
Why are you all this beautiful.....!!

After breakfast George had to go back to Wembley's corporation,

Not aware of his sister's plan for the day, at work he was busy thinking of how to win his partner, he just want to be with her nothing else 

"Boss, you called for me?" His assistant asked this man to people he might be friendly but to people who work in Wembley corporation

It is a pit hell hole

"Yes, I want to go and order the top notch food at my friend's restaurant and send it to knight corporation where my future wife is working " he said

"Remember it is one hour to lunch" he said , if only he could eat lunch with his woman then everything b should be commanded to stop moving

Too bad he can't and doesn't know how long it will take him to win her over he wish for it to be today

"Yes boss"

All day long it was too boring for him just one thing that he wished for was for Jeffrey not to visit him today

"Hey man, what are you really thinking about ? How to win her over?

Let me tell you a clean sport's car was bought for her not only that

The royals from king's homelad the Carter's were spotted on there floor tell me apart from her who else should king's or king be after, of cause that woman it is

So brother because of you being too slow have lost such a beautiful sister how can I describe this? " Jeffrey joked

"If you can't shut up then get out of my office" he said

"Yooo relax, they are going to go on a date, George do you know what that means that means that after this sister will not be reliable at all, do you want that man stand up go and claim my sister in law for me can't you do it

If Colin is out there fighting with that powerful lady who are you stand up" Jeffrey said

"Am really doubting how you were doing it with those numerous ladies if you can't stand up for the most special woman " he said

"I didn't know that you were my enemy, I didn't know that my sworn brother is sick, " George said

The pain of loosing that woman even before they knew each other was too much, heheeee,

He chuckled since when did I become restless just for a woman in my life,,

"I will leave you and let you be with your pity self look at you, just a mare woman , just because she is too beautiful you can't stand her" Jeffrey said

"If not for the sake of brother good , I could have separated your head from your body Jeffrey cause you have nothing to say please leave and let me think of a way to deal with this" he said

"Better think of away on how to deal with this cause if you can not win her over, you will be in my black book brother bring sister -in -law home" with that Jeffrey left and the assistant came in

"Boss we have done everything as planned and 24 top special dishes have been sent I am sure madam will find her test in same if not all and also have told them to address you as master while talking to them" he said

"Good, " he said shifting his attitude to imagine how she is eating, he wanted to be by her side as she eats

"Boss open your phone we have set up a camera on one of the  ladies shirt as long as she is in the room will be able to watch her eat and that way you will be able to share  your meal with hers and learn her likes and dislikes" 

Saying this he stepped aside and the food was brought to him

This wards made him shift his gaze

"What did you say?" He asked, wondering since when did his assistant started thinking like this

At the same time wondered if he made it seem too obvious that he wanted to spend this launch together?

No one can read through me how come some can  do this

"Boss I said you can watch madam take her meal this way the two of you can seem to be in the same room and looking at each other while eating" he said

"Your salary this month has been raised by 10% and bonus also granted" he said 

When he open his phone , to share his meals with her he was chocked with his wards of wanting to say ' beautiful'

Was he seeing things wrongly?r his eyes playing tricks on him?

Isn't that my sister Cassy Wembley or someone else, 

"This little brat! I will kill her today how dare she go to my fiancee ?" To confirm he called her with his other phone

"Helloo brother how is your day" she said from the other side 

Sure enough that lady picked up the phone so my eyes are cool and that is my sister with her?

"Nothing sister where are you brother want to take to his friends' restaurant and have lunch together" he said trying to suppress the urge of killing this sweet talker of a sister

"Brother sorry sister is taking lunch with her friends, but sure I will join you next time" she said

' so stupid so she is lying to me again and yet I can still see what friends? ' George sneered

"Okay sister enjoy your lunch with your friends " he said

", Okay brother byee" she hunger up

"This snicky sister of his, what is she thinking, she actually went to her without telling me?"

He felt a pung of jealousy seeing how her sister was laughing with his soon to be wife

"Boss's, I think that young miss is there to make sure that she leave a good impression of the Wembley family and make her and her younger sister to feel most welcomed in the family in the future" his assistant said

At the Gold Empire***

"Sister Eileen, I know we do not have that close relationship to make me call you the word sister since this is our first time meeting but I want to tell you that 

Apart from being your number one fun I like you and want you to be my sister and your sister too to be my sister and my best friend since we are of the same age, 

I really like you guys and it's genuine" she said

"It is our first meeting but the impression you have left is the greatest impression we are not just two but we are,,,," be fore she could continue, she was cut short

"We are five right?" Audrine came in 

"Sister Audrine why didn't you tell us that you are coming we miss you sister, 

Too bad you only know how to spend time with your patients"  Addah said like a cute little puppy

"Oooooh my bad, hello, am Audrine and this two beautiful ladies are my friends, and if you are their friend you will be our friend too" she said

'is this family fun of beautiful ladies? How come this beautiful ladies selected themselves' Cassy was lost in Audrine's beauty, she can not believe is not an actress but a doctor to bad a waste of beauty'

She was lost while seizing Audrine up

"Hahaaaa" Audrine laughed

"Aaahah sister Audrine am sorry just that I love good looking people, wow! Why is everyone here too beautiful?" She asked

"Heheee, Cassy this is Gold's sister, step sister" Eileen said she can't imagine how this lady has a disorder for the beauty

"Wwwoooooo! What? Gold's sister are you going to kill me if I continue staying here like this" Cassy exaggerated her exclamations

"Hey sister Audrine are sure you are not that acress that used mask to act on that movie *the bewitching beauty*? She" she asked

"Yes am not , am a doctor" she said

"Such a waste of beauty, with this face men should be nose bleeding like when that stupid man that nose bleed because of sister Eileen" she signed

"Hahaaaa, Eileen your new friend is something else, what if she sees Tasha and Jane, sure she will go crazy" she said

"Are talking of Gold's partners?" She asked if this family is full of beautiful ladies like this then she won't expect less from the rest

"Yes,"Addah replied "amongst us Jane/ Gold is the most beautiful" she said

On the other side, George was wondering what this 4 ladies were talking about just when Audrine walked in he screen shot that image and sent it to Jeffrey

"He could not help but smile whenever Eileen could smile and laugh though he could not hear the sound

"Such a beauty will be mine only  mine" he smiled at his thoughts, why is he being greedy when facing such a beauty?

Mmmh, but it's not bad to be greedy most especially when with this beauty'