
She is the model in that video!!

"no this are the famous triplets from the Fernandez, the pumpered princesses, 

Though they are given everything and don't lack anything, but they are hardworking and don't depend on there family fortunes,"

"For the first time in history, ladies coming from the rich family, are seen working hard to earn money, than just wasting time in polishing themselves and doing shopping around" another woman said

"Yes, my dear you are right, this three sisters are something else" another one supported

"Wait, three fantastics as your name goes how did you manage to get this clothes from, the golden designs

Are you friends with designer Gold,,," the news reporter asked

"Yes this rare collection was mainly designed to the four of us by designer Gold and..."

"Sister, just tell them, that though gold is invisible but then designer Gold is already inside the hall"

"What,,,, ! Designer Gold is inside how really"

"Then who is this person you are talking about""

"If you will excuse us we will go inside" I said

"Did you see, that? That is the beautiful Model' who was in the video advertising, that same dress she is putting on, she is her, look have a look"

"Yes that is her, but who is she her name and any family background?"

"It seems she is not in for game,,, she is here for Job"

"This three sisters have found there match as a friend they don't always like to show off, but whenever they appear they surely steal the lime light"

"I surely envy them"

Then one rude lady blocked us it seems this one will be a difficult task then, is this how people act just blocking people whenever they want and pleases? Then I think I will brake some ones neck.

"Hey sis Jane put on the mask before going in" Olivia reminded me and so we all put on our masks that matches our dresses

"Hey you triplets what are you doing here, do you think this is army or what you call it intelligent forces" this rude lady who is she, this is my stupidity I could have been going to this party when I was invited.

"Mmmh, sisters are you seeing something that is talking is that a frog or human"

"Sis, we can't see anything" line said "neither can we hear anything " Shasa

"Haha" I couldn't hold it any longer, these people are funny

"Hey you, theeee how dare you call us frogs"

""You know we have always wondered if this young lady from knight family has common sense but to day it is proven here we won't need to worry anymore,"

"Visit our office we will help you we need people like you" Shasa said


"Enough, enough,,, ladies let's not waste out time on pathetic blabber mouths,,,,, young lady excuse us cause you won't want to ruin your family face am a stranger so you can't imagine that I don't care about this party  cause I gat nothing to lose" I whispered the last part in her ears