
Let her loose a single strand of hair...!

"what is happening...." Jeffrey asked

King after he saw Eileen he behaved like a respectful man,,

"Sister welcome home" Addah hugged Eileen,,

"I miss you sister am sorry I didn't call to tell that your sister was sleeping at the studio sorry, " she said

"It's okay sister, after all somebody broke my heart, sister you must avenge me" Addah said

Eileen who was not aware that apart from maids there were other four gentlemen in the room

"Who is that that dare to heartbreak my trophy I will have to

Teach him a lesson he just married you and he has started mistreating you,,

I will kill that man, he dare not bring that face here" she said"big sister will protect you okay, men are scam" she added

"He'll no! Not all men are scum" George said with immediate effect

"Ahhaaaah!!!" Eileen didn't expect some other people within the room


"Silly girl why didn't you tell me that we have visitors home" 

"That is because I want to introduce you to them"

""Hello, sister in law am Brian Carter am your brother in law Addah's husband nice to meet you" king said the fact that he missed was that he was not from this very nation and was a prince

"Helloo sister in law am Jeffrey and nice to meet you"

"Am Colin Fernandez nice to meet you" 

"Hello, am George Wembley nice to meet you beautiful" George said I can't believe that she is my   wife

"Okay guys am Eileen Lord,nice to meet you all and, 

You I still have a case with you for stilling my sister from me

And you all assisted him so you are in my criminal book" she said while giving them a hug

This hug is what made George loose it he didn't want to let go

"Hey Mr don't you want me to hug the rest of my in-laws" Eileen asked in embarrassment

"And you Mr Colin aren't you my boss's supposed ..." 

"Am the father of her baby's" he said

"Treat my boss well"

"I already told him my boss is more than what the eyes are seeing,,," Addah said

"Okay everyone I welcome you into our home though it's not what you guys are used to but welcome,,

I have my two sisters they are going to be coming here today so let's, prepare something as we wait for them to Join us the more the merry" Eileen said

"Okay in law" George was embarrassed he could not say a word

"Brother this woman is cool welcoming this one suit your family pretty well this one is cool

George I have to say you found happiness you together with this useless virgin of a man" hahaaaaa,,,,. Jeffrey said

"While someone found a curse I just don't know when they will get a long oooh God" 

"If this is not my in laws home I could have get it over with you" Colin said

"Pffff..." King chuckled "take good care of her remember their is another hidden son and a crazy grandmother" king said

"Hellooo, where is my married little angel, here come big sister prepared you a gift,,," Audrine said immediately she walked in

"Who said that you only did that I too brought her gift from my home,,," Tasha said

"Ooooh are you all forgetting that am the eldest amongst you all and I just brought this to her , let's wait and see whose gonna be accepted" Jane said, when Colin heard the voice his back stiffened

"Are you all forgetting that am her only brother or something? Ladies when this voice is talking better lower your voice"  Roby said

"Prince Robinson please you don't know what ladies like" Tasha said

"Even though I met her recently but I hope my gift be the best" 

",Baby girl where are you, am here and you don't want to come to me? Am heartbroken" Jane said with a pretence of sadness in her voice

"Wowwwws! Big sister you are here? Boss's! Brother oooh my God

Sister come out" Addah jumped into Jane's arms like as if that is what she has missed

"Hey I know" 

"Sister am married you know!" She didn't bother to welcome them

"I know my baby girl is a grown up , if that man tries to bully you,come to me call me with my martial art skills I will kick him to his memory loose"  Jane said

"Sister do you want this young lady to be a widow"

"Nah sweery I have to see that man am let him know that bigbig big sister is here for you"

"If he miss treats you just tell me your brother here I will ship his all generation even if he is one Unknown prince" Roby said

" Brother I still need my husband I haven't known him well but am very sure he will only love me" she said

"Okay if you say so, ,, what were you guys preparing " Audrine inquired as they made their way to the seating room

The four men could not help it , Colin who knew that Jane was here wore a serious face

"I think I heard Cassy talking" he whispered

"That brat she has started to take my future wife's  love from me"

"Brother you will have a problem in the future" Colin said

"I won't let that happen"

"Tigress is coming guys"  kingg said

What was this why is it that all the circle of our friendship ended up with ladies that call themselves sisters were we not going to marry if this group of beautiful ladies didn't appear?

"Life is full of surprises can't you think that all of you fell in love with ladies that call themselves family members",, "including that one called Joylen Wade if not for her craziness she was to be here cause she knows my wife and she was her god mother" king said

"What?!" George jumped

"So, you mean, Jane knew Joylen?" George asked

"She knows Addah and Eileen but not Jane" they heard foot steps approaching then they pretended like they were just storying and the story has ended

What they wanted to confirm was Jane's behavior towards Colin and Colin 's reaction towards Jane

"Oooooh my God" brother what are you doing here don't tell me you brought all this people to talk to my sister in law" Cassy said

"Who is here for your sister in law" George said

"Hahaaaa, brother this one must come home and that must be fulfilled you have to bring her home period 

I don't just want to be her friend I want to be her sister you get it?" Cassy said

"What sister in law are you talking about" Tasha asked

"Oooh friend meet my useless brother and his stupid friends

This is one is called Colin he is too too cold,

This is called Jeffrey doesn't have full brain, but trying recently

This is my stupid brother,George,  stupid as said and plain and ....

This is called King, very innocent doesn't know a thing" she was done with the introduction

"Hahaaaaaaa, hahaaaaa have never heard of such kind of introduction Cassy bring them to my clinic" Audrine said

"Nooo bring them to me"

What Audrine didn't know was her future husband was amongst the weird characters

"The meal is ready everyone let's all gather" they all matched to the dinning table

Jane sat opposite Colin and George sat next to Eileen

Tasha sat with Roby, and Audrine sat opposite Jeffrey, 

The newly wed sat next to each other this was a proper seating arrangement

"So you why did you marry my sister " Audrine is a daring person she meets patients every day with different mental status

"I love her" King said

"Mmmmh! You love her on what basis?" She asked

"She saved my life before"

"Are you trying to tell us here that if a doctor treats a patient they should be together,

If a designer designs a cloth to the customer they should stick together?" She asked

"No, I love her I don't know why but I just want to be with her"

"Okay, little baby, you heard him confused, if he tries something stupid like meeting a lady out there then saying 

She gave me water so I should be with her, I will inject him poison, and you take good care of her let me me find her skinny' Audrine said, she is over protective

"You king,. Try something stupid with her? You. Will not like it"Jane said with a cold voice

"Mmmh king just try anything stupid" Cassy said acting like she doesn't know him

"Mmmh if she looses a single strand of hair, if her skin try to pale count yourself dead" Roby said

"Am keeping an eye on you" Tasha

"Okay let's all enjoy our meals" Eileen smiled and Addah even cried, this side of this crazy people she is seeing it for the first time she was emotionally moved

"Thank you my beautiful family for protecting me but don't kill him for me" she said in between her smiles