
Young lady mend your ways....!!!

"hey kids don't say such promises, sometimes they hurt when you grow up" Tasha's friend said.

"Anyway it's nice to meet you and to see you having a family" Tasha said

"Nice to meet my life saver, and please let me have your contact, I will meet you, and take care,

Aaaaam.. eeem... Have you ever heard of Robinson or something?" She asked actually with how Robinson was madly in love with , Tasha you can't be surprised if they ended up together .

"Oooh, I don't know where he is Maybe he is married already and with kids just like you" she said

"Godmother , are they talking about handsome uncle our godfather?" Finn is very mischievous it can't go without asking.

"Aaahah, now Young missus learnt how to lie to us, aaah, how far is the progress" she asked

"Not even a single I love you has ever come from him" she said

ooh, poor Robinson, anyway you guys go ahead and enjoy the shopping " she said

"Hey, little sister in law, come back when we meet let's meet if you are a great person" Finn said

"Okay, brother, you two take care, let's all meet when we are great person's" she said

'She didn't tell us her name how will I recognize her if we grow up of cause we will be different so I won't recognize her but I will wait, she is beautiful and cute just like mommy' Liam thought

Hahaaaa, Finn saw through his eyes when they met that little girl so he liked her already

"Hellooo, brother I told you I can be of help now you see?" Finn started

"You, stop being stupid" he said

Right then their grandmother's sister saPlease "Please, sister am sorry but why didn't you tell us that you married into first tier family

When you left home you came back likes poor person yet you were hiding everything from us, you married into a rich family were you afraid that we were going to depend on you?" She asked

"Look now you are you are using your power to suppress us" she added

"Off.. step sister , do not forget that you are older than me by 2 years, and remember if you are speaking before me you should know who you are speaking to, 

You together with your mother killed my mother via poison, 

Hahaaa, you thought that I didn't know? Hahaaa, I knew it long ago, so your mother killed her of jealousy but see I forgave you cause you were desperate to marry into my father's family

You two didn't stop you took my mother's company and inheritance from me, when you brought your illegitimate brother then cheated daddy that he was his son, 

Well he was stupid to believe  it, but I didn't therefore I took the DNA test the blood match was 68.99%.

Meaning the man that you two thought was my father was his late brother and that is the father to your brother, don't be happy and think our father wasn't aware he was, 

Step sister you didn't stop, you all know how arranged. Marriage is important you took that old Crowel away by sneaking your way into his bedroom, he had no choice but to marry you, 

Tell me has he ever loved you? No! They child that you gave birth to was the result of how shameless you are,

The rest of your children are not his are his brother's the same thing that happened to your mother, 

Hahaaa, how will your children feel when they know they are result of your infidelity, 

Not only will you not stop, look at you , you want to influence this young and little girl you want that shameless blood to flow into her as well, Penny, you are old wake up, not unless you want to come into my old family to give birth again? " She said

"Young lady you are too young you have a long way to go, your future depend on how you behave today, if you're to quick. To point your fingers on your elders, young girl you will be sorry the society will not welcome you, as an old lady who has blood relationship with you I can only tell you what your grandmother has never told you,

'respect the society it will respect you too, be humble, the society will be humble to you ' , remember that always , money is not everything" she said to the young lady,

Who for the first time someone has educated and has told , human language ,she grew up as a princesss and knows that everything around her should be controlled by her.

"For telling me all this and now that have had an eye opener, I will take your words with lots of seriousness, I will be a good girl and after that I will pay you a visit some day, 

And to you grandma since you were not to be my grandma and you stole our grandfather from her, then I tell you this must be Know by everyone

To think that my aunties and uncles are not real I wonder what will happen, " she said and turned to her guards

"hey guards take me home and make a phone call, I want my bag packed and since my credit card has been frozen because of my stupidity

I will go to my mother's home and study there, " she said

"Hold on, since we are relatives somehow, and you have decided to go and do something meaningful,

Hope you ment it , take this credit card, the problem is everything you want to do with it should be recorded or written first if you use it to pay the wrong bill then our technician will not allow you to use it, 

This is for your education levels and everything" Finn said

"Just take it it is our gift to you for being brave"Liam said

Thank you little brothers, here is my information we will be into contact and grandma, I will visit you someday, this day was truly beautiful" she said

"Hey you are you going to abandon your grandmother for her"

"Grandma, you should be ashamed , don't you think so, do you know how much trouble we are going to face when , this little secret you  you have leak out? 

Your children and grandchildren including me will run away from you" she said and left

"Heheee, I can't believe that this woman who is always rude and arrogant from the Crowels is this dirty" someone said

Just then a voice who was shocked by the revelation in the midst of the crowd , her tears were streaming down stepped forward and said

"Mommy,thank you for everything, just because daddy could not love you because you became a barrier between him and her, you dragged his brother to shamelessly have the three of us,,

did it not once not twice but more over and over, 

That's why uncle died afraid of you, you were the reason he could not talk, you paralyzed him from telling the truth, 

How come a learned person who, just came for his inheritance go mad and become this vegetative so you killed our father? And even you were doing this Hahaaaa, that's why elder brother has never liked you, hahaaa, never dream of coming back to the Crowels" she said and left

She made a call to the Crowels and most importantly she called the first child, who was born by the real father, they had to settle this, since they both shared a real mother but different father who are brothers.

"See what greed brought to you?  See things  that are happening now you know why I never returned home, and why I kept my family a secret because you are are a devil, you should have not, 

Attacked me step sister, am not stupid even though am silent" she said and left with her beautiful family

The news of old Mrs Crowels schemes since childhood, were all out , she has been arrogant and rude she had even killed her  her brother in law, she killed her step mother to get into the family, she was also leading the little grandchild a strey

How shameless, but that didn't matter at all , the thing that mattered the most was everyone knowing who the God of war, mother was 

And to think that this billionaire had a secret Twin boys and also unknown wife, who is Gold

The photos of Tasha, two little boys who looked just like girls and Colin's mother was all over the internet.

"I can't believe that somebody dared to bully the mother of our nation, , who was she" 

"Look, she doesn't look old, I can pay just be be her god daughter,,," 

"I want to be her son in law, does she have a daughter" .

Just like that the photos of the triplets dropped in the internet.

When they stated the party 8 years ago, when they were putting on the Army uniforms and when they dressed like fighters with guns in their hands.