
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Part 16

After reading all that, my head hurt.

'' Too much information… ''

I leaned my head back to just find Ryan staring at me.

- AHH!! -

- Calm down! Do you want to drink anything? -

Suddenly a great idea came to my head. I was amazed by my idea, hoping Ryan would do it.

- The - The thing you made me last time, how was it called again? You know, the one that tastes like melted chocolate bars… -

- Hot Chocolate…? -

- Yes! Yes! Thank You! -

- Alright, I'll do it for you. -

- Yay! -

I closed the book, stood up, stretched a little. I put the book on the table, so that Ryan can read it if he wants. I remembered what I heard, right after I woke up. Ryan was talking to his parents about something.

- Ryan, what were you talking about with your parents? -

- … Marriage… -

Ryan looked sad, I felt bad for him, he had his entire future already decided for him. The rest of the evening was peaceful, Ryan read the book, I gave him.




On Monday, Krasomila introduced us to 2 new people, Ji Ah Choi, a Korean Princess. The second person was her partisan; Min Joon Shin. We all became close. For the rest of the year, nothing big happened. My grades kept getting worse, until Ryan helped me in learning, they suddenly kept getting better.




Winter, 2 days before Winter Vacation; 4 days before Christmas.

We all had been friends now for half a year, one more person was introduced to us; Beatrice Belmont. Yet Ryan, Luan, Feng, Iñigo, and me disliked her, she was exactly like Krasomila, the difference was she had quite the taste in fashion. I was sure she and Krasomila were scheming something together. Right now, the hottest topics were Christmas. People had 2 choices to either celebrate Christmas in the school, or to go visit family. Everyone was helping to decorate the school. At evening, a day before Vacation, all students ate Dinner together. Our friend group talked together during the dinner.

- So… Everyone, what are you doing on Christmas? -

Ji Ah was the first to start the Conversation.

- I would like to visit my sister in Japan. -

Upon hearing my answer, everyone was shocked.


Krasomila screamed as always. After a long Conversation of how beautiful Japan is, I agreed to bring everyone with me. After dinner, everyone went back to their rooms, I also was going in the direction of my room.

'' Why… Did… I… AGREEEE…? ''

In my room, I met Ryan, he was packing. He looked concerned.

- Chiyo, are you sure it's alright for you, to bring us all to Japan, with you? -

- Yes! -

I dropped on the couch, and closed my eyes. It was a very exhausting day.

- Aren't you packing? -

- There isn't anything, I need to pack. -

Soon after staying with my eyes closed, I fell asleep.




04:34 AM

- Chiyo~ Wake up! -

Someone was trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes and found myself in my bed, despite remembering, falling asleep on the couch. Ryan was standing next to me with a big smile. I still was disoriented.

- Why?… Are you waking me up?.. -

He chuckled, and smiled. I suddenly remembered, we were going to Japan. I quickly stood up, and got dressed. Ryan grabbed his baggage, and we left our room. Everyone was already waiting for us, in front of the door.

- Ok, so do we have everyone? Feng? -

- Yes! -

- Luan? -

- Here. -

- Ji Ah? -

- Hmph, why are we waking up this soon? -

- Min Joon? -

- Here. -

- Krasomila? Iñigo? Beatrice? -

- We're here. -

- Alright, let's go. -

We began our long journey, from the Academy, we needed to walk 10 minutes, to take a taxi. The Taxi took 40 minutes to arrive at the airport. At the Airport, we needed to wait 1 Hour. After 12 Hours, we arrived in Japan, there we needed to take a Taxi from Tokyo to Downtown Kyoto.