
Little wife that is bwhat you can do to me....!!


Addah who came home yesterday and couldn't find her sister because of her schedule at work,  cried till she slept for more that supposed hours

Waking up in the middle of the night, she signed " to think that I was waiting for him to come back and clarify things? Mmmh! That's why all my sisters are single mmmh! I get it am still young I need to focus on my career actually mentor said she is around mmmh"

She was talking alone not  knowing that someone else was in the room and has been waiting for her to wake up

"Wifey,,,,?" He called

"Aaahah,,,, you... Youuu ... I don't want to see you in my room go away ,,, go away,, 

Who allowed him to come in?" She asked

"" Mrs Carter we are sorry but your husband insisted on taking care of you himself" the maid said

"What husband am going to divorce him...." 'insisted on taking care of you ...'  she looked down on her clothes but they were all changed clothes

"So you you also touched me with your filthy hands? You touched with those same hands you held that heartless beast with heheeee, Mr Carter, am young I still need to learn a lot am happy 

You married me in this life therefore I will remain like this

Am happy my sister at least got to pay my bride price, at least I got married to a prince I got treated like a queen and at least your younger brother and your mother the queen acknowledged me,

But because you took me and married me at my younger age to provoke that woman 

Prince Carter it's a success for now I want to focus on my career, take everything that belongs to your royal family I don't want to see them" she said

King could not say a thing he knew he could not explain things to her, and the time they had seen each other is three times since that day of their marriage to today, 

And he is finding it difficult to just stand from a distance and not hold her tiny fingers, he just want to squeeze her petite figure to himself at least to feel her, he is loosing it and this young lady is stubborn she can't even let him explain himself

"Now prince Carter out of my house and my room I wish you all the best in life am young and you are at least my elder go and match yourself with Joylen

"Wifey? Can you please hear me out please allow me to talk to you please,," he said trying to reach her

But she stepped back like King was a ghost,,

"Prince Carter there is nothing to talk about you don't know me I don't know you, you ambushed me on my way and married 

I wanted to give it a try so that I can experience what love is  but you spoilt everything you approached because you knew amongst the 5 of us am the only naive one am the only one whom you can use to get back at Joylen you just don't know how much Joylen did to us 

She was our life saver she was my third mother my family but you you tried to use me 

That's why you called her to our place to show off that you are now with me even if you could not get her,,, 

My sister was right men are untrustworthy" she said she was crying just if she recall how Joylen saved them, and now they got entangled with the same man

"Wifey stop and would you listen to me my little wife?

I didn't know that you and Joylen are related, I called her home to let her know that am married

I didn't expect such a situation, and as for loving you I loved from the day you rescued me and my brother back then, that's when I loved you

Can you recall that night when you saved some one who had injuries everywhere and you gave them your two precious pills, that your given with your senior? Little wife that was me, I looked for you back then to repay you but I could not find you anywhere like you vanished just like that

Until when I was told to toooo...." He could not continue


To do what?" She asked

"I was told by Joylen to investigate my big Boss's daughter she is called Jane, 

You were in the restaurant so to me I didn't see you back then but my brother saw you, he recognized you immediately and that's why I came for you, I promised that if I find my saviour I was to repay her , but when I saw you all grown up and this beautiful I became greedy and married you

Little wife marrying you was not within my scope forgive me please but please don't push me away " he said

Addah was lost in her thoughts she can clearly recall that night when she saved some people who were almost dying she had longed to know back then how they were doing back then but she didn't know who they were and not even a single new came about a robbery or car accident, it turns that she saved her future husband back then, she can still recall how that man was bricked and fainted

Just like a crazy woman she stepped forward and pulled his shirt and started checking his body all the broken parts, pooking them with her finger,, while walking around him? She was like a little rubbit, her eyes were concentrated on him like he was his specimen,,

"Ooh so my mentors pill is really powerful" she said

Pay me for saving your life, cause you didn't die and my mentor is back I don't know what I tell her that I did with the rare pill

And wait who asked you to investigate my mentor" she asked

"Little wife am fine thanks to you am a live and am now your husband" he said

"You said you knew me when investigating my mentor?"

"Who did you say is your mentor???" 

"Mmmh forget about it..." And she hugged him, with her small hands that could not hug his back  

"Husband, Addah is sorry she didn't give you time to explain yourself don't misunderstand me please,,, Addah didn't know what is it like to be in a relationship and now that you are my husband I felt bad because I thought I was just a nother chess board for your game am sorry" she said

"Little wife, husband is sorry but I want you to know this though I loved Joylen back then but nothing happened

She never loved me and loved someone else and I promise that if we are still married I will not do anything stupid and I will not restrict you

If you find the person you can love out there tell me I will divorce you if you can not love me I will not keep you, little wife" he said

"Are you saying this because you know that they are impossible?" She asked

"Am serious little wife" he said

"I guess you should be aware that  my sister paid my bride price already and your family too did the same so I can't disappoint them and you too we will stay together until we fall in love with each other

If you can not love me, you can always marry a second wife,, but with Me I will just stay loveless marriage like it's my commitment to you I promise" she said

When she said this King narrowed his eyes and thought like 'she is too young I just want to kiss her lips' 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, without giving her an answer he pulled her to him and lifted her head he lowered his face closer to hers

And planted her warm moist red lips on her small cute pink lips, he kissed her with loved, he felt his dead body tremble this is his first kiss and first time expression his love to a woman , he closed his eyes so tightly to avoid doing things that will make his little wife uncomfortable

Addah was like a statue, he eyes were wide open with zero movement, she didn't react to the kiss and didn't not push him away

When King released him he pushed her into a warm and tight hug,,

"Little wife, I will love you and I will not marry any wife if you can't love me back, I promise,,, I have my eyes set on you only" his voice was different

"Why is your voice like that? Do you have any problems,, seat here your little wife is a mysterious doctor's assistant" she whispered the last words

He chuckled and pinched her pointed nose "little wife that is what you can do to me only you can treat it" he said

"How I promise I will"