
Who is that model with your sisters,,,,!!!

"ahah" she stiffened but recover quickly

"Sissy, how did you do that,,,," they asked,,,, "mmmh, apart from what you have known you might not want to know more,,," 

"Okay sister, let's carry ourselves in an elegant manner, "

"Let us wait and hear from that stupid old brother of ours, mmmh"

We then pick up the wine and swipe it like princesses in the castle, mmmh, how sweet to enjoy the game, I have been aloner for too long I have conveyed myself for so long it's time to spread my wings with my true identity but it seems that people outside here are too rude and cruel but my roots are strong,,,

*Colin's POV*

"Hey bro, have you seen your sisters and today  for the first time in history of human they have a friend,,,, she is very beautiful" George said

My mind is somewhere else, that lady but why am I thinking of  her, she is poor, ugly, though sweet, those milky and lips and Rosy cheeks, 

I seem not to need another person in my life except her, I have tried to forget about her but I can't forget her, she captured all my senses, 

Any lady that I try to have it's her that I see at work it is her,

"Hey, Colin,,,are you even listening to me?" 

"Hahaaa, your friend has fallen in love with a one night stand lady, maybe she is beautiful" this jark of a friend Jeffrey said

"But friend you have searched for her but she is no where to be found is like she is a secret agent and hiding her identity if you Colin can't find her then this lady is not as simple as you thought she was" George said

"What were you saying" before?"

"Mmmh, your sisters seems to have win jackpot or a million dollar bill if they can afford a sport car, and gold designs clothes"

"Where are they"

"Relax brother relax, the main point is today I have seen them with a friend for the first time"

""The only thing I want is that lady, with your sisters oooh my God she is Soo soooo beautiful

I can give her my business without regrets, so long as I can be with her" Jeffrey said

"All the best ,,, after all that is there friend,,," I said

"Man there are ladies here hook up with one so that you can forget about her" 

"Wait and see how am going to make her mine

After all a model will always be a model"

"Good luck" this friend of ours is just silly

"Hello, beautiful ladies how are you?" He greeted

"Useless friend of a ugly brother of ours, now that you have seen a new face ,,," Olivia

"You can greet us ,, for the very first time,,, because you are eyeing our friend here " Shasa

"Don't. Waste your time this one is outer your league" Line said

"Beautiful, can we have a talk, five minutes "

"Okay five minutes it is"

"Beautiful, i will go straight to the point and say that I like you can you give me a chance, though am a Playboy but, believe me you, I can change for you"

This man is straight forward too bad am not interested '