
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Part 17

After the long journey, we finally arrived in Kyoto, my hometown.

- So now, we need to walk to my house. -


- Because there are no streets. -

Krasomila was embarrassed, everyone laughed a little.

- It still looks the same, as the last time I was here. -

Ryan came closer to me.

- You were here already once? -

It seemed like Min Joon, Ji Ah's Partisan, was somewhat interested in Ryan.

- Not only once, I used to come here almost every week. -

Everyone stopped laughing, and was shocked.


Feng seemed to get excited, while everyone overthrew Ryan with questions, Krasomila stayed behind.

'' So he maybe already knows… ''

- Krasomila, is there anything wrong? -

I came closer and smiled gently, she smiled and chuckled.

- Haha… No. -




We arrived in front of my house. It was a simple house, so no wonder the wealthy people took it weirdly, everyone took it weirdly but Ryan. I invited them inside, being inside no one seemed to be home, which got me worried because Aya usually never left the house. I let them sit on the couch, while I boiled some tea.

- So, how do you guys feel? -

They seemed a little depressed, so I smiled.

- Whatever, I know most of you must be tired. While all of you rest, I'm going to look around. -

- Why? -

Ji Ah was quite the curious type, yet I didn't expect her to ask me this kind of question.

- I just want to see if my Sister is home. -

- The same Lady who was in the Hospital? -

I was surprised by Feng's question, not knowing what she means. Ryan chuckled and answered instead of me.

- Yes. -

I stepped away, and went upstairs, everyone just kept talking. Ryan didn't seem to talk a lot. I went upstairs, there it was more silent.

- Aya! I'm home! -

'' Hmm… I'm sure I wrote her regarding this trip… ''

I went to her bedroom, and knocked 2 times on the door. No answer. I knocked another 2 times and still no answer. I opened the door myself, and walked inside. Despite this, I wish, I'd never walked inside. What I saw was terrifying, I already wanted to throw out Krasomila and Beatrice out of this house upon seeing this.




My Sister, she… was dead. The mess the murderer did was horrifying. My sister's body was leaned against a wall, her entire body had stab wounds. From her mouth came blood, her eyes were bloodshot, her entire body was covered with blood, her organs were dragged out of her body and her head was cut open. I was terrified, and shocked. The entire room was soaked in blood, on the wall someone wrote "You're next". The room stank of death, corpse, and blood. The entire scene was just dark.

- AHHHH! -

I dropped on the floor crying. Soon Ryan came, I think, but he stopped halfway, already seeing from the hallway what was awaiting him in this room. Others came with him too, but they also stopped. Ryan came to me, but others stayed behind. Krasomila and Beatrice were giggling, I saw them. Others had expressions like they could vomit any second.