
Eileen passing the interview...!

"hello, Katherine you said earlier that you are my fun?" Katherine is the receptionist name.

When she heard that Mr CEO, has a fiancee she felt heartbroken why? She has always wanted boss to see her as a woman but no she is not his type

She clearly know very well that, this boss has been having numerous number of ladies but in the last few months 

She didn't see him go to any bar club or restaurant, from work home from home work, she held vher hopes high.

But now after seeing what type of girlfriend her CEO values then she realized she has no chance 

"Yes I am one of your funs," she was happy from outside but inside she was boiling this the woman that has taken the love of her life from her

"I want you to keep an eye on every single woman coming into this building, when that woman is your Ceo's girlfriend or a girl he hooks up with in bed call me, your payment will be

$100 ,000 each information you gave me and remember it has to be a valid information, not anything less than that"

"Okay then how will I pass the information?" She asked

"Here this number is my private number , I hope you know what to do, I just hope the information will be valid"

"Okay I promise to give nothing but valid information"

"I can see we are going to be friends"

If Colin thinks that he can love someone else apart from me then he should forget it, I am the only woman for him in this life and next

Am beautiful rich, I will not spend his money everyday all I need from him is love and him to be my husband, nothing more but why can't he understand me?

"Miss Joylen the knights needs a model to advertise and endorse the new clothes, jewelries and handbags and shoes

Under Gold production, you and your friend were chosen for the products of Gold and the rest had other things

Should I accept the contract?"

"If it's Gold accept it have been wanting to work with this mysterious person

Her products will take us international and that is the best thing we will do in this life and journey I didn't know a day like this will come

Accept it with immediate effect" she said all the way home she was happy and singing 

'what a great lottery"' she was happy that she forgot about the humiliation

"Hey Eileen we have an endorsement to do we are the two chosen model for Gold line by Gold himself,"

"Hey besty are you sure you are not mistake you mean Gold this time round has decided to use models to advertise her clothes, jewelries and handbags and shoes? 

"Yes besty, this is a real jackpot win let's meet and celebrate this together"

They could not help but think that Colin did the whole thing otherwise who else can have such power

"You know what Eileen once we do this I tell you international we go" 

"Sure friend that's why I like you you are my lucky, what can I do without you my dear friend"

"Stop it I think it's my fiance doing, I mean we are now staying together then all over sudden this?

That man has bee the one behind this" she said

"Then thank him for me I don't know what to do I feel like am in heavens, do you know that not a single model 

Has ever qualify to put on Hold line products for advertisment,"

"That makes us the first" Joylen was happy all she ever worked for now she is benefiting from it

'i didn't do plastic surgery for nothing baby' hahaaa, she was happy that she was the first model to ever work with Gold

"Besty I will go home and share the news with my sister mmmh" Eileen said

"Sure you can "

She didn't bother to check if Colin was home or not, she went straight took shower and jumped to bed

Colin that night spent his time in his penthouse with George and Jeffrey

Everything cool and happiness was written in Joylen's eyes even in her dreams

She dreamt of having a wedding, holding Colin's hands the wedding dress was the most beautiful one of all designed by Gold, she dreamt of gold being a man 

But compared to Colin he was not handsome, 

The kiss that Colin gave her was an assurance that they will stay together and steak together

Honeymoon was held in  an highland that Gold had told her before that was the best place she was happy

In that same dream she had her children, holding there hands and running around the compound in the compound there was a large plot of land full of flowers , she was watering her flowers, Colin stoob by the balcony smiling at her

There children running in the farm smelling and uprooting the flowers 

She was all smiley mmmh Joylen but before she could dream further an alarm in her room started ringing

She was pissed off "I will kill you,, how can you disturb my sweet dreams, I thought it was a reality it was just a dream how can I dream of something like this

It must happen I have to hold such a luxurious wedding in a cruise ship and that highland I will have to meet this Gold and ask him

My children with Colin , our mansion 

I have to have all this by force"

Who will dare to stop me from having this wedding no one furthermore am the only match for him, 

That is when she come to her senses and realized that she spent the night alone, Colin did not come to bed.

She made her way after freshening up downstairs and asked

"Is your boss home, where is Colin"

"We are sorry ma'am boss did not come back last night" the Batler said

"You called me ma'am do I look that old to you"

"Sorry Miss,,"

"Better be sorry" she went back to her room

She prepared herself, and called her driver and friend Eileen to meet in Knight company this was going to be there first meeting with Gold and so they were going to agree on terms and payment process

After there arrival she was too happy to meet Gold

"Good morning am Joylen Wade am here to meet designer Gold"

"Ooh sorry I know you here is the card to go to Gold's office this card will only work for today only," the receptionist said

"Okay thank you"

Eileen could not help but wonder why was the receptionist saying all this to them

'this Gold must like privacy"' when the receptionist saw that Eileen was pure minded l she called her and said

"Miss, can I ask you for a favor even though have been working here for so many years I haven't seen this 

Top notch designer and a model if you see her can you take a photo for me?"

Eileen gave it a thought so how will she do it even before meeting this person she so anxious

"I will try though can't promise"

"It's okay" she said a little disappointed

She waved good byee to catch up with Joylen who was already in the elevator

She did not stop at this point she was only thinking of gold and nothing more

'why do I feel like my friend has changed to someone else? It's okay I will catch up with you anyways' Eileen understands Joylen better she knows what she is capable of doing better

Just after she has stepped on the 68th floor the design there was very different, this design shows superiority and expresses everything and who exactly is this Gold, 

It shows her sincerity, love, loyalty,  all sorts of feelings one could understand only why this designer has remain top notch all this while

Not because she was a designer or she was talented but because this is how she could express her feeling, what she feels

In other way through designing she could express her sorrows, happiness,. And how devoted this person is, 

Eileen took modeling as a way of earning money but this person this is his/way of expressing those feelings in her 

She must be must have passed through a lot perhaps that's why this designer is hiding him/herself

"Same aam,, sorry, I make you waiting, I was a little moved my the designs here, 

And I can't help crying forgive my manners" Eileen whipped her teary eyes but the tears could not stop flowing she remembered her childhood memories  she could not help it at all

Since someone like her exist she felt like life has it's own ways

"It's okay Miss we are moved you realized this things and you have passed the interview you are the chosen model for the designer Gold's  clothes and jewelries and handbags and shoes, 

Since you understand her better surely you are the only person that can express what's the true meaning of her designs"