
Too bad my brother is a block head....!!!

"i think you are right, this old grandma, should be taught a lesson, for messing with our grandma," Finn said

"I mean does she know who grandma is? If she is her sister and yet not aware that Grandma is a billionaire, should we say that this is madness?" Liam said

"Hahaaaa, brother get to work, we don't forgive ignorance" Finn said

"You kids, don't you have respect at all? Am your grandmother's sister and am your grandma and this young girl is also your relative , 

How dare you low lives talk to me like that?

Even her can't, I will teach you a lesson" she rushed forward to grab the kids like she wanted to slap them

But before she could realize it, 

The old lady was thrown flying...

"Grandma...! You poor people how dare you touch my grandma with your filthy hands you are all dead, dead,,,! " The young lady at her 15 years said.

"Sorry sirs we are late" the bodyguard said

Both Liam and Finn were shocked they can't remember when they sent someone to take care of them and they even don't know who this man is

Mrs Fernandez could not say a thing, what was she suppose to say, from the start these two kids were protecting her

The Aura that they created around them while talking to her step sister was too strong for them, and this man just  call them sir's?' their grandma could not think straight

"And who are you?" Finn asked in the midst of his confusion

"Oooh, am your shadow security, and I was set here to protect you by third master " he said he was not aware of this two were just playing dumb and didn't know they had a brother? Or they didn't know totally.

"Heheee, are you sure you are telling the truth,? And who is third master?" Finn talked

"Third master Xavier, if Ireen island, prince of Ireen island" he said, thinking that now they will know and understand if he say this

"Where is this Ireen island?" Finn asked

"Oooh, it's other name is Wendiever island" he said, now they were lost, yes they knew they had a grandma, they always talk and are always happy, she supports them but they didn't know her Kingdoms name.

And they were not aware of their third brother,,

"Oooh, " Liam who picked a few things said 

'the name seems to come from Wendy and Xavier, was this their grandma's home and who is this third master

I hope it is not what am thinking, could this be the reason our grandmother never wanted us to visit her home? So we are not two but three?' Liam could not help but think and think across the line.

"Okay, tell your third master that we are okay" he said

"Okay, what should I do with them" he asked, 

"Oooh, bring them over, for insulting out grandma,she has to pay , for calling us names the lady has to pay" Liam's aura changed immediately

He took his computer and typed furiously and clicked enter, and turned to his brother and said

"It is done" Liam 

"1 minutes results" he said

"Grandsons what...." She could not believe her eyes this kids can type codes? Programing?

"Mmmh,, little babies what are you doing and why are you being surrounded" it was Tasha, 

A celebrity when it comes to designing industry that they always see on television, is here and they can see her?, Heheee, 

"Oooh my goodness isn't this one of the Gold's?" Someone asked

"Ooh my she knows the kids?" 

"This old grandma is done for" another person said

"Now I understand, why this kids were very confident with themselves" another person said, just as they were talking 

"Godmother, what are you doing here?" Finn asked

"Hahaaa, son are you worried that that cold human lady will know the truth about your identity?" Tasha asked

"But you better blackmail your old lady" she added

"Oooh..." Finn then recalled that their grandma has learnt the truth

"Hey, you old lady, do you Know who this old woman is? And the kids? " Tasha asked

"What is interesting to know about them , " she said arrogantly.

"Well I guess you should know that in Nation A, not even the president can humiliate this woman here, not even the president" Tasha said

"What? Is this lady mad or something?" The people nearby asked.

"This woman, is a Fernandez,,, you know what I mean and this woman is the only woman that managed to give birth to our heroes, the pride of A nation, 

Am talking of God of war....

This woman's daughter in law is Gold herself,, "  with that said I wonder what will happen, this two kids are not to be called names, do you still want to go far?" Tasha asked and she said so in a low tone,

Just as she stopped talking the Young lady received a call, 

"Helloo, daddy, are you coming"

"You.. what have you done you and your grandmother, our family has been declared bankrupt, check the internet and all information is leaked

Those two little kids said you provoked them" the father said, the Crowels are known to be the number six most richest family how come this two kids just typed few codes and now they are bankrupt

"Brother what happened to the person that called or mother names" "they went bankrupt" "what about our grandma" "bankrupt and whipped out" she recalled what those two 8 years old kids have just said.

"Hahaaa, you are done, aunty let's go, grandma's throat is dry and should be happy" 

"Next time learn how to respect people whether poor or rich, both disabled and normal, 

Now that you are poor, I hope you will understand that no one was born rich, wealth come wealth go,do not forget this two faces" Liam said

"I can't believe this I can't believe this, those kids are capable of making the Crowels go bankrupt, and that simple lady is the mother of the pride of our Nation A, she is too simple" somebody said.

"It was said that even the most powerful can be in between people, they are always down to earth, they don't show up, look at who was parading herself to be rich and who she called names ,now who is at the top" another person said

"I like Mrs Fernandez temperament, look at her she allowed her to call her names and everything , she didn't use her power on her 

Sge just watch her fool herself" another person said

"Heheee, I can't believe that those are not girls but boys they are too cute," 

"Hey, did you realize that the lady look like someone we know " a lady next to her husband and child said

"Now that you say it, I think she looks like missus Young , our classmate" he said

"Let me see" she said "Tasha Young?" She called 

Immediately Tasha whom she called turned her back,, 

"Hubby,, hubby,,, hubby, it's her, it's her " she said streams of tears running down her cheeks

"You called" Tasha was calm no hint of disgusts but confusion someone knew her amongst this people?

"I.... I.... " She could not say it out she can't believe this

"She is Brettney the lady you saved those years back and sponsored in our high school class 1 " the gentleman man said

The lady could only node in response

"Oooh my God, you are beautiful look at you ,, so you wanted to end your life, who could have given birth to this young and beautiful angel?" She asked "and who could have married him?" She asked

The lady blashed and looked her

"Thank you for saving my life, because of you and Prince Robinson now I have a family, I have  been looking for you but even your family could not locate you " she said whipping away her tear

"I don't like being into my family so am a free bird, and I like it this way, now we have meet, let me introduce you

This cute sons are my godsons, Finn and Liam and this beautiful old lady is my friend's mother in law and that makes her my mother" she said "mother God son meet my highschool friends" she said

"Hello, beautiful lady am Finn Fernandez nice to meet you and you are beautiful I would like you to be my sister in law in the future,

Too bad your future husband is too boring and it won't happen, " Finn said

Everyone laughed, this boy has a sharp  tongue

"Blockhead" Liam snarked his head

"Hey, lady just work hard if you do your best in your studies I promise my brother will like you, okay" he said 

"Okay, Finn , am not bad in class and I like being a doctor my master said one day I will be the best and if I be one I promise I will marry Liam, 

And you Liam don't marry before you meet me again ," she said she is called Cynthia

She one of Jane's last disciple she is talented and has a system in her that can change the world