
End of many years of friendship,,,!

"Miss Tosha, Mr Roby, am greatful now that my friend and I have fallen out I don't know what to do anymore,,"

"Hahaa, don't worry about her, we will take care of you besides just consider us as friends or are we ugly that you dare not consider us as friends ?" Roby asked "plus I love it when somebody beautiful call me Roy not Roby"

"Roby....! Are you losing it or something" Tasha asked, 'this what I like the most when you are jealous babes mmmh now I know am the only one in your heart' he was happy beyond

"Babes are you jealous? I will always have my eyes on you and you are the only lady in my heart do you get it" he was teasing her

Tasha got embarrassed beyond recognition, she could only blush and shy away

"Anyway Eileen feel most welcomed treat me as your sister and him , I don't know him anyways" Tasha said

"Aaah! babes then I will complain to big sister how can you do this to me,,," he clenched his fingers tightly on his heart pretending like his heart is aching Eileen could not hold it anymore

"Pffff!" How can this prominent figures be this funny, they are behaving like kids I wonder if Gold behaves like them

But for someone to make a name for herself this person must be old right?

"Okay, Eileen are you ready"

"Yes I am" immediately she said that, the wall before her that was plain at first, sank inside, then something like a flat screen TV emerge from the side of the wall filling the empty spot

"What,,!" Eileen exclaimed,

"Hahaaa, Miss Eileen how are you why are you surprised" Jane asked

"Aaah! Sorry sorry" she didn't know how to address the beautiful young lady in the screen

"Miss Eileen am Gold, that is going to be your boss are we speak am not within the nation but believe me if I tell you that I like you" as Jane was talking her smile only stunned Eileen how can this beautiful young lady hide herself so we'll from people

Jane was not sure anymore if Eileen was listening to her, she saw that Eileen was behaving like she has been strike by lightning

"Miss Eileen are you listening to big sister?" Roby asked

"Ooh sorry Miss Gold you are a true beauty I was expecting an old or elderly person I must say that I admire you for sure" Eileen said

"Miss Eileen just now my sister has sent me a voice recording of you and. Joylen Wade argument 

So am here to tell you that you have nothing to worry about, you give back everything you owe her right this minutes

Tasha and brother Roy will take you to your new Villa,

Your sister will be transferred to number one middle school in nation A, she is a third year believe me 

You are our family, your task is to model our brand, as long as Gold and Pinnacle peak still exists now you are one of us, we only need your trust" Jane said all this at once

Eileen could not help but shade tears, when she thought of all doors closed then God opened her doors and windows at the same time

What can she ask for, she said all grateful words to her and her friends in her heart cause

She felt her mouth being heavy

"Thank you" that came as a whisper in Tasha and Roy's ears were heard

"You one of us and we don't need to change our model so soon now we will take you to pick up your staffs at your old residence

And that Villa you are going to settle in is yours forever these are the documents" Tasha said

When Eileen heard of this she said thank you to her friend for using her weakness to shout at her, 

Meanwhile at her old house Joylen was busy shouting and placing orders around

Eileen's property were being thrown out 

"I want to see how she is going to suffer, she thought that messing with me was a good thing now I want to see her leave in the streets and beg for my mercy and that sister of hers she will definitely drop out of school" 

Clearly you can tell that this two people were never friends friends

Joylen wanted Eileen to be by her side and to remain indebted to her and she could carry favors with her

But now that Eileen has found something that she can rely on her she wanted her to realize that she made the wrong choice

"Elder sister what is happening are we moving out?" Eileen younger sister asked

"Are you asking me if you are moving out?"

"Moved those things out throw them out I don't care!" She shouted

"Elder sister what is happening?"

"Your sister happened, after everything have done for her what did I get in return? Betrayal" she said "and if she thinks that she can stay here let her forget about it" she said

"Elder sister I beg you don't throw us out, and can't you just talk things out" she said

Before she could go on her knees Eileen came in

"Younger, don't do that, if she decides to brake the friendship of many years because of some petty issues,

Then so be it, let us not beg like dogs we are humans,

And if she want us to bow out heads down for her then forget it" she said to her sister then to Joylen

"We have been friends for years but to me it seems like I didn't know you and never knew who you are, I return everything that is yours and all the amount of money I earned because of your connection I hope this will repay for my sister's part of schooling that you paid,

This house we bought it together, and this car too, I don't need the Joylen

From today henceforth we are nolonger friends and we don't know each other" she said but you could clearly see that she was hurt,

Joylen did not expect this at all, she expected her to beg and cry infront of her but so some Unknown reasons she felt like Eileen will not regret ever dropping or parting ways with her

"So what if you go, you will come back begging for my forgiveness but Eileen let me tell you I will not give you a listening ear what so ever" she was burning in anger, she could not help but curse

Under her watch, Eileen took her suitcase and her sister's and left after handing over the car keys and the card that had her all savings

She was going to start a new life that she was going to curry no one a favor but her sister's only

"Sister where are we going now?" She asked to her, her sister was her everything,

When there parents died on a road accident, she was just 6 months old so it was her sister 

That gave her life, she saw how she suffered just to give her the best life, that her parents could give her

After there parents death though they were rich, everything was snatched away from them instead they lived a life of wild cats in the streets, 

When she think of this she felt that only by working hard in school was enough and apart from that she has a hidden talent that is she has a group of imperial doctors and she is "shark" is her pseudo name

Though she don't know anyone in this group but trust and love among the was strong and could not be broken

Since they were given assignment by Queen she knew that this is the time to show her sister that, she did great by raising her,she is a master now,

"Sister don't worry we have a house and that is a surprise for you" she said

"And about my schooling?"

"Don't worry tomorrow you will be heading to number one middle school, this school you will study there

My sister the person that sponsored you is Gold, of Gold Empiror please don't let me down I believe in you and trust in you" she said

"Sister are you talking about, this best school in a nation?"

" definitely" she replied

"I ..." Before she could say anything the driver came to a stop and said

"Miss we are here" 

"Okay thank you, " Eileen said Addah who desperately wanted to see the house climbed down very fast

"Wow,,! Sister are we going to stay here?" She asked

"Yes we are this was given to me by our boss, and here are the documents it was registered under us " she said

"Sister thank you and can I see your boss?" Before Eileen could answer

"Welcome homeee" a group of people shouted and a banner was raised 

"Wow,,!" The two ladies could not help but cry this is their first time experiencing what true friendship means