
What should we do the the person that insult our old lady....?

"am serious, grandson, your grandmother is here to prepare you a healthy breakfast and please for give grandma for all those things grandma said okay," she wanted her grandchildren to trust her and treat her with respect as their grandmother and not as strangers.

"Mmmh, if grandma say so then am okay, I can only speak for myself but, I have to tell you this am the man of the house so no one can dare to be mean to you okay.." he said

'grandma, can't you see that I need something into my stomach' he thought

"Okay, start with this pancake and this  milk okay,,, " she said

"Okay...... Hey brother stop standing there come and join me I tell you grandma has magic hands heheee, just by the smell you can tell how it's cool" he said

And turned to his grandma and said , 

"Grandma I want to grow tall than daddy and mommy and more body build like a boss and most importantly handsome that when someone look at me in the face they get lost, 

Can you prepare me that food that can turn me to being one" Finn said , the thing he wanted was for his grandmother to 

Feel at home and stop being anxious , he could clearly see it through so he said the joke.

"Hahaaaa, grandson I will and I promise you you will be like Roman Reigns, " she said

"Hahaaa, grandma that man is an idiot , who only knows how to fight, I want to be super cool, 

Hehee, but I like him when he fights grandma, am his fun and one secret mommy too is his fun" he said

"Heheee, you are truly my grandson I like him too" she said

"Heheee, one day I will take you to the cinema hall to watch it live" Finn said, Liam could not help but roll his eyes

This young brother probably doesn't have shame when messing with this old grandma's' he thought and signed heavily

"Hey grandson come have a seat , grandma doesn't know your likes but she has tried, this is  away of grandma saying sorry little grandson, grandma want to be closer to you and your family, 

You are my first grandchild so I have to sit on you, 

You are the most important people and my happiness,

Grandma is sorry, 

Take this glass of milk, " she said

"It's okay grandma, " Liam replied shortly and smiled to tell his grandma that everything is okay

"Grandson now we're just talking about our best wrestler, who is your wrestler?" She asked with a happy face

"Those grandma are waste of time, I can advise you not to be deceived by this little boy, 

You should sleep and do a lot of exercise, stay healthy and die happy you are ageing, watching is not healthy you will die faster," he said with a cold voice 

Colin's mother "......." She looked in between the two grandsons, 'are this two kids from same parents, one is open minded while the other is cold, *warm and Cold*  what type of combination of grandsons do I have?' she asked herself but could not voice it out.

"Hahaaa, grandma I told you before.. seee , see it by yourself hahaaa, my elder brother is always like this if you don't know you might think that he is a dead person ir some sort of a log" Finn said, he has just witness the helpless guess on his grandma's face.

"It's okay, mmmh my grandsons are interesting, let's go shopping after breakfast okay" she proposed she wanted to show off her, two unknown grandchildren

She wanted to tell the whole world that she is a grandmother of two cute twin boys,, heeheeee,,

She started anticipating how people, be looking at them with admiration, he heeeheee, they will be taking pictures of them,  with whispers all over, heheee, today's news is all about her grandchildren

What's more they look like girls, heheee, she was really happy, she didn't know that after meeting this cute boys she will be like this ...

"Can you see what mother is trying to do, " line asked her sisters

"First, she didn't like them but now she is even preparing breakfast , I thought it was going to end  their but he'll no, she is taking them for shopping" Shasa said

"I smell a plot of something in that brain..." Olivia said

"Mommy likes beautiful things and show off , she is planning to show them offf to the outside world" line said

"Sister you are right" the two said together

What the three didn't know was that , Liam and Finn had noticed them long ago just that they were wondering why are the three ladies hiding , and 

They seem to look similar to some people they had seen before,,

So who are they, because they could not seem to be coming out of that place soon, they ignored them and Continue to chat their grandma,

"Those two nephews are really cute, I love the fact that they are cool and promising , they are lovable, though one is cold, but it makes him appear really cute" line said

The kids  dressed themselves in their own stryles and walked down to their grandma

"My old lady, are you ready to take us shopping?" Finn asked

When she turned her head towards the kids , she could not believe their sense of dressing, 

"Hey, who dressed you up?" She asked

"Don't forget that our mommy no is the best designer in the world" Finn said

"My daughter in law, really took good care of you alone" she said

"That happened because our daddy never cared" Liam answered

"Oooooh, grandson forgive us and I promise to  take care you two okay, plus your mommy" he said

"Okay, let's go already, it has been long since we had some shopping so let's not waste time" Finn said

"Hello, we are going shopping ,if they wake up' just tell them that am out with the kids and please that Breakfast is only ment for my daughter in law okay" she said to the maids

"Yes, madam" she answered

After they were gone the three ladies come from the hiding

"What, mommy prepared breakfast only for sister in law not even to brother" Olivia could not believe

"Well that is the reality of the matter, " line said

"The food is too much it can feed 20 people why, did mommy say that it was only for sister in law?*" Shasa asked

"Well we will just prepare ours after all we are in our brothers house, even him can't do anything with sister in law around" line said

At the smartkids mall**

"Hey, who are those kids, have never seen such cute babies before" someone said

Just then Mrs Fernandez, bumped into someone she didn't expect and that was her step sister, who looked down on her since she married into a rich family, 

What she didn't Know was that her sister was a Fernandez.

"Hey, look who is here?" She said, it's like she was talking to herself

"Hey, you can't you hear me talk?" She shouted at Mrs Fernandez

"And who is hey? Sister I thought that maybe after marrying into rich family you will change but look at you?

Even at this age after almost 20 years of not meeting you Still behave like a little puppy" Mrs Fernandez said

Am telling, you that you must respect me am your elder sister and I have the mandates to stop you from, 

Going in their with those useless grandsons of yours to make that place smell paverty" she said

Just then Liam and Finn lookef at each other and turned to look at their grandma's sister in unison

"So think twice and you little kids who didn't you tell your grandmother that this is not a place you can afford Even with your life savings?, As expected of you too " she said

"Old woman are you addressing us or someone else?" It was Liam's cold voice , his imposing aura stunned Mrs Fernandez

"Look,. Can you people see how this grandchildren are disobedient they can even talk back at their elders look sister you are disappointment" she said

"What..! We are disobedient because you say we are? You are an elder because you say you are one, 

And who are you? Do we know you? Have we ever met before? Why do I feel like this old grandmother is kind of sick brother?" Finn asked his brother

"And who gave you the the permission to talk to our old lady in that manner, so old lady who said that the poor can't come here? " Liam said at turn to look at his brother

"Hahaaa, the two laughed together, 

"Brother what happened to the person that insulted our mother?" Liam asked

""The family went bankrupt.. " Finn said

"And if someone insult our old lady?" Liam asked

""The family should go bankrupt, and all the accounts should be frozen, the investigation should be done, a single dirt found to be taken to Jain" Finn said