
Turning of a new leader,,,,,, Joylen's decision!!!

For the first time king felt like he has lost something,,, he felt pain letting her go but what can he do

"Col" "yes boss" "prepare the car very first and make sure we catch up to madam" he said

Joylen didn't expect this to happen why is he going after her, when am here, he is my last hope to get to Colin I can't let this slip off my hands

"King.....!" Then she let herself fall on the sharp edge of the stand "aah! Aaahah,,,! King help me please" thinking that she has won

"Hey I don't want such stupid blood drop on the floor, please take her to her family and let the doctor treat her there 

Close this door, am not coming back into this house it has been stained by blood" he said and walked out 

"I don't have time for such stupidities those you can only play them when you are with Colin  and your family members but not with

I want this house sold immediately...!!!!" He said

"Yes boss this house is sold " the chief guard said

Joylen could not believe her ears just some few months ago King was in love with him he has been waiting for her for years what changed that

Little slut seduced my man she charmed him,, 

If not why is my king cruel to me even after trying to commit suicide he abandoned me and went for that under aged child what is wrong with him,,, 

That's not all this house that he moved in yesterday is being sold because of me,,, heheeee" Joylen smiled at herself at how she has become a joke,,, 

Colin called me psychopath, his child broke my bornes and even made us bankrupt 

King on the other hand, he loved me so very much, but just within few months he married a child and even see me as a sin! 

Do they think that they will live freely just because they wish of it,, hahaaa, that is very impossible that can never happen over my dead body

'once I was an actress a model known in the world and beauty of nation A, men flocked around me ,

Some could wish of just being in the same room  with me some wished to work and even hold the Hem of my cloth,, 

But I turned them all down because of Colin my love for him made me avoid both serious and non serious men , I was once proposed for, but slapped that man saying that he was crazy and should not put me into shame

Now I have realized how painful it was for him to be rejected by me,,, he truly loved me , but I took it for granted,,,

Mmmh I was rich and could hire body guars to do me any kind of dirty job I wanted to do, just a word from my mouth someone could disappear from the industry just like that,, I was really painful for them,,, 

Because of my power I pushed away the only best friend that I had and left them homeless I never cared how they lived after that,,, 

But see now the man that loved me  went for one of them, my baby who loved me very much and respected me worked hard to prove that I didn't pay her school fees for nothing, was bitter right now and I could feel the pain in her heart, I forced her to drop out of school cause I wanted her to beg me,,,,, life is really life,,,, ' she thought

Lost in her thought they arrived at the Wade's and she was gently laid on bed and treated and immediately drifted into sleep

She wants to forget everything she wants to wake up a new person 

Forget all about revenge,,, it does not matter now, even if I force them to be with me non of them will be willing to be with me,, 

And that woman if her child only can take me to such a ugly place and torture me like that, I can't imagine what she herself can do if her child can make our family bankrupt within a single night I don't want to continue going down the path of destruction

My brothers love me so very much my mother my father loved me so very much, I can make them sad

If I can find love  then it was not meant to be I need not to be mean for myself, 

I will forget about everything if I wake up, I will start a new life and open another page of life where I can live freely, I hope they live Happy tooo

Joylen brothers were sad when they saw their only sister in such a sorry state, they were hurt her mother was crying, what happened to her beautiful girl she held an album of her pictures from her younger age, and said "am sorry mommy allowed you go through this" 

"Mommy it's not your fault it was ours we spoilt her too much" the second brother said

At night no one felt like eating because of her, just then Joylen walked down the stairs after taking shower, she sprayed herself she was full of lovender 

It was really refreshing, her makeups was not think like the usual one it was light that you can barely notice it, she was really beautiful when her mother saw this she could not hold herself.

"My beautiful child you are awake see we were all waiting for you, come join us" she said

"Yes sister it's boring without you come join us, " the last born brother said

They all had smile on their faces but what surprised them is the  pure and yet lonely aura that there sister was emitting now,,, 

Is like she has found herself, she appeared mature more that her usual habit

Just what happened at king's villa, why do I feel like my sister had been reborn...

"Before we eat I want you all to forgive me and from today henceforth I promise am going to be me  I promise not to let any of you down

Am not going to chase after love again am going to love myself, King is married, he waited for me but I didn't see his love as something I let him down,

Actually if I was the one Waiting I don't think  could have, he married Eileen's sister Addah,, she is my darling I saw her grow up therefore I can't take king from her,,

Another thing I realized I don't know who king is I just know him as King, but what I saw today,

Proves that  he is from a royal family, he is a royal blood they kept calling him prince Brian,, so I will pass

As for Colin , I didn't tell you but when I was kidnapped it was one of his kids that kidnapped me and tortured me,, and from what I can recall he was in royal outfit, and was seated on a thrown,,, 

And it was because of his young kids we are in this state,, I have to say I was rude back then

I can't imagine what the wife can do to me if I provoke them,,

From today am going to focus on myself and am going on a vacation for 6 months am not going to go back on entertainment industry but am going to build my own Empire where I can educate people I want to live as an example to many

I Know I wronged many people, some where killed some went insane and some became homeless

I will take all my money and give to them, and I will start from scratch" she said not even a single sign of sadness could be seen

She was happy, ,,, her brothers pushed their chairs away and crowd around her and hugged her even the mother could not help it anymore

"We will support you my dear, we are here for you we are happy our little princess has grown up and made such a decision 

We wish you happiness and for you to find new love, but sweet sister it is not going to be easy for you, you are going to face a lot of challenges but remember you have a family" one of her brother said

"Thank you all, " they ate in silence but it was enjoyable it was cool everyone had a happy face the heavy stone that once filled their hearts has been pulled away and crushed their worries has ended 

Oooh God what can you do,,

That night the Wade's mansion was filled with a new air,, like the house has been rebuild,, they slept past time, 

"What is happening our masters are still sleeping?" 

"Did they eat food poison?" 

"Stop it is that what you are wishing for them???"

"No I was joking"

Joylen woke up and went directly to the kitchen, she called a few maids for assistance, this is what paralyzed them,, since when did young madam learnt cooking??