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BlackVeilKurosaki · Lainnya
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 New Home?

It was late at night. Ichigo laid shirtless in his bed. Mikayli was next to him. He was half asleep when he heard Mikayli crying and begging someone to stop in her sleep.

He turned over and gently pulled her close, resting her head on his bare chest. She curled up in his arms. He rubbed circles into her back. Her hands gripped the shirt tightly. Ichigo gently sat up and held her closer.

She woke up and looked up at Ichigo. He said"It's okay love. Go back to sleep." He gently moved her hair out of her face." She gently sat up shaking. He rubbed her back more. Her spine was showing.

He didn't like it. "C-can you stand o-outside the b-bathroom please." she asked shakily. Ichigo nodded and helped her walk to the bathroom. He waited outside the door worrying. He was worried. He scrolled through the news.

She slowly walked out the bathroom. She was still shaking. He gently picked her up bridal style and carried her back to the room. She hid her face. She felt like a bother. Ichigo was tired of being alone. He held her close to him. It was 3am.

He wanted to know what happened but he was willing to be patient with her. Her hands were on his chest. He didn't mind that she was laying on him. His boss texted him letting him that he can work from home the next few weeks to help her heal.

To be honest Ichigo was starting to fall in love with her. As for Mikayli, she felt safer being with Ichigo. She slowly fell back asleep. Ichigo ran his fingers through her hair gently. Mikayli's breathing was slowly.

Ichigo fell asleep holding her close to him. A few hours later, Mikayli woke up. She slowly sat up. Ichigo had laid out one of her Black Veil Brides t-shirts and a pair of red boxers. She changed clothes. She slowly walked into the kitchen. Ichigo was making food.

He smiled seeing her. She gently hugged him. He smiled more and gently held her. He was cutting up some fruit. She was still really shy. There was a loud knock on the door. Mikayli jumped. Ichigo raised his eyebrow. Ichigo placed the knife down.

He carefully picked up Mikayli and put her in the bedroom. "Stay in here. Okay. It's probably my ex Grimmjow. I promise it'll be okay." He said putting his black blanket on her. She nodded. He closed the door. He went to the door.

When he opened it, he saw it was exactly who he thought it was. He crossed his arms and said"What do you want Grimm?" Grimmjow raised his eyebrow and said"What your not happy to see me?" Ichigo scoffed and said"I don't have time for this. There is someone inside who needs me. Go home."

Grimmjow was surprised at Ichigo's response. He said"Oh come on Ichigo. We really need to talk." Ichigo walked out and closed his door slightly. "Look. I'm helping someone who just had been through hell. I don't need you to come round and fuck it all up. Just leave." Ichigo went back inside and closed the door. He locked it.

Grimmjow left. Ichigo went towards the bathroom. "She must be taking a shower." He said to himself. He finished cutting up the fruit. She came out a few minutes later. He smiled and gently wrapped his arms around her. She hid her face in his chest. Her hands were on his sides.

He held her knowing that she was starting to trust him.