
Savage Hero

What do you do, when you find yourself in a different world? One you have only ever read about or seen on tv? The answer should be obvious right, most would jump form joy.. isn’t that how its supposed to be? Then let me ask what if there were consequences or circumstances out your control? Wishes are supposed to make you all powerful, even with that said some come at a great price. Follow the this journey of the Mc as they move through the world, find out more about themselves and learning what it truly means to pick a side. Be it a hero or a villain, the Mc must come to terms with who they are and forget a pass that follows them. Ehh, I tried my best to not give away to mush information, while I know I should give some detail.. you should tell by the cover what world and I promise you’d never guess the Mc, i caught myself off guard and I’m writing it. Moving on to the tags: Romance, Kind of yuri(which will be explained) sliceoflife, action, gore, the mc will have a relationship with 2 girls I didn’t want to make it harem I wanted it to be something I can handle and it might be both in a relationship or just be with one and when they break up be with another idk yet. Either way enjoy and I own nothing. If the owner of the cover art wants me to take it down I will.

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Chapter 5: Aroma

(Short chapter sorry, it was supposed to be part of the last one. Some how I didn't copy it but what can i do. I hope you enjoy it and comment if you want. I need to improve so all comments even shit ones are welcome. Have a good night. P.s chapters will be longer after this one.)

[Forest home, Mc pov]

Stepping into the bathroom, i pull off my orange kimono, red thong roped flip flops and my white socks. Walking over, I filled up the large wood and stone tub. Watching as the steam came off of the water and stepped over the the old style look mirror.

'I really can't get over this.. wait what the fuck?!' Looking at my young body, I saw how toned i was for a 4 year old thanks to my father. Looking at the black sash over my small chest and to the rope like underwear i wore, that had a flap of white fabric to cover my special area.

When looking back up at my face, I was surprised to see my hair had changed. Even then I thoughh it was no big deal until i looked at my eyes, seeing for a second that my eyes they were bright hazel with cat-like slits and white horizontal slats. Before I could really look they changed back to the pupiless eyes I usually had.

'I guess I really am that person, whatever.. there nothing I can do about it now. Besides I have bigger things to deal with. The sun is up so I have a while before they will do anything.' Sliding into the tub I thought on what I should do next.

'If something really happened to Mikoto, then where is her body? I'm sure that's what dad was trying to hide, not to mention what he said about her kids? What does he plan to do?' Sinking more into the water I thought back on the words of my dad, only to stop as my body stiffened up.

'What that smell.. is mom cooking something special?' A sweet aroma I've never smelled before licked my nose, I knew mom could cook but I never smelled something like this in my life.

'Let's put that on hold and hurry this bath up..' Feeling I was hungry now I hurried with my bath. Getting out after a half and hour and putting my clothes on.

'Is this going to be a thing now? where I stay in the bath way longer then I need to?! Fuck I hate this body.. but it was relaxing. Shut the fuck up self.' Yelling at myself in my mind I made my way through the large house. Following the smell as I almost floated to the kitchen.

"Mom?" Coming in I saw as my mom cooked away, seeing the table filled with food, from rice to salad and something at the center in a pot.

"What's the occasion mother? Your cooking a lot.." looking at my mother turn around I was surprised.

"Your finally done baby? Well your just in time. Happy birthday to you baby." Turning around my mother had a smile on her face, holding a chocolate cake in her hand. Watching as the 4 sparklers went off as she sung a song.

"Mom!" Seeing my mothers beautiful smile, then to the cake in her hand I ran over to her. Hugging her leg at she placed the cake on the table.

"Thank you.. I love you mom.." Not looking at her face I hugged her more as I thanked her, with everything that happened I even forgot what day it was but mother didn't.

"Always baby, now sit it's time to eat and cake is after." My mother rubbed my head as she moved back to counter.

"Good I'm hungry! Did you cook something special today mom! I've never smelled something so good.." I spoke as I sat at the table, looking at the pot that was giving off the smell. Only to hear my mother drop a knife into the sink.

"Mom what's wrong?!" Seeing how straight my mothers back was I got worried.

"It's nothing baby.. mommy is just a little tired. I cooked curry, your favorite." When I looked down at mothers food around me, my mothers eyes blanked at my words and stared at the wall. Her hand shaking as she put it to her heart.

'It's for my baby.. I'll do anything if it's for our little one, anything.' Mako thought to herself as she picked up the knife in the sink, while closing the small container on the counter as she wiped the meat and blood off of the edges.