
Savage Hero

What do you do, when you find yourself in a different world? One you have only ever read about or seen on tv? The answer should be obvious right, most would jump form joy.. isn’t that how its supposed to be? Then let me ask what if there were consequences or circumstances out your control? Wishes are supposed to make you all powerful, even with that said some come at a great price. Follow the this journey of the Mc as they move through the world, find out more about themselves and learning what it truly means to pick a side. Be it a hero or a villain, the Mc must come to terms with who they are and forget a pass that follows them. Ehh, I tried my best to not give away to mush information, while I know I should give some detail.. you should tell by the cover what world and I promise you’d never guess the Mc, i caught myself off guard and I’m writing it. Moving on to the tags: Romance, Kind of yuri(which will be explained) sliceoflife, action, gore, the mc will have a relationship with 2 girls I didn’t want to make it harem I wanted it to be something I can handle and it might be both in a relationship or just be with one and when they break up be with another idk yet. Either way enjoy and I own nothing. If the owner of the cover art wants me to take it down I will.

Surge2 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Something Is Wrong

[Mc Pov]

'Ah, damn! my head hurts.. what the hell happened?' Feeling pain all over my body, i lifted my small hand to my face. The shooting pain was still there in my body, every movement more painful then the last.

'I can't remember much but I remember this pain.. just what on earth happened.' Reaching my face, my eyes were open but it was black as night. Feeling the cloth on my face I pulled it away from my eyes, seeing the small lights from the sun peaking through the blinds just enough for me to see the roof of the room i was laying in.

Feeling the pain start to lessen, I leaned up on my hands and felt the covers that covered my body fall. Looking around the room, it was a room I was familiar with, seeing the paintings of demons and warriors in Japanese culture. I knew from seeing that it was the family room of my home.

'Whatever happened, I think I passed out. Mother and father must have brought me here. Even if I can't remember I'm pretty sure that was my quirk awakening, still I don't remember anyone saying it was supposed to be painful? So why..' thinking to myself I remember my veins stressing along with my mouth hurting. My eyes burned as I tried to get to my mother, still I passed out.. well it felt more like I blacked out.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I turned my head back and forth. Hearing voices a distance away I was confused with the thick walls of my home, I was sure I couldn't usually hear through them. Getting to my feet slowly, I walked to the slide door that led to the hallway, looking left and right I followed the voice's until I reached the meeting room of my house. Hearing my mother and fathers voice inside I was happy.

"I'll handle it like I always do.. stop worrying my love." Hearing my father's words I stopped, pulling my hand away from the slide door.

"What about there family? She had kids! What will we do if this gets out? What will happen to our baby? Huh Kiro!" I could hear my mother yell, it was only confusing me more as I thought on the conversation they were having with each other.

"Enough Mako! Didn't I say I would protect you two?! She is just a teacher and she was already a big risk.. it will take time before anyone finds out. She is just missing is all.. I will deal with the kids like I did before.. I know you don't like it but there is nothing else to be done Mako, now stop." My father cut his words off, looking at the door. Following his eyes my mother stopped, only giving a nod as she walked to the door.

Hearing foot steps I tried to move away, only to feel two hands wrap my head. Lifting and pulling me back as the back of my head fell into two massive pillows, feeling the soft yet tight hug wrap me. I didn't even need to turn around, knowing full well it was my mother. Feeling her hug made me melt, temporarily forgetting what I just heard.

"Mother.." I spoke, turning around and hugging her back as I was lifted off the ground.

"Yes mommy is right here.. I was so worried. Are you ok now?! Are you hurt anywhere?" Not even two minutes passed before my mother started checking me, asking questions as she looked into my eyes.

"I'm fine.." I was going to laugh and reply but seeing the room behind my mother I froze. There were head sized holes In the walls, the floor had dents in it, almost like something smashed into it with great force. Then to the blood that stained the floor, only getting a glimpse before my fathers face was in the crack of the slide door, looking at me seriously as he closed it.

'Ok, now honestly what the hell happened? Was I hurt? I mean if I was I probably know what happened but I didn't see blood on my clothes? Was mother hurt? No mother is really and I mean really fast.. father, nope just stop that one before it starts. Ah! Think who else?' Seeing the blood I was sure something was up, there was no reason to hide it or not have cops involved if there wasn't something going on, to top it off dads face is a dead give away.

'Ms. Mikoto?!' While in thought a name came to my mind, the only woman my family allowed in our home. My teacher, the only other person I could have a conversation with besides my family. Along with being the only other person who was in the house.

She was paid enough not to talk about what she sees here, nor did she ever complain when she watched how my father trained me. She just did her job and helped me to learn all that I could.

'If I remember right.. I'm pretty sure she did have kids? What the hell happened? She's missing? but that doesn't explain the blood? Fuck, I'll think of a plan later.. when I'm not getting killed by mother.' I thought, only being pulled out as I was suffocated by my mothers large chest.

"Mom! I'm going to die.." looking up to my mothers pretty eyes I yelled a little. Seeing her rub my head as she let go a little.

"I'm sorry baby.. mother was just worried. Look go get cleaned up ok? Mother needs to do something important ok?" Smiling my mother put me down and rubbed my head. Hearing her sweet voice I only nodded, still in my head about what I heard. Being place back on the ground as I walked away.

'Whatever it is I need to get to the bottom of it, I'm not some good person or a fucking detective but I've been feeling off for a while. I know my mother and father are hiding something but what is it? The more I ask, the more I wonder what is actually going on here.' Thinking I walk in to the bath room as I come up with a plan to find out what is going on with my parents.