
Wendy's identity revealed,,,,!

"it has been some time now ever since His of war, took us to court and was given the favor of taking the kids with him, 

Yet upto now he has not taken any action am I the only one who has a strange feeling of what is about to happen?" Fourth son of the Sanchez said

"I feel it too dear husband but how can we protect our kids they are too cute I don't know how to help it and we can't go against the law

And mostly , it was one of the best lawyers that Jane herself hired that went against her?" She said to the husband

"I just feel like that lady lawyer look just like  Jane even how she was moving her hands seems to quite familiar 

I have this feeling that Wendy that is Jane's mother is not dead and a live" he said and his suspicions were right

"Yes your are right, then why is it that this Ghost over this 30 years she has never appeared and she also made a face as the best designer after Wendy disappeared something is not adding up" she said

"Yes, judging from how she was talking is like she knows that God of war, and she was not even trying to side with Jane instead she was like a mother scolding her child and telling her what is good to be in love is that how it should be?" She asked

"My wife now I even feel like carrying you all day long kissing you and giving you more children , why do I find it this way because you are using your brain every time nowadays" he said

"Husband are you trying to insult me indirectly? Heheeee, today no food for you master bedroom is lock "

"I don't want to interact with a shameless man lets I become one" she said and hurriedly closed the door

"Wife I will take you, for a shopping today" 

"Husband are you trying to say that I was dumb before heheeee, I will slaughter you today" Hahaaaa this young couples were happy

"Sign,,,, I don't know how to help my very own granddaughter and my great grandchildren this cute kids are to be separated from their mother at such a young age,

The most pitiful one is my Jane, despite telling the world that no matter the condition she can still move but it seems that 

The world is unwilling to let her have peace" she said

"At the same time I keep on asking myself why did that woman who look exactly like Wendy appear from no where and call herself Ghost from before?" 

No one can give answers apparently 

All of them wanted to Know the truth but this truth lies in the hands of that woman

The thought of Wendy probably being dead years ago was pushed at the back of there mind and now what they all wanted to know is who is she, and how come she looks exactly like Wendy

"Old madam, some two gentlemen are here to look for you" the house keeper said

"Who can pay us a visit as at now that we still have family issues if this person is not coming to celebrate how were summoned then what else could it be" third son's wife said

"Yes tell them that madam is sick and don't need visitors however they can choose to come back next week" the first son said

"I have a bad feeling about this, let's first deal with our families matters before starting to tolerate outsiders 

This is the time that Jane and those cute babies needs us the most" she said

"Then mother I will take you to your room, and try to catch some sleep otherwise Jane will get mad at you"  he said but elder modam declined 

Although this cute family was trying to protect there family member they did not do it the right way

What if this people start by spreading rumors about them 

How they were chased out of the Sanchez Villa then it will not be a good idea and the best way to solve everything let's listen to what they have to say

"Okay, for the sake of mother let them in, but if they try anything stupid you will have to throw them out okay" 

"Yes first master" the  maid said and welcomed the two in

Immediately the two knight son's entered the Villa the whole Sanchez family were stunned, 

'how will we explain to them about what happened ?'

The first person to react was the Madam Sanchez

"What a pleasant day, my son's welcome to our humble home and have a seat" she smiled but you could tell that the smile was not real rather pretentious, it didn't reach her eyes

"Thank you old madam we are humbled, to be welcomed by you personally, I will have to tell my old mamaa, when I travel back" Rodney said

Rodney is someone you can't not understand his personality and some point if he smiles with you 

You have to think of other, things his smile might be the end of you, due to his cold personality not even many people knows what the eldest grand son of the Knight's look like, 

The people at the office apart from those that work on the same floor with him no one has ever seen his side, 

The secretary is always walking in and out but was not blessed to see his face talk of here a sentence from him, he always say one word and that's final

He is know us *the darkness* hahaaa why because most that has ever crossed his party ended up in the dark and we're all killed,, 

Another question is "where did Rodney got such a power from?" Yet he is not a mafian,,

When it comes to him you will never have your answer,

The only person he has always cared about was Wendy Knight his aunty

"Serve the visitors tea " old madam said

"So son's apart from knowing Ethan I have only heard afew things from my great grandchildren, tell me  about you" trying to be friendly

"Haha,, there is nothing to know about me, as long am  no gangster you can believe in me and that's it nothing much" he said

",Okay, I heard the eldest grandson of the knight's rarely go out or meet people, and not even the young ones in his family knows about him

Am curious why did you out today,,," first son asked

"You are right...." He stopped expecting him to continue

"Oooh then what is it if we can help we will surely help you" he said

"Oooh, then I want to know why all of you allowed my sister like that and even made her  suffer a loss" at this point the most handsome man  was tying to maintain her image

"Elder master Rodney, we could not do anything if you know, r how uthless that God of war  can be with us" the fourth son explained

"Why did you allow that scumbag to kidnap my sister, and yet you did nothing?" Can you explain things" 

"Elder brother, it's not that way, we didn't know when that happen and we could not imagine that someone was dating enough to brake into our Sanchez family that is full of security measures" the first son said

This man is ugly yet handsome face, then how come Colin and him do not fear one other this show is cool to watch

It seems that he loves and cares for her, and in his eyes Jane is a goddess and should be treated very cool, though he doesn't understand but ways of making someone love and care for you

"I hope my sister will not suffer such a shameful thing if she will be staying back here, and I hope you can protect her all day" he said 

"My two  young lads must be protected too" he said

"And, you all know my aunty Wendy, she came around and you can tell whether, that person that appeared was an imposter or my aunty don't tell me you can't even tell your daughter -in-law at first glance or probably you had forgotten about her voice

Which is very impossible, if you can recognize a ghost of a dead person why can't you recognize her?" He asked

"Grandson even though that woman do look exactly like Wendy but Wendy didn't know anything to do with law" she said

"Are all sure you knew my aunt, my aunty sturdier law and became a lawyer at 17 years,, 

Sure you didn't understand that daughter in-law very well" he said all this time even Ethan who was silent, moved and was shocked so 

Jane's mother my aunty was just like her? Heheee, no wonder she is a genius! His eyes lit up

"What did you just say?"

"I said my aunt Wendy Knight sturdier law from her younger age  and if my instincts are right that woman is my aunty"