
Son of Origin

This novel has: SYSTEM, Protagonists, Powers, God's, Action, Fantasy, Fate ________________________________________ Born with an unusual fate, Alex endured a life of misery. However, his fortunes changed when he was given a chance to be reincarnated. In his new life on NEXUS, Alex embraced a peaceful existence. But everything shifted when a mysterious stranger he met in a park triggered the awakening of his dormant powers, threatening the tranquillity he had finally found. Follow Alex as he navigates his journey to maintain peace in a world now fraught with danger.

Dealer8923 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: Arrival in NEXUS

4 years later...


its ray fell on Alex's face through the window of the orphanages; his eyes flickered a little before opening.

But the moment his eyes opened, sun rays kissed his eyes, forcing him to close them again. He gently put his hand on his eyes before getting up and Stretching his arms.

He rubbed his eyes a little while walking towards the bathroom. He came in front of the sink, brushed his teeth, and washed his face. Then he looked toward the mirror.

He had a big smile on his face; he thought about 4 years of life that he had lived since he gained his past life memories. He was happy as for those 4 years, he had lived a fulfilled life.

A peaceful full life that he always wanted to live. Life in the Orphanage was not bad, as it was funded by the rich people of the city, so there was no shortage of money.

They got food three times a day, a small private park to play and a peaceful life. The Orphanage head was a good person as he didn't eat all the money given by the rich people to support the Orphanage.

While thinking about those thoughts, he came out of the bathroom, and when he exited the bathroom, he saw Rim, she was scolding some children.

Seeing Rim, a smile formed on his face; she was the person who helped him most to live the peaceful life he was living; she always made sure that no children bullied each other or fought with each other.

Every weekend, she brought some movies on friendship and family And showed them to all the children in the orphanage.

Well, seeing the movies, all the children also wanted to become a good person. So, well you can imagine.

While he was lost in his thoughts, Rim saw him. She let the children she was scolding go and came to Alex.

But he didn't notice her as he was lost in his thoughts. Rim also saw this, but she was not surprised as this had become a common occurrence for 4 years.

She just stared at his cute and chubby face for a few seconds before she took him in her hands and kissed him on his cheeks.

Feeling the wetness on his cheeks, Alex woke up from his deep thoughts. Seeing Rim's face, he realised what had happened.

Well, he was still a child, so his brain was not so powerful; when he thought about something deeply, he forgot about his surroundings.

He looked at her and said while smiling, "Rim, you shouldn't do that; I have already told you I don't like it".

Rim just stared at his cute face and said, "But your face is saying something else, and what with this happy smiling face".

Hearing her words, he realised, he still couldn't control his expression; his happiness could be seen on his face. He felt embarrassed and quickly hugged Rim and hid his face.

He slowly muttered, "You shouldn't say that on my face".

Seeing his cute expression, Rim laughed. She had noticed many times Alex tried to act like an adult, but because of his cute and chubby face and his childlike voice instead of looking serious, he looked cute.

And she liked those cute moments. Well, she had a curse that stopped her from having a child, and that's why she worked as a caretaker in the Orphanage. She treated all the children in the orphanage as her child.

And among all those children, Alex was the child that had a special place in her heart; she didn't know why, but she always felt close to Alex.

While thinking about those thoughts, a smile formed on Rim's face. Seeing her smile, Alex's face lit up, and a smile formed on his face.

When they were lost in their own moment, they didn't notice a girl had invaded; the little girl looked at the scene in front of her; she was not surprised as this was a normal sight for her. She had seen the same things many times in the past 4 years.

She observed them for a few minutes before she said, "5 minutes have already passed. When are you going to stop this cringe moment?".

Hearing the girl's voice, Alex and Rim awoke from their lovely moment. They both looked at the little girl who had destroyed their lovely moment.

She was Abby, seeing her Alex become a little afraid. She was the little gangster of the orphanage. The person who scared Alex the most. Not because she was powerful, well Alex could easily defeat her.

He was afraid of her because she was the person who always tried to destroy his peaceful life. Sometimes, she acts like a gangster, sometimes like a princess.

He didn't understand why, but she always came behind him. She sleeps on his bed; she eats with him, sometime, she even forces him to play with her.

Seeing her affection for him, he knew she liked him, but they were still a child. So, he didn't take her seriously. Rim and Alex both separated, she put Alex on the ground and looked toward Abby.

Seeing Alex was on the ground, Abby ran toward him and hugged him tightly; while hugging him, she looked toward Rim and said, "he is mine; only I can hug him".

Saying this she looked toward Alex and kissed him on his cheek.

Seeing the cute scene in front of her, Rim smiled. As the person who spent most of her time with the children, she already knew Abby liked Alex.

She really liked the cute little moments she shared with Alex and Abby. While thinking about those cute moments, her smile widened; she opened her arms and hugged both Alex and Abby together.

Suddenly the three of them heard a shout.

"Breakfast is ready, all children Come to the dining room".

Hearing those words Rim picked up Alex and Abby and went to the dining room. They ate their breakfast and then went to the Orphanage park.

Alex was sitting on a bench alone in the park while other children were planning. But his face had a happy expression. His eyes were bright, his face had a smile.

If someone saw him they would think he was the happiest person in the world. He liked those simple moments of his life; he had never lived like a child in his past life.

He still remembers the start of his hell in his past life.

When he was 1 year old, Origin appeared in his life, and from that day onwards, his life changed. Origin started training him when he was still 4 years old. If it was a normal training then it might have been good. But normal nothing surrounding his past life was normal.

At first, he couldn't even understand why he needed to do those extreme things, but when he turned 18, he understood. It was for the future, The dark future.

He couldn't understand why, even with a powerful existence like Origin by his side, he needed to do those things, why he needed to become stronger and kill. When Origin could do those things just by thinking.

Later Origin told him the creator's power doesn't work on him.

While he was thinking about his past life, he suddenly felt someone beside him. He looked beside him and saw Abby sitting beside him while smiling at him.

He didn't understand why but that smile touched his heart. It was simple yet so pure; it had nothing but love; seeing that smile, Alex forgot about his past life's pain and was filled with otherworldly happiness.

He just stared at her as she got up, held his arm and ran toward the children.

2 years later...

Alex was sleeping on his bed and beside him was Abby hugging his arm while sleeping, she had a expression that clearly showed that she was having a happy dream.

He turned around and looked at her face. As he thought how his life changed after that smile she gave him in the park. From that onwards all his past life pain vanished.

He didn't had a single nightmare about his past life from that day onwards. Now he slept peacefully every night.

He thought how the biggest problem of his new life had become one of the most precious things of his life.

The thing that he was most happy about was one of his thoughts didn't become TRUE.

He thought that as her age increased her affection for him would decrease but opposite happened as her age increased her affection for him also increased.

And he was happy about it as now she had become a important part of his life that he couldn't loose.

Slowly Alex eyes closed and he fell a sleep.

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