
The Past

"Hello Princess." He said with this HUGE grin on his face, bowing at me.

I folded my arms and stood there, not moving.

"Ahh. I see. The Silent treatment. Very well then, princess. Just follow me."

He turned around and started walking down the hall. I didn't move. He realized I wasn't behind him and rolled his eyes and turned around.

"You knew. You knew all this time I was a Royal Blood. You weren't my 'best friend' you were just babysitting me! I don't even know you! You're a magical fairytale character Kyle!! The last two years were just fake. All those times I came to you for comfort? Support? It was all an act. You don't know how much this hurts.."I screamed while my eyes starting to tear up.

Kyle's face quickly changed and his eyes started to get glossy. He got down on his knees. Looked up at me and said,

"I know. I am so sorry Isabelle, I had strict orders from the King. If I disobey him... I can be punished. Or worse...Stripped. Do you know how many times I wanted to tell you?! I wanted to just take you back here? All the times we spent together? These past few years were not 'fake' they Mean something to me. You ARE my best friend. I was able to be with you and not feel judged. I could be free and be my self. I can't do that here. You saw a side of me no one has. You have to understand. We come from different worlds with different rules and morals. I do care about you, and you'll always be my best friend. No matter what happens. I had to protect you, and that is something I'll never take back. I gained you as a best friend... nothing can replace that."

I motioned for him to stand up and hugged him.

"I'm glad you're okay. I was so worried about you at the house with those guys." I said wiping the tears off my face.

He smiled, "you will soon learn, I can take on a lot."

I laughed and it made me happy I had at least him here.

"We better go. I don't want Sir Jason waiting."

I nodded and he escorted me to the garden and told me what happened with the guys from our house.

I hugged him tightly, thanked him and he bowed and left.

As soon as I hit the garden I was instantly stunned. It was gorgeous. It was flooded with so many different colors, so many different butterflies, roses and different birds. The smell was over-whelming. It was like someone put me under a spell and I was mesmerized. I couldn't snap away from the beauty surrounding me.

"Beautiful isn't it? It's my favorite place in the kingdom." I could hear Jason say as he stood next to me. I could feel him when he touched my hand because I felt that rush of emotions and looked at him.

I opened my mouth and he said,"don't even ask. Yes I am about to tell you and I wanted to tell you in a quiet place."

He grabbed my hand and lead me down a path. It was lined with these beautiful dark red roses, and the path of stone led us to this area on top of a hill.

He held out his hand to help me up the stairs up to this swing. This swing looked so comfy, I could take a nap right there.

It had a cover over the top of it that was black, and the swing itself was also black and it has 2 pillows on each side and a black blanket folded on top.

I sat down and I felt like I was sitting on a cloud. I took my shoes off and got comfy and he sat down next to me and handed me a glass of wine.

"There is much for you to learn, Princess. You will learn many things as you go and I will be here if you have any questions. Okay?"

I nodded ready to finally hear my question be answered.

"Your blood has... magic in it. Yours is actually considered 'untapped' because you have never used it before. That being said... there is a timeline to activate it before it goes untouched then slowly fades away. You have till the end of your 21st year to activate it or it will fade over time and it'll be as if you never had it."

"Magic? In my blood? You... cannot be serious. Wouldn't I know if there was magic inside my blood?! I mean it ISSSS my body??"

"Well... no. If you don't ever use it it will fade and eventually you will just have a regular blood type. It's usually whichever parent had more mortal blood, that you end up with. If you do something to activate it and learn the ways of magic and how to control it? It could be extremely powerful. The blood in your veins could create so many wonderful things. You can save people's lives with it, heal plants and calm people with just your presence. It's amazing what a Royal can do. It's why they are so valuable these days, there are very few left." He said as he lowered his head.

"That is really cool. But I don't think my blood can do that. Plus, I don't know how to 'activate' this so called 'magic' inside my body." I said trying to still wrap my head around what he was saying.

"Princess. You are capable of so many things, you don't even know." He smiled grabbing my hand. I squeezed back and sighed.

"Okay so now I just do what? Stay here? There has to be something we can do. I have a family at home! A job. I can't just stay here. They are probably worried about me and tried calling.

Wait where is my phone?" I looked around and looked at Jason.

"It should be in the room. But Princess..you should know, your phone won't work here. You'll have to portal travel to get back to your realm." He said, biting his lip. I could tell he didn't want me to say it, but I had no other choice. I needed to get home.

"I need to go then. How do you make a portal to my realm?" I said taking in a deep breath.

He looked out in the valley and up at the sky.

"She told me when I finally do find you, you'll make me run laps, but it'll be worth it." He said running his hands through his hair.

"Who told you?" I said confused.

"My mother. Before she died, she told me she saw you in a dream. Now that I think of it, she described you..." he looked up at my face and you'd think there was a ghost behind me.

I looked behind me and beside me. No one.

"Uhh. Jason? Earth to Jason?" I said waving my hand back and forth.

"She... you... I .... impossible. There's no way. You wouldn't have been born yet..." he looked confused and put his head in his hands and leaned down.

"She died a year before you were born. But she said she saw you. The only way for that to happen is if.."

His eyes went wide. I couldn't read what he was thinking. His face was just... blank.

"It was you....You were meant to be Queen."

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