
Saved By Strawberry.

BlackVeilKurosaki · Others
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Chapter 2 Safe?

When Mikayli woke up, she looked around seeing the room she was in. She gently sat up and saw that it was a different place than James. She carefully put her feet on the soft carpet. She slowly stood up. Her bag was on the chair next to the door.

She carefully walked to the door and gently opened the door. She was scared. She slowly walked into the living room where the orangette was standing. The orangette turned around and smiled at her.

"It's okay your safe here. My name is Ichigo Kurosaki. You can stay here as long as you need to. My cellphone and work number are on the fridge and there is the bathroom on the left next to my office." He said. She nodded. He said"Don't worry. I promise your safe." She nodded again being worried that she was gonna get hurt. He left for work

"Who hurt her so bad?" he said to himself. She carefully walked to the kitchen. Her head was hurting. She looked at the plastic container of food. She carefully grabbed it and a fork. She sat down at the table and slowly ate. The house was quite.

She finished about half of the meal and saved the rest for later. She went back to the bedroom and looked in her bag. She grabbed her meds and went to the kitchen. She carefully grabbed a glass and filled it with water. She took her meds.

She walked to the living room and saw that he had slept on the couch while she was sleeping in his bed. "Why did he save me?" She said to herself. She looked down and saw that she was a red shirt that had the number 15 on it and a black pair of boxers underneath.

She found the bathroom and used it. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands. She looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't like her appearance. She went back to the bed room and curled up underneath Ichigo's black blanket.

She saw that her Machine Gun Kelly hoodie was folded up with her shorts and put on his desk nicely. Ichigo was at work. He talked to his boss about helping the girl out. He was worried about her all day. He finished his work early and walked home. He stopped at a shop and bought a white and brown bear.

When he came home, he saw that the kitchen was clean along with the rest of the house. She was curled up on the couch watching SpongeBob SquarePants. He smiled. He carefully put his bag down. She gently sat up. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." He said. She nodded.

He sat next to her on the couch and gently gave her the teddy bear. She gently held it not understanding why he got her it. He said"I'm gonna make us something to eat okay. Then we can watch anything you want or just relax okay?" She softly nodded. He smiled softly and went to the kitchen.

She was really shy and scared. He knew it was gonna take some time for her. Then the news came on. He looked at her as tears streamed down her face. She saw James on the news. He was arrested. She was shaking hoping it was true. Ichigo carefully walked into the living room.

She ran into Ichigo's arms. She was shaking really bad. He held her and rubbed her back. He could tell that the man he just saw was her abuser. She gripped his shirt. "Please don't make me see him again please." She begged as she broke down. He said holding her"I won't. I promise." He was furious that someone hurt someone like her.

Mikayli stayed close to Ichigo as he was making food. He didn't mind. Her bones were showing through her skin. He was glad that he had a day off tomorrow. All Mikayli could think was that James was gonna be set free then come looking for her.

Ichigo saw the pain. His heart sank. His inner hollow said to him"We got to keep her here. She doesn't need to go back home." He agreed. Mikayli calmed down a little bit. They ate dinner.

Ichigo was scrolling on his phone as Mikayli laid on his chest. She was watching Adventure Time. He gently rubbed her back. Occasionally she would grip Ichigo's shirt. He didn't mind. She was holding the bear.

She was hoping that Ichigo wouldn't hurt her.