> C -> B -> A -> S ]

F-Ranks is the Lowest level of talent whereas S-Rank is the highest. After people awaken their talent, then they can start levelling up and getting powerful.

Yes, the people in this world have a system. They awake it with their talents and today was the day he was going to awaken his talent.

Well, normally, the awakening would happen in the school, but he was a special case as he had home-studied. Rim had already brought an awakening stone for him.

He looked at his mom and said, "Mom, Abby is still not awake". Hearing his words an angry shout came from Rim's mouth.

"Abby wake up". Hearing her shout, Abby, still sleepy in the room, woke up. She quickly got ready and came rushing to the kitchen.

When she entered the kitchen she saw Alex and Rim were already sitting on the dining table. She quickly came beside Rim and sat down.

Rim looked toward Abby and said, "How many times do I have to tell you, as a girl, you should wake up early, not at 11 in the morning?".

Hearing Rim's words, Abby's face became a little red, she turned around her face as she felt embarrassed. She quietly muttered, "You shouldn't scold me in front of Alex".

Although she said those words In a barely audible voice, but Rim heard it. She slapped on Abby's head and said, "If you don't want to be scolded, then wake up early".

Hearing her words, Abby looked at Alex with begging eyes. Seeing this Rim looked toward Alex and said, "Now, don't try to help her, otherwise". While saying this she clenched her fist and showed it to Alex.

Seeing her threatening him, Abby looked at Rim and said, "You shouldn't use violence everywhere; when I was little, I thought you were an angel; only now I realise you were a devil in Angle clothing".

Hearing her words, Alex started laughing, and seeing Alex laugh, she also started laughing. But suddenly, she felt a threatening force coming toward her; she looked toward Rim.

Seeing Rim's angry face, cold sweat appeared on Abby, she quickly got up and ran toward Alex for protection. She hid behind Alex and said, "Alex protect me".

Rim also got up and stared at Alex and said, "Will you protect her, or support your mom".

Seeing that things were becoming complicated Alex quickly got up and exited the kitchen, and ran out of the house.

He ran until he reached a park. He entered the park and sat down on a bench, it was the month of January. So, cold winds were blowing.

He quietly just sat on the bench and enjoyed the cold winds. Suddenly he heard a voice. He got up and looked at the place from where the voice was coming from.

What he saw shocked him; between the bushes at the corner of the park, 2 naked people were enjoying themselves; he was shocked as he didn't expect to see something like this in the park.

Well, no one would expect to see something like this in a park, it was like he was seeing something straight out of a novel. The moment this word came to Alex's mind, he had a bad feeling.

Suddenly, he felt a burning sensation on his right leg; he noticed the awakening stone in his pocket was glowing and producing heat. He quickly took it out.

But the moment his hands touched the Awakening stone, it broke and released an energy that entered Alex's body.

Suddenly, Alex lost consciousness And fell on the ground. The sound produced by his fell alerted the 2 naked people inside the bushes. They quickly got dressed up and came to Alex.

They saw Alex and lost consciousness, the lady looked at the muscular man beside him and said, "I think we should help him".

The muscular man was irritated as his session was destroyed by the fellan boy but looking at the lady requesting face he agreed.

He came near Alex and checked his purse and found Alex home address in it. He took Alex I his hands and went to his house to drop him.

He was irritated, if not for the lady request he might have left Alex alone. He was angry as the mission given to him by the system had failed and now as a penalty one of his skill will be sealed.

While he was walking towards Alex house he opened his status panel and checked which skill had been sealed, it was his Identify skill.

'Well, it shouldn't affected much' is what he thought.

Yes, this person was a protagonist, a system protagonist and because of Alex he had just failed his system mission.

When he saw his Identify skill being sealed he thought that wouldn't affect him much, but he didn't knew if he used his Identify skill on Alex then he might see something that would force him to kill Alex, but ales Fate had different plans for him.

Alex eyes opned, he found himself in a white room. All he could see in this room was white walls and Nothing else. Suddenly a person appeared in front of him, seeing the person in front of him he angrily shouted.

"Origin you said you wouldn't interfare in my life".

Hearing his words Origin looked at him and said, "Well I didn't wanted to interfere, but you made me".

Alex stared at Origin face for a few seconds before he said, "what the hell are you say, I was just living my life normal".

Seeing his angry Origin just smiled and said, "do you remember what you saw in the bushes just now".

Hearing his words Alex said, "What does that have to do with you".

Origin took a deep breath and used his power to cover the white room, the room started shaking for a few seconds before it stopped.

Origin then looked at Alex and said, "Well, do you remember many times I have said you have an interesting fate".

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