
Sage of Senju

"Destiny is like a river, where the weak find it hard to go against flow and if they stand in the way of the current they drown. I can't stop the flow of history from sinking them if they are in the open all I offer is a place to hide till the storm dies down." -- said the sage to the god. A child supposed to die in his mother's womb and a soul that was being washed of memories come together, born in the Shikkotsu forest watch as he seeks to get back his family, and how the encounters he has guide him to new possibilities.

NPCthatKILLS · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs


Unknown POV

It has been a while since I last visited the Shikkotsu forest as I felt the abundant natural energy flowing around I felt my body relaxing and my mind calming somewhat of the anxiety I was feeling recently as I let my senses expand their range I got a feeling the forest felt somewhat different from before how should I put

'hmm... yes the forest feels livelier than before, yes I can now find some sounds in what used to be a completely silent place'

and so moved towards the source of the sounds to check it out.

As I reached the place I saw what seemed to be a gathering of summon beasts near a shed by the lakeside as I approached some of them were alerted of my presence and immediately they moved in tandem and took a defensive stance towards me and I could feel them surrounding something in the center of their formation it seems like they are probably protecting a cub as I felt a small life in the center but then I noticed some problem with the situation I saw the shed looking like a human house a board of game of go on a trunk and what appears to be a small cart in between the summoned beasts

'Hmmm...something is not right here'

I thought as I approached the place to see but my actions seemed to have made the other group vigilant and give rise to hostility so I immediately stopped right there.

'umu.. I should probably declare I have no hostile intentions or this might start a fight'

Then I suddenly saw a giant slug near the shed turn towards me and immediately called out

"It is nice to see you again lady katsuyu, I hope my arrival didn't disturb you ha ha ha."

"It is nice to see you too Hashirama-sama" she replied

And I immediately saw the animals relax as they opened a path towards the center and I was stunned by what I saw.

Hashirama POV

When the crowd of animals parted I saw what lay in the centre and I was so stunned at the sight that it took me a minute to accept the scene and recover my wits, and know this I have seen Madara smile fondly probably thinking of some lady but even that didn't shock me as much as this scene did.

In the centre of the gathering of animals was how should I put it a weird crib with wheels like a cart and a high backrest built upon a box about the height of my waist, now I know it's a crib for sure but it gave me a feeling it was some kind of throne and a child was sitting on it surrounded by majestic beasts like a king surrounded by his army.

As soon as I recovered from my shock I did the one thing I thought most appropriate I did a hand seal and disrupted my chakra to break out of the genjutsu and the scene in front of me immediately changed and the child and the crib disappeared from my view, just I breathed a sigh of relief I heard lady katsuyu's chiding voice.

"What are you doing Hashirama-sama!" (Katsuyu)

"I was just put under a genjutsu and disrupted my chakra to recover, my apologies." (Hashirama)

"What genjutsu?" (Katsuyu)

"Ha ha ha ha It was amazing genjutsu I just saw a child sitting on a throne-like crib in the center of your gathering, I don't know who cast the jutsu but he must be strong, even Madara wasn't able to catch me so off guard." (Hashirama)


"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha…. He so funny." (childish voice)

"KU KU KU KU KU What a funny human"(Sage monkey Uncle1)

"I haven't had such a laugh in a long time"(Sage Monkey Grandpa)

"Heh he looks stupid"(Mr wolf)

"Must've hit his head in childhood…poor child"(sage monkey grandma)

"hahahahahahahahahahaha"(all the other animals rolling on the ground)

Senju Hashirama just looked at the child sitting in the grand crib and questioned reality and then looking at the summoning animals laughing at him he felt the deep malice of the world toward him so he turned to Lady Katsuyu for consolation only to see her whole body of the slug trembling like a water balloon trying to keep her laughter to herself.

(And so Hashirama and Madara joined hands for INFINITE TSUKUYOMI ;) JUST Kidding. )

Hashirama sat on the ground drawing circles on the ground and only looked back when the laughter stopped by now he recovered to his normal self when he turned back he saw the child give a look towards lady katsuyu and then look at the others as if communicating then he saw lady katsuyu asking the animals to excuse them and they started leaving the vicinity he saw the child call a small monkey which before leaving cleared the tree stump of the board game placing the tree stump in front of his crib, then the child gestured for him to sit.

Hashirama was shocked by the intelligence and manners shown by a child appearing less than three years old in the middle of a forest with no civilization appearing more like a noble than the nobles he met in the capital of the land of fire, so with curiosity he took the seat he was offered looking forward to what this miraculous encounter had in store for him.