
Joylen falling out with Eileen,,,,!

"what do you mean? I can't understand" Eileen asked

"What we mean is we need somebody who truly and honestly understand the true meaning of our designs

We don't need someone walking for show but a real person with true feelings, that's why we called the both of you here" Tasha said

"The contract that the both of you signed was to allow you both work with us, but this second contract is for the brand you are going to model and work with

And as for Miss Joylen you are going to advertise and model for Pinnacle peak, she is the second best designer after Miss Gold"

"What do you mean,,,,?" Joylen could not hold it and fired up

"Miss Joylen this was an interview for the both of you, one person was moved by our designs she understands what Gold is like in person but the other person didn't bother to understand who she is going to work with rather she cared more about the name

Do you know why Gold's brands has never been advertised by any model? That is because we could not find someone who shares the same view as her, do you now understand?" Roby asked

"Then if you feel like we are biased you can just go back we won't charge you any of the penalties, we don't lack money anyways

And Pinnacle peak also needs someone who is honest not someone forced" Tasha said Pinnacle peak is there second brand after Gold, the head is Jane so why bother with her

"Is this how the Gold Empiror do business? Is this how you treat your visitors and models? I want to meet him in person this is ridiculous I can not accept this 

I came prepared to work for Gold not some other Unknown brand," Joylen could not hold it

She has been a pampered princesss everything and anything she wants, she gets it no matter what

And Eileen was worried that because of this there friendship was going to grow less and this crazy lady might put an end to it of which she was going to suffer in the modeling world

"Aaahm aaahm, Miss Tasha can you exchange the places or roles? Let my friend model for you and I model for Pinnacle peak" she said

"No!  Gold's designs and brand can't be advertised with someone who doesn't know emotions and self understanding, if she your friend Joylen Wade think that she can get whatever she wants 

Then in the other side of this Empire but not here," Roby said

"And therefore we won't hire you both, Charles look for a model who is starting her career two of them and bring them in Gold's quarters" Tasha said

"I can not work with a selfish person, who can't understand the tides of life, we here we are all from prestigious families and not to talk of Gold so if you think you can bribe us sweery forget it

I didn't know a model like you doesn't understand life, 

And Pinnacle peak is also part of Gold empire those designs are designed by us and Gold herself

Miss Eileen Cooper do you still want to work with us or not?" Tasha asked

"Sure I will " she said

"Then here is the contract"

"Stinger see Miss Joylen Wade out" Roby left the room just like that

It was like she was strike like lightning, she could not believe that her the daughter of the Wade's could not get something from just a mare designer so what if she is Gold, there are upcoming designers but she swore to make them pay for humiliating her

And this Eileen we have been friends for years all the endorsements, jobs, name it call it I gave her all this but now 

The only thing that is mine is taken by her this something that I can not allow just wait you will pay for this

No agency will accept you here in Nation A, while I am a live today you will know what power I have

That house I gave it to you that car I spent part of my money on it and your sister I contribute in her schooling yet 

This is my thank you by snatching this from me,

"I didn't know that after everything have done for you Eileen this is my payment, you know how have been dying to work with this person Gold

Yet you snatch it away from me just like that? Is that how friends care for each other?" Eileen was stunned she could not bring herself to open her mouth to talk

She knew how evil her friend is, she did not bring herself to imagine that something like this will happen to her one day and with her best friend.

"Besty, am sorry but didn't we come here together and you were the first person to reach the floor, and you were with them all them

I was just admiring the designs here I didn't know when I get moved, I saw my past self in these designs here besty can you believe me now?" Eileen was braking down, she didn't know how to make this Joylen friend of her understand her

"Aren't you enjoying the fact that you are going to work with them? So what is the pretence all about..." Joylen said she wanted nothing to do with Eileen now

Was she a true friend or she wanted Eileen to carry favors for her and to always owe her?

"Besty I can give it to you if that is what you want, and if that can make you believe me please,"

"Eileen stop the pretence I know you, haven't you been jealous of me all this time you are by my side,

I didn't know it will come this soon, even if I want to be in your place ,you have signed the contract and you are the person they picked not me,

So from today henceforth we are not friends and everything you owe me I will take it back I will leave you with nothing 

You will regret ever taking something that is mine" she said

"No no Joylen you can not end our friendship because of this please"

"I didn't know Eileen that you are shameless, I knew you as a naive girl, but I misunderstood you, and underestimated your capabilities now I won't lie low" she said and picked up her handbag and left

Eileen could not help but wonder have they ever been friends, was she dreaming that a friendship of many years has ended because of a single project,

"Okay, if that is what she wants I too am tired of carrying debts because of friendship, I will give everything that you once gave me

, And that will be the end of it" she said she has just realized that they were not friends to begin with

"Excuse me,sweery can you kindly come with us to our main office our partner want to have a word with you" Tasha said

"What do you mean this is not your office?" She asked

"Yes this is not our office, " she could not say  anything, she just followed them like a robot, today she lost her friend and she is to start this journey of life alone no strong backup just her

After this project and end of contract she doesn't know that awaits her in the industry one thing that she knows and clearly knows 

Is that nobody will accept her in this nation 

""Miss Eileen here we are, " Tasha opened the door this room is huge colored in Gold why she expected something like this to begin with

"You like what you see" Roby asked with flirting voice this made Tasha to frawn


"What is wrong have just ask if she likes our office"

"Are you sure with what you are telling me?" She didn't know why you were asking him this 

"Oooh wify don't worry I only have my eyes on you no one else" Roby said laughing at her

'finaly I can rest, I didn't waste my time staying by your side for all this years, Tasha do you know I was afraid you were not going to fall for me but now I can rest easy and put on a little effort for you to love me deeply' he said with a smile on his face Eileen is not a dumb person so she understood the situation

This young man loves this lady but waiting for her to fall for him

Whereas this lady has follen for him but does not know

'interesting' she said

"Miss Eileen have a seat, we have lunch prepared, what do you think about our designs"

"Ooh, I don't know but what am sure of is the person behind that mask Gold, must have experienced a taugh past" she said

"Okay, Gold wants to have a talk with you, relax and be at ease"