
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

Shweta_Roy_2855 · Movies
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80 Chs

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Sasuke who was in his wagon, along with Luna.

She invited him to spend a few days at her house for the holidays.

Sasuke declined the offer, as I have to go do our second wand project.

Luna: you have decided where you are going to send them to create

Sasuke: yes, I'll go to Bulgaria for a few days, I've been investigating, there's a wand maker just as famous as Ollivanders, Gregorovitch.

Sasuke: So lend me your wand for a while.

Moon: but?

Sasuke: that will be my Christmas present for you, your second wand and when the next year starts we will investigate to be able to deform it.

moon: thank you

Arriving in London, Sasuke went to knockturn alley, entered the Borgin and Burkes store, and asked if you had an answer to my two requests.

Borgin: I look up to observe who was speaking to him, and he answers that only one, the other order will take time.

Sasuke: then

Borgin gives him a note this is the address of an illegal portkey that will take you to Bulgaria.

Sasuke hands him some gold coins, and leaves.

In his mind he says Bulgaria, I'm coming