
Mysterious lover,,,,!!!

"have you checked if something is wrong with Miss Joylen?" One of the maids asked

"Yes I also feel like something is up with young miss just look at her she is preparing breakfast for my many years of working here have just realized that 

Even the evil have a good side, " she signed

"I wish she can be like this this mansion can be lively and people can laugh here,, have never heard of anyone in this house laugh before" another maid said

The house was in another face unlike before you could feel that people were staying in this house, Even the four brothers over slept, truly they love their sister and wishes her to be a changed person

When they wake up Joylen had prepared the dinning table and at the same time parked her suitcase in her room ,

She was only waiting for them to wake up to share their last breakfast together before she leaves

"Second that smell,...." 

"Mmmmh,,,, it's really mouthwatering have just realized that I need something I feel like haven't eaten for many years"

"Hey don't think of going to the dinning before me"

"Too bad those work holic are going to miss this, heeheee today is my day"

"And who said we are not around" a cold voice came from the back

"Aaah! You two over slept tooo?" 


Immediately a maid came to report

"Good morning masters,,, aaahmmm,,, Miss Joylen prepared the breakfast very early she has been waiting for you for so long,, ever since" 


"Who dare Allow our sister to prepare a meal where were you all? What were you looking at ? What if she had got burnt call those people in charge of the kitchen here" he said

"Oooh, dear brothers this is my side that you didn't Know that I love cooking anyway stop disturbing those people I prepare breakfast for everyone probably they are having their breakfast too" she said with a smile on her face

"Aaaaah brother is that princess talking or someone else" Joylen stepped forward at slapped him

"It's me talking , stop keeping mom waiting" she said

When they reached the dinning their mother was almost done eating today she didn't carry herself as a rich woman instead she was eating with her bare fingers and leaking them 

Like a Nigerian eating jolofrice, this sight that greeted the siblings caught them stunned before they could react

"Well sorry, I could not wait for you this food was beyond my imagination enjoy yourself but please darling keep this bowl of food for mommy okay, am going to put my daughter's food to rest,,, " she said

"Aaah mommy you almost finish everything for us" fourth son complained

"Well blame your sister for her perfect cutlery's" she said

"The four rushed forward and grabbed their plate, they ate as if this is there first time,,,

They didn't expect there dear sister to be this perfect seems we need not worry about  our future in law for bringing home take away, this man will really grow fat

Each and every person was thinking different thing 

"Sister what if you start a restaurant this is really perfect,, " the third brother thought

"I wonder how our in law will grow fat am jealous" the second said

"Sister if you want to start up a restaurant just tell us we will help you I Know of a best friend who is perfect in musical instruments he always sing the country music just say a word I will get her in to your restaurant" the first said

"Okay thank you brothers I will consider it while on my vacation,,," the breakfast come to an end they had to escort their sister to the airport

She was breath taking she felt like she brought the heart and brain torture to herself and she is to be blamed for everything that happened to her back then,, 

She has no one to blame, she is going to come back a different person and that's all her records has to be straight

The old man that was employed in the Wade's family 13 years ago Vincent Young look at the lady she proposed to,and rejected her in the name she loved someone else

He watched her destroy herself in the name of love just yesterday she came home bleeding in the name of love,, 

But now that he has seen her change and turn a new leaf he was overwhelmed with joy and swore to accompany her wherever she will go this is a woman he has loved and was waiting for her in silence for her to come to her realization, 

Now that his prayer has been answered he need not to put on this old man mask he has to go and re-sign 

Vincent Young is the third brother of Tasha Young who is know to be overseas in business,,  why did he end up entangled in Joylen Wade's mansion it was because of love 

At the airport the four  brothers hugged their sister, they were very happy, for there sister just then a man dressed in a well defined suit like that of a bodyguard approached them and said

"Excuse me guys, is this Miss Joylen Wade and the four wonderful brothers" 

"Yes this is us and our precious darling sister"

"Okay sorry to disturb your moments but the private plane is right there for miss Joylen I will be taking you there " he said

"The five siblings looked at each other in confusion

"What private plane are you talking about?" The first brother said

"My boss said we should take miss Joylen anywhere she is willing to spend her vacation, and the maids and the guards are all there for you" he said

"And who is your boss?" She asked

"That am not in the position to answer he said you be comfortable and that if anything happens to you we are all dead meats " he answered

"Heeeheee,  is your boss married or something we don't want one girlfriend or wife disturbing our sisters peace" the fourth said

"Hahaaaa, be rest assured ever since I know my friend who is my boss from his young age of 24 years until now we are adults, he has only one person in his heart and is Miss Joylen, madam or should I call you lenlen,,, let's go " he said

"The four looked at each other with a smile but obviously Joylen was confused 

"Okay brothers take care of our mommy and father, tell daddy am sorry and am changed person"

She said

"Okay darling sister, say hae to the mysterious childhood sweetheart and crush when you meet him, 

I can't imagine how he has suffered watching you all this years without coming closer to you"

With that she left

The pilot was Vincent himself he was happy doing this for a woman he loved from his childhood he has built a castle for her he had placed her a place of peace and there children

He once proposed but got rejected, but next time she is gonna be his one and only queen that bastard who dare to hurt my only sister I will put him into place once am done with this

With the love I witnessed the four brothers gave and have for their sister, I can't allow anyone hurt my sister too

Women are ment to be respected

"Miss the cabinet is right there you can rest and you haven't told us where you are going to have your vacation" he said

"Oooh my bad, take me anywhere as long as you and your boss are not going to kidnap me or kill me"  she said

"The maids chuckled 

"From what we heard they said that our future madam was rude and commanding"

"Rumours can't be trusted, she is really a good person you can clearly see that"

"After you are all done bad mouthing your boss get her some snacks" the tall man said

"We are sorry that won't happen again in this life, we actually love her, she is too beautiful"

"Sorry to disturb you guys I have a wound on my left is there a nurse amongst you" she asked

"Yes madam boss had known about this therefore he had a nurse accompany us" he said

"Julia come and attend to our madam" he said

"Okay thank you, thank your boss for me" she said in a polite way and with a smile 

"This way ma'am let me attend to you before my boss have my neck" she said

"Nooo noo just call me Joylen " she said

"What? That madam she is really something where did our boss found this beautiful angel

At least our prayer has been answered our boss has been lonely at least now we can see him smile" 

"I hope so,, he deserves to have a good family now that I see him like this am happy"

"But I think that our madam is not aware of who our boss is"