
Are planning of giving is a niece or nephew...!

"they are triplets? Ooh my goodness, they are beautiful" someone said

"Beautiful? I can't see any beauty here, I can't describe what am seeing" another person said

"Are you guys serious why can't you all talk about the children's mother, this kids are too cute I just want to have one kid with her and , yes I will be satisfied" another person wrote

"Are you looking for death sentence young man, do you realize what you have just said" 

"You are good as dead"

"Who is this that is asking of hells direction?"

"How dare you compare yourself with God of war" things continued and everything happened ,

At the mansion

"Good morning Mama,,," Colin  greeted Jane, with a warm hug, that Jane did not resist, 

It's very difficult to say the word "am already in love Colin" to Jan but that doesn't mean she didn't long for the touch,

Just by sleeping next to Colin without a single touch from him.

For the first time she wondered if this man was pretending the whole night

" Did mama had a good night sleep or did something or someone troubled you?" He asked, he knows that no one was in the room since this is his bedroom who else except him can trouble her.

Jane got carried away by , Colin soft and low voice that she turned around facing Colin with her hands rapped around his neck and said with a smile

"I had a good night sleep, and am happy someone , did fulfill his promises, so I had a good night sleep" she said

Seeing her necked face , Colin's Adams apple move up and down as he swallow in saliva.

"Mamaaa, can I " he could not finish when he felt a warm lips on his lips

For the first time in his life he didn't know what to do, he didn't know whether to keep it on and kiss her or pull away from her

But he could not , therefore they started kissing, it was cool, they worshipped each other's mouths

Jane held him tightly, sounds of moans started coming out of their voices

Colin's hands moved and started touching her Burt's, , he turned her over so Jane was at the bottom, 

Both were lost in the pleasure,

Colin reached her to his surprise Jane wasn't putting on a pant, 

"Was she ready for me yesternight,, oooh this is delicious" he thought 

His fingers, slides inside Jane and started thrusting her in and out, it was a slow motions that Jane didn't like, 

"Can you thrust me faster Colin" she asked

Evil smile was seen on his face, 'i will do just that's he thought. He liked it how this cool and collected woman can act wild on his bed

He wanted this to be his forever, 

"Colin, don't stop can please, use your Dick to rubbe it , please I can't take it anymore, am going to cum" she said

"Ary your command my lady" he said

"Aaaauch......!" A moan was heard

"Colin...........n" she shouted

But right now all that she cares about was the pleasure that this man was giving her,

"Colin.. am going to come" she shouted

"Aaah yeah..! Ooh yeah...!  Oooh yes...!" Colin was moving in and out very fast that even Jane could not tell, what was happening around her, , 

The movement increased

"Mamaaa, should I pour my sperms in you?" She asked

How can a totally immersed person in the world pleasure, give you a correct answer

"Yessssssdd" she screened 

"Aaaaah,,,, mmmh mmmh" he pulled out and the sperms we're all on Haves stomach, 

After rounds and rounds of sex,

"You are something else, this is our second time doing this" he said 

Jane tried getting up out  of the bed but was pulled back

"Let's sleep for a second" he said

"What about this on me" she asked pouting at the sperms

"You can eat them" he said, embarrassing as it is, he covered her and rapped his hand s and legs around her.

They didn't know how much they slept ,when there was a sudden phone call that woke them up

"Hey, man where are you, ? " George asked

"Talk" he said, how dare this bastard call me when am feeling the warmth.

"Are you still sleeping?" George asked "can you please check the internet, man your kids have, just bankrupt the Crowels I can't believe this, and since when did you have a third child?" He asked

"What did you just say?" He asked seating more upright 

"Colin your two little kids bankrupt the Crowels when, your mom's sister insulted her, so they bankrupt the family immediately, not only that,

Hacker "L" we have been looking for is Liam your son,,,

They had this Asian man as, this man seems from Ghost side he had that badge, when I synchronized what they were saying, 

He said that *third master sent him to protect them* but the two kids were confused" George said.

"Is that all, he asked," 

"Colin do you Know what I was doing before calling you? I was busy doing some buying for my soon to be wife, but this is all you can tell me?" He asked

"Man I won't help you again" he said

"Okay,," but then he rolled off from bed to the bathroom

A few minutes latter he came out dressed and dashed out

"Did my mother came here today?" He asked

"Boss, we are sorry we did not inform you since madam said we should not disturb you," the maid said , she was really afraid

"And also madam said that we should not let you take or taste the breakfast she prepared for, Lady boss, 

She said that if you want to eat something you should prepare it by...." She could not finish her words was she going to say this then, 

She has lost her precious work, 'am now jobless' she thought

"That you should prepare your breakfast by yourself" another maid said

"What...?  Let me ask you who is your boss"  

"You of cause boss"

"Who is paying your salary?" 

"You boss"

"Then you don't need your job anymore I can see let me....." Before he could finish

"Actually boss madam, cooked lists of meal it is enough for both you and lady boss and everyone, just that she said those were for her daughter in law" another maid said

So my mother came here just for her and prepared all this dishes for her alone, 

She even took my kids with her? And didn't bother to tell me,? 

Now my kids are known all over the internet? I didn't want to show the faces of Colin's sons to anyone until they be of age, but look she has spoilt it all.

"Call my mother and tell her to bring the kids home" he said

"Boss we are sorry madam knew , you were to call her so she dropped her phone"; another maid said

"Wow... Wow.. brother what is the time ? Are you planning for another niece or nephew?" It was Shasa who asked

"I can tell that this one is our niece" can't you see how brother I working hard" Olivia

"But that is too fast, I thought that they were not in good terms" line asked

"Hahaaa, you are asking as if you don't know that, brother can't hold it when he is next to sister in law" Shasa said

'this headache is real' he thought 'today I can't be free' 

"When did the three of you come in?" He asked

"We came here, when mommy was feeding the two boys, 

Brother, you needed to see mommy talking to those kids I can't believe that mommy actually loved them" Shasa said.

"She fed them like someone feeding little kids and angels like they were eggs you Know" 

"But it's good you were doing some hard work up there" Shasa said.

"What do you want the three of you" he asked, he knows them how can they just visit him if they are not planning something. This was close to madness.

"Hey brother what are you saying? We came here not for you but for our sister in law" Line said

"Yes, brother don't even think of keeping our sister in law from us, if you are planning to keep her by yourself then you won't like what we can do" Olivia said.

Of cause, Colin knew that these three sisters are the most scheming people  he has ever met.

"Okay, I won't keep her" he said helplessly

"Now you are talking we are going to prepare for brother George's wedding we want to go with our sister in law,,, and Don't think of saying no..." Line said

"No... For an answer is fully rejected can't be accepted" Shasa said

"Okay, she is upstairs you can go and walk her out" he said

"Brother are you not afraid I we smell the ,. The the...." Line said

"I will chase you out of my house if you keep on talking nonsense again" he said