
A set of triplets......!

"the three of you...." Jane was surprised to see the triplets in her room.

"Long time no see" they greeted together.

"Hey tell me what is happening are the three of you?" She asked

"Yes, janny you are our sister in law, Colin is our elder brother,that we wanted to hook up with back then,,,,," Line was honest and told her then

"Yes, we were sad when we heard brother had kids, but when we met them that month, 

They looked more like Colin so we had suspicions but we could not ask since we all know how things happen

We had to wait and confirm,,,

Now we are more than friends but in laws" Shasa said

"Jane, we love you , you just don't know how much we looked for you, 

And how much brother looked for you, when we went back in the coffee shop we could not find old madam Linda

We had no other choice but to send to brother, your pictures, to confirm to us where you were, we were disappointed yet we were happy, we knew that as long as Gold empire and the mastermind still exists we will meet again 

Sister in law Jane we love you we like, you please be with our brother" Olivia said

"Okay girls it's okay, am happy to have you as my in laws, 

My life in your family will be easy , so may be this is all fait, though I don't believe in Fait" she said

"Hehee, Jane are you now accepting to be our sister in law and to grow old into our Fernandez family?" 

"Sister Jane you are the best, I love love love you" Line said 

"Yes, I accept it but just because of you and my two kids but not because of your brother" she said

"Okay, today let's go shopping into a new environment at the powers, I guess that lady from the powers won't look down us if she dares we will show her what we gat" Shasa said

They shared the breakfast that was prepared by their mother, and walked elegantly, they were all tall 1.87 inches, beautiful though one had a different skin melanin but she stood above all with her beauty

Her dress was simple but the texture could not be described by those that live in nation A, this texture is unique and the design is also unique, 

How can someone be this beautiful yet simple.

When they dropped at the powers mall, all the heads turned to their directions, most that knew them, could not help

"This three are the famous missus from the Fernandez, " someone whispered to a lady next to him

"What, I heard that they are working with intelligent corps and they are in short in the nation's Amy, " 

"I really admire this three missus despite coming from a well known family full of wealth they never acted like some spoilt brats, "

"I also admire them, they work hard and Don't use their family name to bully others"

"Mmmh, am in love with the most tallest of them, look at her face eeish, she is the real beauty"

"For her to walk with this three missus, she is no simple lady, she must be someone powerful or from the military or she is their head" someone  said

"I disagree, can you recall of the gossip of God of war being a Fernandez and came back with a beautiful lady as a wife and, her photos never appeared anywhere" someone said

"Now it makes sense this three don't go shopping instead they always put on military like clothes"

"Then why are they here? This only mean one thing she is the sister in law"

"Are you guys blind? Can't you see, it's only been 8 years and you have forgotten the face of the most richest woman in nation A?" Someone recognized Jane immediately when he saw her

"The only richest woman we ever heard of never showed up in public how can you recognize her?" Someone asked

"That person goes by the name Gold right?" 

",Yes, and she has never appeared"

"Okay I had a relative who is a model and here are the bosses behide Gold empire success and who the boss is" he showed them the photos


"Uuuuuuwiiii, i will die in peace, 

I always thought that gold was an old lady she is this beautiful?"she fainted, she could not hold it meeting your idol the person you admire the most due to her history and how she survived the most critical part of life.

W something people could not take anymore 

"Hey,  master Gold, please just hug me am harmless I can't hold it anymore I can't help seeing you, 

You saved me you made me love myself you made me strong, 

When your step- sister talked about your history back then 8 years ago Even though I never had a television to see how you looked like

I recorded the voice , each and everyday I could listen to your biography I could say that I can make it if she did make it, 

A because of you am this person, here listen to the recording" she said and didn't waste time in playing the recording,

Some people thought that she was just talking another lie but when they heard the recording and, it was being played,

Truly this young lady called Gold played an important role in this ladies life,

"Thank you gold, now no one can call me a wreck again no one can call me names am all human because of your biography thanks , you turned my dark life to bright life" she said

"It's okay, those are just part of our life, walking while looking forward is the best, and I have to say congratulations for pulling yourself into a better person, you are also a testimony to another person,

When that person look at you or hear your name, she or he get inspired" Jane said and she hugged the tall but not tall lady.

"I work at a TV station please visit when you are ready to be known" the lady gave out her business card

"Sure I will create my time for you" she said "I will also bring my other sisters to your station so that people can understand that the top 20 billionaire ladies didn't have it easy on them" she said

"Thank you  I will really appreciate it" she said

After the group left , the four beautiful ladies from the Fernandez stepped into the mall

A lady was at the roof top , when she saw the three ladies from the Fernandez, she could not help but roll her eyes

"They are the most stupid ladies have ever met, how can a lady become a military officer and be proud of it, such a waste of beauty, 

No man Will like that kind of a woman, I believe they are still single and virgins"  she said

To her ladies should be back at home and manage businesses, get pampered and enjoy themselves with rich men, 

How can they be rough, do all those exercises , and have veins bulge like those of men, carry firearms like men,

Sweat all the time when holding the the training this to her was a waste of beauty' she thought

"Hey, who do we have here , the great lady officers from the Fernandez" she said

"Hahaa, are you trying to make us feel, like we are not lady like? And that we will be single the rest of our lives?" Line said

"Or are you worried that we are still virgins and you are not?

I mean who will want to marry a jinx like you" Olivia asked

"You are worried that we might die single" 

"Then wait let's call our soon to be husband's" Olivia said this shameless missus of the powers family has always looked down on us, for so many years today we have to teach you a lesson

"And who dares to look down on my sisters in law? 

If I look around this shop how did you get your hands on my masters master piece ?

Look this Ghost's design do you know what I can do to you for plagiarism?" Jane asked

"If you can't do a thing and look down on my sisters then be ready to suffer" she said

"How dare you accuse us of plagiarizing someone else's work? Do you know what you are saying,  I wonder how a militant who only knows how to hold guns understands fashion and design, 

And did I hear you just now call the unknown artist your master , I didn't know that the Fernandez daughter in law can be this shallow" she said

Just then, three most beautiful men arrived together, miss powers has never met this kind of beauty before and are they triplets.

"Oooh my God our mall is the most luckiest mall, , first set of female triplets and another set of male triplets?"

"They are beautiful "