
Sickly In Love

Maybe in another life? Perhaps then I'll finally be able to love the person I want.... Chiyo a teenage girl was accepted into an Academy that might just change her life. Ever since her parent's passing her older sister has been making all the money, determined to help her Chiyo decided to go study. Yet she knows that if her biggest secret came out, her life could be as good as over, despite this she attends the Academy full of people that can use any means to find out all the dirty secrets of anyone.

Xaonia · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Part 10

Everyday, Ryan would visit Chiyo, he even brought sometimes Luan, Feng and Iñigo with him. She was happy he brought them with him, she even forgave Iñigo for what he did. Ryan still didn't trust him, but she didn't care. After around 2 weeks, she was allowed to go back to school. The day she got permission to leave, Ryan came to pick her up. At the school, the Teachers greated her greatly. They explained that they are still trying to find the Mastermind of this Plan. Later she was allowed to go back to her room, she got the allowance to rest for another 2 days. At the first night after coming back to school, she talked with Ryan on his bed before going to sleep.

- Hey Ryan, I found out something interesting! -

- What is it? -

- My other side is completly unharmed, seems like my other half is immune to poison! -

- Aha... -

Chiyo noticed something was off with Ryan. He seemed uninterested in what she told him, unconcentrated and stressed seemed he too.

- What's bothering you? -

That was the moment, he finally was driven out of his thoughts.

- Huh? Oh right... It's nothing you need to worry about! -

- ... -

She looked at him disappointed, and he looked back, still not impressed with his arms on his chest. She made big puppy eyes and put her hands together. Even though he was shocked at first, he still shook his head. She went on the floor and begged, which got Ryan confused.

- W-What are you doing?! Stand Up! It's not that important! -

She stood up with a sad face.

- Pleeeeeaaaaase? -

- C-Chiyo! Ugh! Fine! -

'' Yes Finally! ''

- But don't be disappointed! -

- Yes! Yes! -

She shook her head energetically, and sat back on the bed, next to him.

- So you see, there's something, I wasn't planning to tell you. What I kept from you the entire time, was my Engagement with the Japanese Princess; Princess Aiko. -

She was straing at him, like if she expected more.

- I know about it. -

- W-WHAT!? But how?! -

She looked at him sadly.

- I overheard The Emperor Yamato, talking about Princess's Aiko's Engagement to you. They mostly talked about, how you guys hate eachother, yet still need to marry. -

Ryan was shocked abot how much Chiyo knew. He silently stared at her, with his eyes widely open. He couldn't bring a single word out of his mouth, only his expression changed. He looked sad.

- Despite this... You still fell in love with me? Knowing that no matter what, I'll never be able to marry you, or at least treat you like a lover? Despite knowing you might be heartbroken later, and that once I marry we probably won't get to exchange a single word? -

Now she also seemed sad. She shook her head lightly.

- I, For me, no I thought if you're gonna marry, then even just a few years Relationship would be alright for me. Even if you married, I would continue to love you... -

Suddenly Ryan's expression darkened, and Chiyo noticed it.

- At which age did you think I'll marry?... -

She looked silently at him, already guessing what might come next. Her eyes were filled with tears, yet she didn't cry. Her Expression was only sad.

- 20, A-Around 20 and 25... -

His expression saddened strongly, he stared silently at her.

- Do you still want to hear, the thing I've hidden from you? -

- Y-yes... -

His expression darkened. He looked away, and bit his lips. Chiyo waited patiently until he says something. He grabbed the bed sheets, he grabbed them so strongly, that his knuckles became pale. Seeing this Chiyo knew, what he was about to tell her will be hard for her, not only it will be hard for her, for him too. She came closer to him, when he didn't react, she hugged him tightly. Ryan was shocked, his hands let go of the sheets, and he turned his head to Chiyo. He hesitated before hugging her back. While they were hugging, Ryan took a deep breath.

- You see... The marriage, it will be in only around a year maybe a little more... -

Her grab around him thightened.

- Chiyo... I do love you... But there's nothing I can do about the marriage... -

She began crying, he hugged her tighter.

- Ryan... Can we atleast... Enjoy this year together?... -

- Yes we can... -

That night Chiyo went to bed, next to Ryan, on his bed. But they didn't get to rest that night.




3:43 AM

Weird sounds came from outside the room. It sounded like someone was banging on the door. Chiyo woke up, yet Ryan was still asleep.

'' What are these sounds?! Is someone banging on the door? What are they doing here at night? ''

She slowly got up, to check out who was banging on the door. As she walked closer to the door, she got a weird feeling.

'' What is this weird feeling? ''

She slowly opened the door. Seeing that no one's in front of the door, she got an even more weird feeling.

'' I feel like I shouldn't have opened this door. No one's here... ''

- Hello? Is anyone there? -

Chiyo screamed silently into the corridor. Just when she began closing the door, a strong force brought her to the floor. Someone jumped on her, they even began choking her. Whoever it was, they took out a knife, and put it under her chin.

- Dare to scream, and I'll cut up this pretty face of yours. -

The person was dressed black, Chiyo recognized the voice. The person, who was now choking her on the floor, was definitely Krasomila. Chiyo had no doubt about it. Chiyo noticed a pin on Krasomila's cape. She recognized it.

'' I already saw this once... Ah right... It's the Vampire extermination unit official member pin... ''

Chiyo's breathing got heavier, as the grip around her neck, thightened. She tried pushing Krasomila off, yet her body was still weak. Suddenly someone jumped on Krasomila from the side. Krasomila noticed it too late, so now they both rolled on the floor, until they hit the closet. Chiyo quickly stood up, and began massaging her neck. The knife, Krasomila held under her chin, managed to cut a deep wound, which was now bleeding. Chiyo noticed, the person, which saved her, was none other than Ryan. She couldn't see what happened to them, it was too dark. That was when she began hearing loud panting noises. A loud thud was heard, Krasomila, was suddenly standing in front of Chiyo. She drew a sword, Chiyo recognized the pattern. The pattern resembled vines and blood. The pattern was made on weapons, that are used to kill monsters. The one Krasomila held in her hand was used for Vampires. Krasomila did an easy attack, which Chiyo managed to dodge. Krasomila attacked from below, Chiyo jumped in the air. Her hair turned black, her eyes began glowing in red. Chiyo was right now in her Vampire form. She could see now better in the dark. Krasomila kept staring at Chiyo.

'' What? Wait... This isn't Krasomila?! ''

Chiyo was shocked, the girl jumped and kicked Chiyo down. Both of the girls began fighting violently, the girl with a sword, while Chiyo used her sharp nails. Chiyo scratched the girl across the face, blood came running down her face.

'' Shit! ''

The girl used her hand to cover her face, she cut off Chiyo's arm with the other. Chiyo was shocked, her hand was regenerating. She bit herself on the tongue.

'' This hurts, damn! ''

They began fighting again, it got harder for Chiyo to keep up.

- HA! I'm going to kill you, you stupid Vampire! -

- I would love to see you try! -

Chiyo forced a smile. After a few seconds of fighting, Chiyo kicked the girl somewhere around the neck. She flew to the balcony, breaking through glass. She hold her sword tightly, while looking shocked at Chiyo.

'' What is this power? It makes me feel so... HOT! ''

She blushed and smirked psychotically. Chiyo was frightend.

'' Why the heck is she smiling? ''

Chiyo grabbed the girl around her neck. Her face was covered by shadows.

- Are you gonna kill me Vampire? Do you know what happens if you're gonna be found guilty? -

She smirked even more psychotically.

- I know, that's why you aren't gonna die, by my hands! -

'' What?! ''

Chiyo dropped the girl down the balcony.


The girl tried to reach out to something, until Chiyo stared soulessly at her. It was a disgusting and dark side eye. She turned around, and went back inside. The girl smiled crookedely.

'' Chiyo Chisaka I'm going to take your life! ''

Inside, Chiyo began searching for Ryan.

'' He was near the closet, right? ''

She stepped closer to the closet. Loud and heavy breathings were heard. Chiyo turned back into human, her arm regenerated. To see clearly, she turned on the lights. She was shocked to see, Ryan was sitting on the ground, he was leaning against the closet. His hand was holding a fabric, he held it against his stomach. That's when Chiyo noticed, the big bloody wound. Ryan was sweating extremely, the fabric was bloody and blood was dripping from it. On the floor was already a big puddle of blood. From his eyes were running small tears. His eyes were closed, due to the pain. His breathing was extremley heavy, his face was pale. Chiyo knew how great the pain is for a human, when they get stabbed by the Vampire killing sword, it was unbearable.

- Ryan...! -

She stepped closer, as he opened his eyes slowly. When she was just sitting next to him, he began vomiting blood.

- Ryan... -

He smiled silently, the smile was extremely sad.

- I'm alright Chiyo.. -

She stared at him shocked.

'' How can he say he's alright?! ''

She picked him up. This got Ryan shocked. Chiyo put him on the bed, she stripped of a piece of her cloth. Ryan was still breathing heavily, his puls got weaker with every second. She wrapped the cloth around the wound tightly.

- Chiyo... You.. Don't... -

- Shhh! Spare your energy. -

He opened his eyes a little and looked at Chiyo. What he saw made him shocked, she put her hand on his wound. Divine Power flew out of her hand palms. It made him feel lightly and sleepy. Before he fell asleep, she began sweating, he recognized it, that she was overusing her powers.

- Thank You for saving me back there... -

He passed out.