
Husband sorry for selling you off....!

"then you can kiss me that is the cure to my sudden change of voice" he said

"You devil how dare you bully me am going to kill you " she said shouting and throwing punches at him,

'is this what love can do to me,,,?" He thought

"Husband am going to prepare something to feed my stomach, but of cause I know we are two so I will prepare some for you" she said

"Oooh my God little wife is pumpered by people around her, does she really know how to cook or should I take some strong traditional medicine"

"Prince Carter is there by any chance you are counting death, and I don't know?" She asked

"Okay little wife I will obediently wait for you " he said

Addah left to prepare coffee 

Whereas king received a call from George, and George together with Colin and Jeffrey were all together

"Man how dare you disappear when thing are yet to be done, what is wrong with you were in charge of big boss daughter's security where are you man and ..."

"Am busy furthermore big boss daughter has been married to Colin and he is the God of war himself can't he protect if he was not going to protect her and her kids why did he bring her back"

"Man you are still single what do you know..." George asked at that very time Addah came to ask king what he prefers 

"Husband what would you like me to prepare for you I don't want you to say that I prepared the Swizz apple tea ,, you know" she said playing with her fingers

She didn't notice that King had a Bluetooth on his ears and was listening to someone from the other side

"Husband what is wrong why are you just looking at me do I look horrible after going to the kitchen??" She asked

"Aaahm,,, aaahm just prepare something that is a sweet as you,,," he said breaking the awkwardness

"You ugly gorilla there is no coffee for you,, mmmh!" She said and turn around

On the other side

"The three friends listed as king talking to a lady with a beautiful voice is like she was not talking she was singing, they crept  ears wanting to hear that ladies voice

"Dumb it since when did this loveless and boring man had a wife,,,, ?" George was the first one to come to his senses

Then Colin whispered to him 'track him we have to go whenever he is we have to see our sister in law' he said immediately George got to work of tracking King

"King,,,. When did you get a wife why did you keep her hidden ? Is she ugly heheee or is she a goddess ? 

Brother how dare you wed without telling us?  Hey do you know how to kiss a woman? Y didn't even come to us when you fell in love" Jeffrey kept on nagging and nagging

"Relax which one should I answer?" He asked

"You are suppose to answer every one of the"

"Man you are the most innocent one yet you married ahead of all of us,,

But that can't be certain, we want to see her" Jeffrey said

"So the little old man has married after all without telling us? " Colin cold voice was heard

",I will bring her to you when she is comfortable to meet you all"  he said "am going to end the call now and Colin can protect his family he didn't bring her here for me" he said and did Wait for their response

Beep beep beep!!!

"You.....!" George was about to say something when king ended the call

"Little wife are you done" he asked

",Yes am done" she answered to his surprise all the maids were standing by the kitchen door and we're all looking at 

He strode to the kitchen and said "I didn't know you were serious about cooking when you said it" 

"Husband I grew up with my sister and we never hired a maid so it was just me and my sister of caurse Joylen could cook but not always 

So it was me the youngest cooking so husband your meals will always be cooked by me" she said

"Thank you little wife " he said and help her to the seating room as they watched a romantic historical drama

"Husband thank you for saving me from heartbreaks, cause with you am in the safest hands and I will respect you as long as we are together" she said

"I will always respect and love you my little angel" he said

"Are you saying that you my husband is in love with me ?" She said

"I want to tell you something little wife" 

"Go on husband am listening  your wife is listening to you attentively"

"Okay,, I have always loved you that's why I married you and that is why I looked for you that is why when I met you I could not wait cause with how beautiful you are I can't wait cause am afraid someone might take you from you" he said

"Okay darling husband Addah  promise to love you soon, infact I love you so very much" she said and 

Clap... Clap... Clap!

Came from the door,, they were caught off guard just when he wanted to kiss her cherry lips

'who is that that dare to come at this time when I my little wife was about to let me have a taste of her lips' she thought 

"So dude this where you have hidden our sister in law" when she heard that voice she hide like a little mouse behind  King

"Husband is that your brother prince" she whispered

"No sweery" that is when she had the energy to come out bold that Even king was surprised where the courage came from

"What? Sister in law is very beautiful,,, ooh my God" Jeffrey exclaimed

"Oooh am George am....." Before they could shake hands he was stunned to see her face 'isn't she the sister to that model?' he asked 

"What are you doing stupid man stop staring at your brother's hands" Jeffrey said

"Mmmh sister in law am Colin nice to meet you, please love my brother" he said he is not that rude, cold ruthless CEO that God of war doesn't exist in him

"Am Jeffrey nice to meet you beautiful sister in law" for a second he realized that he has seen her before "have we ever met before?" He asked

"Actually I don't know you all, and am anti- social the only person I know apart from my darling husband is brother- in-law Colin" she said

"What did you say ? Who is your brother in law" George asked

"Colin is her brother in-law, that is because of boss Jane,, she is her god daughter and her mentor" this time round king said

"Actually have seen you in old Mr Fernandez mansion, before" he said

"Yes that is because I and my other friend from UK together with our boss were the  ones that treated him" she said

"So you are one of the Ghost doctors the Divine doctor" he asked 

"Yes and that was her who treated us years back and also she was the one that saved us years back 

That  magical pill was given to us by her" king said

"And I can recall that their was this limited pills that was given to my grandfather so you are the Divine doctor?" Colin asked

"No am her assistant, and she is,,,,,,," she could not say it "oooh no my boss will kill me guys am happy to meet you okay,, am Addah Carter and he is my darling husband

Please brothers in law can you have my back "  she asked teasing then

"Sister in law don't change the topic who is the Divine doctor if you tell us we promise to have your back and this car keys is your gift for marrying our dumb brother"  Colin said

"Okay but my husband has lots of cars for me and I have too but....." "This one is tempting husband am sorry for selling you out" she said

"Okay, brother in law,,, Don't mess with her she is the doctor" she told Colin

"What have you just said?"

"I said she is the doctor" "can't you think of  of it your grandfather got treated when she came and your kids appeared and Zero appeared too meaning she is the Divine doctor" she said

"But please keep this she doesn't want any one to know about it please " she said

"Sister in law do you know Eileen from Gold empire?" George asked

"Yes that's her" she pointed at the wall

At the same time Eileen who has been worked up in the office came in,,

"Guys am really tired " she said the four turned at  the source of the voice only to see a slender surved beautiful woman enter 

"Wooooooow,,,, wooow,, " "this is the Dee day