
Saved By Strawberry.

BlackVeilKurosaki · Others
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 Protecting Her

Ichigo and Mikayli were on the couch. Mikayli's been sleeping all day in Ichigo's lap. He didn't mind. He kept her close. He was scrolling through his feed. He saw that there was tickets on sale for Machine Gun Kelly.

"This might be a good surprise and it's in two weeks." He said to himself. He purchased tickets for the meet and greet and the concert. He put his phone down. He softly ran his fingers through her hair. She breathed softly as her hands rested on Ichigo's sides.

Her phone dinged. Ichigo checked the notification. It was a girl named Pam. James's sister. He copied the number and and asked his best friend Aizen who was the cop that arrested James. Aizen was happy that Ichigo was keeping her safe.

Mikayli woke up and softly stretched. Ichigo smiled as she slowly fell asleep again. He covered her with the blanket from the couch. Aizen had told Ichigo that James was arrested based on neighbors reports and video evidence.

Ichigo was hoping that he didn't get released. He held her close. His hands rested on her sides. He felt her ribs. He wondered what else James did to her. Ichigo wanted to kill James but more so wanted to keep Mikayli safe.

He softly kissed the top of her head. Her hands were still on his lap. She woke up a few hours later. Ichigo smiled as she gently sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around her. He held her close. He knew one of her medications made her really sleepy.

Ichigo was getting constant texts from Grimmjow. Aizen knew about their situation. Ichigo didn't want Mikayli to meet Grimmjow. Mikayli was staring at the wall. She was spacing out quite a lot. Ichigo smiled as she gently scooted closer. She felt safer and loved. She was definitely calmer.

He rubbed her back. She was his main priority now.