
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Part 11

9:14 AM

Ryan slowly opened his eyes, around his stomach was wrapped a bloody cloth. He felt sharp and unbearable pain in his whole head. He slowly fixed his posture. He put his hand, to his head. The cloth wrapped around his stomach fell off. He slowly remembered, what happened just a few hours ago. He looked at his stomach, the wound wasn't healed or anything, the bleeding only has been stopped forcefully. He looked on the ground next to him, where Chiyo was sitting before. She was sleeping with her head resting against the bed. He was aware, that she used divine power on him this morning. He was also aware that she overused her powers. In this world, in the past, people were doing better than now. In the past, there existed quite a few 'species'.


Priests were often blessed with divine power, their divine powers were strong enough to heal mere wounds. Usually Women had stronger divine powers, they were called 'Saintesses'. It was easy to find Priests, there were 20 of them in each church. Only 20% of humans were born with divine powers. They were always Women. 10% could get divine powers by praying or getting blessed by a Woman with divine power. Priests could bless each other, yet their powers would weaken every time.


Saintesses were much harder to find, despite the fact that they were born into the world more frequently than Priests. Most Saintesses would die at young ages. Their divine powers were strong enough to even heal lost limbs. Each Church had only 1 Saintess. They were called direct commanders of god. There was no other way than, being born with divine power, to become a Saintess.


Vampires were monsters with usually red eyes. Their teeth were always sharp. They would drink human blood. Their skin was always pale. They could live for thousands of years, yet they could die by divine power, being exposed to the sun for too long, Vampire killing swords, Aconitum flowers, Selenite stones, and starving. In the past, humans and Vampires got along, until Vampires were betrayed by humans and yearned for revenge. Every tenth person has the chance of 60% to be born as a Vampire. Vampires would also give humans their blood, to turn them into Vampires.


Werewolves were typically peaceful, so humanity kept them around. Werewolves had wolf ears and excellent hearing. Around 2 People per Year were born as Werewolves. Werewolves often lived eating meat. It's unknown what happened, but once, they all disappeared. It's said humans, who needed the Werewolves' protection so much, killed them.

'Gods and Goddesses'

They were heavenly beings, usually they just lived with humans undercover. There was around 0.0001% to be born as a God. The Gods gave humans their protection, until humans turned their backs to Gods. Gods were immortal, until they were killed by humans. The most known Gods and Goddesses, also the only one's alive, are: Sophia Greek Goddess of Wisdom, War, and Crafts - Shiva Hindu God of Destruction, Transformation, and Meditation - Thordis Norse Goddess of Thunder, Lightning, and Strength - Heba Egyptian Goddess of Magic, Healing, and Motherhood - Yohualli Aztec God of Wind, Sky, and Learning - Helia Greek Goddess of Sun, Music, Prophecy, and Healing - Leif Norse God of Love, Beauty, Fertility, and War - Maat Egyptian Goddess of Truth, Justice, Balance, Order, Mummification, and the Afterlife - Seishi Japanese God of Death - Ming Chinese Goddess of Humanity, Stars, and Universe.

'Wizards and Witches'

Cursed human beings, who were destined to die. They had different strong powers: Telekinesis: The ability to move objects with one's mind - Pyrokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate fire - Invisibility: The ability to become unseen by others - Telepathy: The ability to read and communicate with other minds - Shapeshifting: The ability to change one's appearance and form - Super Strength: The ability to exert great physical force and lift heavy objects - Flight: The ability to fly through the air - Time Manipulation: The ability to alter the flow of time, such as slowing down, speeding up, or stopping it - Healing: The ability to heal oneself or others from injuries and diseases - Mind Control: The ability to influence the thoughts and actions of others - Teleportation: The ability to transport oneself or others from one place to another instantly - Illusion: The ability to create realistic images and sounds that deceive the senses of others - Elemental Control: The ability to manipulate the natural elements, such as water, earth, air, and electricity - Precognition: The ability to see and know the future events before they happen - Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid objects. They were usually born with only one power, yet there did exist a few that were born with more than 3 powers. It was rare to be born with powers, unless your family, was a wizard family.



'' Back then, with the existence of these beings, the world was better. Humans would easily get protected, sometimes, I wish me and Chiyo would've been born back then. Maybe then she would have been safe… ''

He looked sadly at her. Ryan stood up and went to the wall to check the date.

'' Today is Saturday… Good. ''

He went back and picked Chiyo up. Ryan put Chiyo on the bed, and covered her with the bedsheets. She was sleeping peacefully, her sleeping face was so beautiful. Ryan touched her cheeks with his hand, and smiled gently. He turned around and went to the Bathroom, he got changed into some comfortable clothes. Soon he left the room, and made his way to the Director's room.

'' Don't worry Chiyo, I'll make sure no one will ever get to hurt you, ever again. ''