
Son of Origin

This novel has: SYSTEM, Protagonists, Powers, God's, Action, Fantasy, Fate ________________________________________ Born with an unusual fate, Alex endured a life of misery. However, his fortunes changed when he was given a chance to be reincarnated. In his new life on NEXUS, Alex embraced a peaceful existence. But everything shifted when a mysterious stranger he met in a park triggered the awakening of his dormant powers, threatening the tranquillity he had finally found. Follow Alex as he navigates his journey to maintain peace in a world now fraught with danger.

Dealer8923 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: Farewell and New Beginnings

Hearing the word fate, Alex felt a strange feeling.

He remembered what ORIGIN had taught about him fate.

'Fate is a force that can't be seen or touched, but it's an important force that guides everyone to their destination.

Fate is not fixed, but it can't be changed easily; all things in your life shape your fate.

But fate treats some people as fate children; those people are also known as protagonists.

Well, fate might support some people and destroy some people, but one thing you should always keep in mind is that fate doesn't have a consciousness.

It might look like it favours some while not supporting others, but it's an error in fate.

You could say protagonist are the error of fate, they are existences who could easily influence and change their fate'.

Then he remembered how every time something bad happened to him, Origin told him it was due to his fate.

He remembered one-time Origin had told him that he had a unique fate that was just perfect for the power Origin had. But never told him why, or what Origin power was.

Even before Origin reincarnated him, he told him the reason for his miserable life was fate.

He couldn't understand what he was trying to say, he always felt that Origin was always trying to hint him toward something. But Origin never really told him anything.

He was confused; he looked at Origin and asked, "What does fate have to do with this?".

Origin took a deep breath and looked at Alex, and said, "Well, Alex, do you remember I told you? Your fate was Unique; by the word Unique, I literally mean it. I am an existence that has existed since the creation of this Origin; that's why I am called Origin.

Ever since the creation of this Origin, I have not seen a fate like yours; even when I travelled to different Origins, I didn't see any fate like yours.

It's Unique not only in this Origin but also in all other Origin.

Now, if you want to ask what an Origin is, then, sorry, I can't tell. you need to become an existence like me, then you will know its meaning automatically.

Well, ignoring those off-topic.

Do you remember why all those protagonists wanted to kill you?".

Hearing his question, Alex started thinking about his past life and what led him to fight that protagonist. After thinking for a few minutes, he got his answer.

"It's because of those females.

He remembered wherever he went, some women always came behind him; he could see they truly loved him, so he accepted them.

But after that protagonist appeared in his life they tried to steal his love but when they didn't succeed they tried to kill him But in the end they were killed by him.

So, what does this have to do with my fate."

Origin looked at Alex and said, "Well, if you think more carefully, you might figure out it yourself.

But I don't want to waste any time so I will tell you now.

Your fate does a simple thing: it attracts Females with high luck; that's it and nothing more.

But the interesting part comes here: all Females with high luck are also known as heroines. So, the Females who love you had accepted were the heroine of different protagonists,

But because of your strange fate, they were attracted towards you, and you, my little playboy boy, charmed them all, making them madly fall in love with you so that when the protagonist appeared, they didn't even spare a glance at them.

Now you can imagine the rest of the story yourself.

Now let's come to the main point.

I used my powers to influence your life so you could live a peaceful life, but now you are 18 years old and just a moment ago, you awakened your powers.

If you remember what I told you about your powers then you can guess what happened".

It didn't even take Alex seconds to realise, "You told me that my powers don't allow any creator to influence me in any way".

Hearing his answer, Origin smiled and said, "Yes, that's right, so now that you have awakened your powers, my influence on you has stopped working.

So, now your strange fate will start its work again and give you some love.

A caring fate you have, you know I had to find my my lovers myself. It was so hard.

And do you remember the person you saw in the bushes? Well, he was a protagonist.

See, my powers just stopped working on you few minutes ago and a protagonist had already entered your life.

Well, so now you have two options: live as you did in your past life, or accept my powers and become so powerful that even fate couldn't affect you".

Alex didn't even take a second and choose the second option.

Seeing Alex's choice, Origin smiled. He thought 'looks like my promise is going to be completed, now I can unite with her".

He was happy finally he was going to meet the woman he loved. He looked toward Alex and hugged him.

Alex was surprised by the sudden hug but he didn't reject it. Suddenly, he felt a little wet on his shoulder. He looked toward Origin and what he saw shocked him.

Origin was crying, tears were dropping from his face. Seeing Origin cry, he didn't know why, but his eyes were also filled with tears.

If other creators had seen this scene, they might have died from a heart attack. That's how strange this scene was; the person who was the reason for the nightmare of all the creators was crying.

In thousands of years he had spent time with Origin, he never saw him sad or cry.

Origin looked at the crying Alex and said, "Now don't cry like a child it makes me sad. Be a strong boy. Remember what father taught you, man never cry".

Origin stopped for a few seconds before he continued.

"Alex, my child this might be the last time we saw each other. I wanted to tell you that even though you aren't my real child, I still love you, and you are the only person in existence who is allowed to call me father.

Saying this, Origin's body started turning into shiny particles and flew away.

Seeing this scene all Alex could metture was the last word Origin had said, "Father".

When the last part of Origin was about to turn into shiny particles, Origin looked toward Alex and said.

"Alex, my child, my story ends here, but remember your story had just begun".

"It's the beginning of your life".

Saying this, Origin's body turned into shiny particles and disappeared.

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