
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

Shweta_Roy_2855 · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

42 Prologue

A young man was walking through the city of SOFIA, going through the streets, while attracting the attention of some young women, who only looked at him and murmured among themselves.

The young man stopped at a store and proceeded to enter, where the sign for the store was Wands by Gregorovitch; upon entering he saw an old man at the counter.

He approached and greeted the owner of the shop, the owner answered the greeting, sasuke went straight to the point, I want you to make me two wands.

Gregorovitch was surprised at such a request.

Gregorovitch: I understand making one wand, since it's common for one wand to take damage or break, but two is rare.

Sssuke: both are not for me, only one is for me and the other is for someone else.

Gregorovitch: If I'm going to do this job, the other person has to come in to make the respective adjustments.

Sasuke: that's true, but I'll leave you the wands that belong to us so that you can make the adjustments based on that, it won't be easier to do it this way.

Gregorovitch: It's true that it's easier, but because under normal circumstances a wizard only asks for his second wand when something happens to the first.

Sasuke: It's just a project, are you going to do it?

Gregorovitch: It's fine but it will take time to get the same core of the wands.

Sasuke: no problem, and hands him a bag with the phoenix feather and thetrals hair materials.

Gregorovitch: ok but I want 50 galleons, per wand, since I imagine you don't want anyone to find out right.

Sasuke: here, he throws a small sack with the money at him

Gregorovitch: It will take a week.

Sasuke tosses both wands at her, and retreats.

Gregorovitch in his mind how curious to have two wands, this boy thinks out of the ordinary, I wonder if he tried to control them at the same time.

Sasuke was thinking about what I should do, since the wands will take 1 week, return or stay.

I guess I'll check into a hotel until I decide.

Arriving at the hotel in the wizarding world, he registered and bought a newspaper to find out about current news, where the headline was about the next Quiditch World Cup that would be played in Britain.

There was no more relevant news, but even so he decided to read the entire newspaper, and rest, because he already had established what he would do, for tomorrow.

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In a certain small Hagleton mansion, a caretaker of such a place approached the mansion, as he observed a light in one of the rooms.

Frank Brice was an old person, who has always stayed in his cabin near the abandoned mansion taking care of it, but when he observed that light he went out to check.

As he approaches, he listens to the conversation between two people, they mentioned something about having killed a certain Bertha Jorkins, Harry Potter, and a Tournament, but the bossy voice notices his presence, and his footman orders him to open the door for Frank to enter.

Frank threatens to report them to the police, but the bossy voice introduces himself as Lord Voldemort, and decides to kill him, his wand spewing out a green bolt, while laughing.