
It has always been you, mamaaa.....!

"mamaa, I don't want us continue this way, why can't we be together and raise our kids what is the problem with that," Colin was trying to very polite to her

"Colin Fernandez the problem is you can't be the father of my kids in any way and if you are dreaming of being part of us then forget it

If you think that I took some part of your money then am willing to pay more, and I will sell all my property, that have worked hard for, so that you can be away from us I don't need you my kids don't need you

Just assume that we never met, and assume that this kids don't exist

These kids are my life, the only close friends that I have are them so if you take them then kill me first

You don't know the pain be of being alone in this world, you grew up with everything how about me ? This kids are my everything Colin everything" she said crying

"Jane do you hate me that much" he asked

"Yes Colin I hate you in that I don't want to see your face, you came here to take my kids and even bribed those lawyers? Including my lawyer do you think that am a fool

Because they call you God of war so you think you can do anything and everything, Hahaaaa, Colin forget 

That woman was not there when I almost died with my kids in my womb, she wasn't there when you planned to drug me back then then threw money at me like a whore, a prostitute let me tell you 

If you insist on taking my kids away from me you will have to kill me" she said she was loosing it bit by bit

"Jane, do you know how much I have Waited for you? Do you know how much have always like you? Do you know how much have always love you?

You changed your identity your information about exist in any system of nation A, 

I found your family but non of them knew you you even sealed who you were to them, 

I tried tracking Tasha and prince Roby's phone but everything was in vain, do you think I was going to marry that lady? Even if you were not going to appear I was not going to marry her, that is because after that night

You occupied my thoughts , my soul my everything was you , 

I could have night mares because of you, I waited for you to use that cheque so that I could trace you from there but you didn't use it even after so many years, Jane all I want is you me and our kids are going to fight like this? Like we are some kids, I know you despise me but Jane am ready to wait for you but please let's be in good terms even if it's for our kids please" he said 

With heavy steps he moved closer to her, she kept on stepping back her eyes were filled with tears 

She was trembling from anger and fear this man used me back then and still planning on using me? Do I look like a Baby doll to him, I wanted to meet him back then but now I don't know 

I don't want him, anymore, lost in her thoughts Colin took the advantage and slammed his lips on hers

Jane felt a cold lips on hers stunned at that moment, Colin bit her lower lips and penetrated into her mouth , he really wanted to kiss her

He sucked her lips and tongue and each and every corner of her mouth still not satisfied with that, he continued

Jane felt like this man was going to swallow her alive, she felt lifeless at this point and was loosing her breath, but Colin released her for some time before kissing her hard ant teasing and playing with her lips for some times,

At this point Colin held her tightly and pressed her hard onto him and Jane felt something hard bulged from him, Colin hugged her and kissed her neck as he was trying very much to relax and he said

"Mama, trust me if I say you are the only one ever since then, it has always been you, no one else

And ever since then, you are the first person am kissing again I kissed you last and now have kissed you again

I never wanted any woman to take part of you from me

Mama, I want you, I really want you but I will wait for you to accept me but I will have to go with my son's am sorry" he said and let go of the hug

"You scambag how dare you play with my emotions, then tell that you are taking my kids away? Colin kill me kill me, I don't need you to like me and don't wait for me 

I am contented with everything I have" she said the added "I am rich I can provide everything for my kids and you can't I don't need you" she said

"Mamaa, I need you understand one thing money only is not enough, look at me how rich do you think I am? Not even half of your wealth can reach my  a quarter

But here I am I need a family cause am growing old, I need someone who loves me who we can share with every thing if I wake up in the morning you can kiss me I can kiss you we can have our breakfast in bed take shower together I  caressed you as I give you a bath, you too the same, 

Mamaaa, we take our kids to park to together, he take them to school together, kiss them good bye and I drive you to your work place,mamaaa, I just want to grow old with my family that is you and my kids

But you don't want that you despise me that much so it's impossible, " he said, 

Trying to make Jane understand the importance of having a family, but who is Jane to her all this are meaningless, and waste of time she doesn't need all this things, she just need her kids and nothing more

"Seriously Colin all this things you are telling me are just wastage of time you want to waste my time like this? 

Then think of something else all that you have proposed are things that am not interested in" she said not caring how Colin will react

"Jane, why, why are you like this" Colin could not believe that even after saying all those things she was still going to deny him

"Colin, world changed me like this, before I met you, 

I never wanted to reveal my identity and I always wanted true and genuine love, love like no other,

A happy family that I never had a loving husband and beautiful kids with cute and good morals,

But after that night I realized that all those things were my fantasies and could never happen and will never get them, so why waste my time in things that world denyed me?

Mmmh! Colin in this world people will only respect you after realizing your worth, just like you, 

That night can recall what you called me?and how you criticized my dressing code, but look at you now, you are here infront of me talking about

How you want me, after that night or during the process of taking my virginity away from me you could have held my hands like a treasure that you are claiming that I am to you" she said, her eyes were red and very cold

"Mama, do you think am here because of your background? Or because you are rich?  Am here because I want us to build a home which you don't want, if you think of me this way then it's fine but please mamaa, allow me build a home  with my two sons" he said now he has no reasons to deal with her

"Colin don't even think of it don't even try dreaming if you think that am joking then try taking them away from me" she said and left

"This woman does she want to go against me like this? Then I should let her know that am serious and that am not joking with her, and no man will ever come to my woman in this life or next" he said

"Prepare the tickets back to nation A my kids and soon to be wife is coming with me too" he said

"Okay sir everything is as planned and we are going to do just that

"Prepare everything in 3 hours" he said

Jane was not aware of what Colin has done, when she saw him, he was full of smiles but why? Is this man planning another stupid action?