
Wow,,, who are those four models!!!

My driver came a few minutes later, with the latest model of a car

"Madam, at your service,"

"Okay Gerald thank you, ladies let's us go though am your guest, I brought this car  for the three of you to take today's sport, apart from your high designs your , car should be untouchable"

They could not hide there excitement in there faces,,, this three sisters, I wonder how this woman gave birth to them, triplets, who are just funny very funny they are all 22 years old but they behave like kids

To make the matters worse, they are government officials, how are they even corping in there line of duty if they care much more of fashion, appearing on the magazine cover,, 

Heheee, and even thinking of handsome and famous business men,,,

"Hey sis Jane, you are the best this sport car, will surely catch their eyes, those stupid ladies including that one that is eyeing our big brother" Shasa said

On our way there, ladies were busy chatting how today they are going to rock the occasion "the three sisters cop" is going to be the headline of the news

"Hey, do you think brother will question is after this" Line asked

"He won't, when has he ever cared if we, have things mmmh,, foolish big brother"

"Stop saying that I still need my money from them you know I have a long way , my Money is not enough though"

We arrived at the party in the tallest building of Knight.corp everything here is fancy you can just tell, year sure I am rich but ever since I started my journey as a designer have never stepped out to go to any occasion,

"Wow, look at that sports car, it is the latest model ," some one said

"Who is the big shot that dare come here with this it worth $14,000,000, this must rich" the other person said 

"Look the latest GT, model is also here this two people must know each other , if it's a guy then, I have to make sure he is mine"

"Stop being stupid, "

We stepped out in style I was starting to love the attention I was going to receive for the first time, is this how it is?

"Look at them what if they realize that you are the famous designer Gold, I wonder what will happen?" Olivia could not hide the feeling

We hugged one another and I said than you for inviting me to this occasion', we made a step on the red carpet,,,, immediately everyone was staring at us like we ain't humans in style we stepped in

"Wow the  the three Fernandez sisters, and who is the new lady she is like a goddess"

"Look those were the new designs that were advertised by the *gold designs* yesternight, how come they have it

"Wow, the royal blue off-sholder dress is very cool the alignment of the gold in it is so perfect and cool" 

"Her skin is flowless, she is cool, look at the three sister,"

"They look like models, are the four models?"