
I will always remember I was once married....!!!!

"what is going on here king?" Joylen could not believe what her eyes were seeing

"Joylen welcome into our home" he said

"Addah, what are you doing with him you are still young and you should not engage yourself on matters concerning adults how come you have grown up to be like this?" She asked

"Joylen I told that I don't know how things turned to this but believe me once everything is cool I will welcome you officially to our wedding" she said

'this lady pushed us out of our home left us with nothing, and expected us to go and beg her why is she behaving like  we know each other" she said thoughtfully

"Prince Brian everything is ready" the maid said

"Ooh then take your future queen ,,, wifey wait for me I will love to feed you by myself do not work out your hands," he said not minding Joylen at all " you can join us if you like, we woke up late" he said

Joylen could not believe, she knew the game with men perhaps this is just a way of  King getting back at her to prove if she still love him or something

The breakfast was served and the maids dressed in royal attires said

"Enjoy your meals highness" she said

What's with everything of highness and the rest, King I Know your line of duty and that is why they 

Call you king shouldn't this be an exception at home" Joylen asked 

But it was like no one heard her speak, 

"Husband ,thank you am full" Addah said, she was not aware of this man's reasons for feeding her, and she was not aware that this two people had once liked each other ,but then before Brian could answer Joylen voice came along

"Addah, does Eileen know that you are married ? And that to an elderly person? Is this what you turned yourself into after I left?" Joylen asked like someone who was concerned about her younger one

 What she didn't realize was that in her statement she had insulted Brian

Addah is just a 22 years old girl but Brian is 36 years old an age difference of 14 years

"Elder sister thank you for reminding me that he is older than me, but he chose me and I have also accepted the fact that we are married, he was single, and he told me he has never sleep with any woman 

Or something to do with love making, I will be his first he is going to be my first, I think we are quite compatible and I wish to find true love in him

I believe in him though I don't know him that much,,,

But how about you do I know you ? We stayed together for so many years but what did you to me at the end didn't you took everything from us and left us to beg on the streets

So Joylen Wade, don't you dare question me again, husband deal with her I don't have her time" this is the first time Addah is talking to her like this back then she just wanted to teach her a lesson and her sister, but what was done was done it has been many years, and 

This young lady has become a great doctor her sister though not interested in dating and is an old virgin is doing well tooo so she much take king and make him hers to get to Colin

It's not bad being a little greedy' Joylen thought

"Wifey come here" King called her,, like a Little bird who is left in the nest she walked and hide in his arms 

"Joylen Wade, first I still don't know why you came to my house?

You should be greatful that we invited you in our own home,,, and you said am older than her, I bet you still don't know this but 

Do not you know that old people love their young partners and mostly when they are rare beauty and innocent like my dear wife like their children, 

And Because of this  I can always prove myself to her and give her everything she wants so that she can't slip my hands? " Brian said

"Husband so if I grow mature you will not hold me anymore?" Addah asked

"No wifey,,,, you will always be my first born lady and I be your first born baby boy,," he said, with how this two were displaying their emotions infront of her she felt terrible like someone has pricked her heart with needle

"King you misunderstood , what I mean is you guys didn't marry each other because you love each other , so stop playing the act?" She said

"Heheee, Joylen I don't understand you, do you even know me to make you say that?" Brian asked

"Yes, king I know............." She paused then she realized that she doesn't know him at all

Apart from knowing him as King and king of underworld Boxing arena and leader of some Mafian group who doesn't not condone any evil, she doesn't even know his real name,, what was this? 

I barely know his name is like we are two strangers meeting for the first time

And am this begger they met on the street and welcomed for breakfast to get energy to continue with her journey

"See Miss Joylen Wade, you don't know me at all and yet you talk like you know me, do I look like a fool to you,,,?

Am I a peace of chess for you to play with?

Now you have come here to criticize me infront of my wife? And even driving her away, what do you want her to think of me, so unfaithful man or once your lover? And am here to toy with her? 

To everyone is shameless as you, who only know how to toy with everyone emotions" Brian said

"But king you said that you loved me before what happened that you could not wait for me,, 

I came here today because I want us to be together, I have just realized that I love you and want to be with you? Am sorry I didn't took you serious and I wanted to see how much your love for me can be do am really sorry can you forgive me please

Stop joking like this that you married my daughter?please... I beg you " she said pretending to be broken and without King she can not live this life and like she is truly in love with him,

A this is all a beautiful act,, but too bad Addah got jealous and fired up before she could realize it

"Joylen I welcomed you in my house to talk to my husband, I thought you were friends 

But he'll no you are no friends and you are shamelessly confessing your love to my husband right in front of me? 

Do I love stupid in your eyes, when you took everything from us I didn't hold it in heart but if you try this useless confession with my husband again I swear

I will break your legs as well as his! " With that she turned around and faced her husband "and you so you knew she was my guardian before that's why if she could not accept you you approached me to make her feel jealous,,? Heheee Prince Brian you have succeeded, I don't want to see you  I want a divorce I can't let my life like this" she said

She felt betrayed like this man married me  in a rush because he wanted to get to Joylen that's why he never gave me a second to this whether I wanted to or not he was a total stranger to me

But it turns out that he used me to get back at Joylen

When Joylen saw the situation she smiled secretly and even forget about how Addah was intimidating some seconds ago that scared her to death

This not what Brian expected, she understood it too fast and he love her so when he saw her leave he shouted

"Adddah,, Addah....!"

Immediately she stepped out of the compound Brian called her

"Addah...!" She stopped on her trucks and said "what do you want ? Tell me another lie or oooh sorry I never intended to use you to revenge, oooh am sorry n

But I love you?" She asked then continued "Mr Brian I want you to know that we barely know each other so please from today henceforth don't not meet me again and if we ever crossed each others path pretend like we don't know each other

My sister paid my pride price to your family, so I will always grow old knowing that I was once a married woman, with this I finally understand my family's worries, it was indeed suspicious of you to marry a young lady like me out of blues,,

You can find me for divorce any time that you for calling me *wifey*" she said

"Addah, please hear me out ...." But it fell onto dead ears, she took a cub home and didn't look back