
Secret Blood

Before I knew it... I was running. I was running as fast as I could, to get away. I had to get away. I couldn't stay here any longer. I could hear the tree branches crunching as they moved to catch up to me. I had one thing on my mind: Run... and don't stop. As I glanced back to see how close they were, I tripped.  I didn't move. I couldn't move. I could feel the coldness from the ground and my head throbbing with pain. This was it... defeat. My one chance to escape and I failed. I would never get to see my real family again, my home... all because of the blood that runs through my veins.

Ashlee_Burns · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Who.. Are You?

"Queen ? Okay, now you're really pushing it...Why are you looking at me that way? What's wrong Jason? Why is that such a big deal? I am so confused." I said, starting to feel my palms get sweaty. Shaking my head.

"Long, long ago, one of the Goddess' said she would make it known who would be next for the throne. Every time a Royal would pass, the next would just know, they would appear randomly but always be of Royal Blood. She did this because she wanted the kingdom to experience different rulers with different ideas and thoughts. She wanted the people to feel valued and to experience what she couldn't. The Goddess' had amazing ideas but no one listened to her, it was always the men who had the finally say. She wanted that to change, and it did. But that story is for another day, Princess."

"So you think this whole thing happened before she chose me to be the next ruler?"

"I do, yes. " he said with huge smile on his face.

"Uhh... what?"

"Oh nothing Princess." He was still smiling from ear to ear.

"We better head down inside. I'm starting to get hungry." He said as he rubbed his belly.

We stood up and started to head back to the garden.

"SIR JASON! Ahhh!" We both turned and then this woman was wrapping her arms tightly around Jason.

Why did I not like this? It was like my body was ready to rip her away and throw her over the hill for touching him.

He looked down and moved her away, he could see it bothered me and smiled a little.

"Hello your highness, Caroline." He said with a head bow.

She giggled and bowed back. "Hello, Sir Jason."

Jason moved closer to me and grabbed my waist,

"Caroline, I'd like you to Isabelle." He said smiling down at me.

She looked at me, and I swear if looks could kill. She saw where his arm was and hand and she did not like what she saw.

"Hi." She said with a cold look.

"Hello." I said with a smile.

"Well, I have plans for today. It was nice to see you Caroline. Until next time." He bowed his head and we left the garden.

Once we were out of her sight, I turned to him.

"Who, was THAT?" I said pointing to the garden.

He chuckled, "she is the princess of the country 'Mesitalion' and they are a very strong country. I have alliances with them. We have a meeting later on today. I guess they just came early." He shrugged and started walking.

"Uh no. Why did she look at you like that? And hug you that tight? Doesn't she have to follow a rule or something? 'No touching unless allowed'?"

He laughed, "are you... jealous Princess? Because you have nothing to worry about. My heart.. is already taken." He grabbed me and drew me close.

There it is again. That fire.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. Soft and sweet. All my anger and jealousy slipped away.

How did he do that?!

He broke the kiss.

"As much as I want to continue doing THAT, I have something I want to show you. If you are up for it ."

I nodded and he took my hand. He led me to a room, it was very pretty. It had flowers and plants on one wall, and the other wall had books. There was a table in the middle and a desk on one end. There was a man sitting at the table and he stood as soon as he saw us.

"Sir Jason." He bowed.

Jason nodded.

He looked up and we locked eyes, he was very good looking man. I'm assuming he is some sort of teacher?

"This is Isabelle. She is a Royal. If and when she is ready, I want you to teach her the ways of magic and how to control it."

He nodded, "of course Sir."

He looked at me, "This would be where you have lessons if you decide to engage in your magic. I wanted to show you this and have you meet the best teacher there is on magic."

"Hello." I said quietly.

He bowed, "You may call me Alex for short if you'd like."

There was a knock at the door. It was was Kyle.

"Sir Jason? I hate to interrupt but there is a situation and it is in need of your attention."

He said with this worried look on his face. He looked at me and half smiled.

I knew something was wrong.

Jason kissed my forehead, "I'll be back, feel free to roam the halls if you like. If you need something just ask a maiden Okay Princess?"

I nodded and watched him go.

I turned to look at the man, he looked maybe 5-6 years older than me. He had blonde hair and dark grey eyes.

"Do you want to learn?" He said with a stern look on his face.

"I- I'm not sure." I said stuttering and rubbing my arms.

"Well, I think it would be a grand idea. When you feel like like you are ready, you know where I am." He said not breaking eye contact me.

I shivered. I nodded and went to leave.

He was at the door ready to open it for me, when I looked at him and tried to figure out how he got across the room so fast?

He was just an inch from me. I stared back, letting him know I was not intimidated.

"I hope to see you soon, Isabelle." He said quietly.

It was weird, the way he was looking at me was like it was a cold, but harsh stare. Like he was trying to convince me of something.

I shook it off and continued out the door.

"Thank you."

I walked back to our room. Once I was in there I decided to take a nap. I changed my clothes and got comfy.

As soon as I got in bed it was like someone hit a switch and I was out.


"Well hello sleepy head." I could feel him close to me pushing my hair out of my face.

I smiled and stretched. I looked out the balcony and it was dark. Oh my.

"How long did I sleep for?!" I said feeling alert.

"About 4 hours."

"What?! Oh my god no!" I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"I need to see my mom and call my work."

"No need. After we re-schedule the meeting we will visit your mom. I already had Kyle go to work and tell them you are on leave and won't know when you'll be back."

He could see I was not really happy.

"Princess.. you are being hunted. There are men out there trying to get into my country to get you. I have had to put up extra security and a spell to keep them out. I cannot let you go back to mortal world, alone. They will find you very quickly and take you." His head was down and his voice started to trail off.

"I can't let anything happen to you. I know you want to see your mom. So I will take you. But it won't be very long, the longer we are in the mortal world the easier it is for them to find you."

I nodded, "I understand. I just need to see her."

The door busted open, "sir we have a problem, you need to see this." The young man brought him a note.

He opened the note and as he kept on reading...His face went hard, and looked at me.

"What?" I said, feeling anxious.

"We will figure it out and I don't want you to worry Okay? But... princess, they have your mother."