
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · perkotaan
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38 Chs

Is he playing her?

Roxanne POV

I walked into the class , the final exams were coming up and I've been studying like crazy. Some girls walked towards me ina haste

"Did you two kiss "

"OMG I'm so jealous "

"How does it feel being with him alone"

"We've been in this school long enough and Nick has never stayed alone with us or bought us ice cream "A girl said

"Who knows he might be playing her "Isla said and they looked back.

"What are you talking about"

"This "A girl said showing her ,her phone . I collected the phone and saw the pictures of myself and Nick she opened her mouth wide.

"So since when have you two been dating "Another girl said.

"Did you two kiss"

"No no it's a misunderstanding , we weren't on a date ...we just um I ... I ..um ... I just wanted to thank him for this "I said showing them her locket.

"He bought you a locket "

"No he found it and he returned it"

"How , Nick hates you how come he's been nice all of a sudden "

Immediately Isla said those words , Kai and Zach were walking in .

"He's totally playing her "

"Is he , they look kinda cute together"

"Nick and I aren't together"I said

"You better not be , you're ruining the boys friendship"

Third person POV

"You better not be , you're ruining the boys friendship"Isla said

"She might not be Nick might want to get her from the inside so he can destroy her ."

"This school was better off without you witch"Isla . Roxanne clenched her hands into a fist

Kai walked to her but he was interrupted by Nick.

"Why are you asking her those questions , why can't you come to me "

"Nick tell us you're pretending to like her so you destroy her "A girl said

"Maybe I am maybe I'm not "He said looking at Kai.

"Let's just say I'm killing two birds with a stone "He said.

Roxanne walked out of the class and Kai went after her.

"So you two went out yesterday"

"Stay away from me Kai you don't own my life "She said

"It hurts when you know he's just using you"

"We're not even dating , I only went to thank him for the locket that's all why'd you have to make a big deal about it"

"Because I like you Roxie "

"I love you "He said

"And I told you that it can never happen. You're just a friend , I thought we've gotten over this "She said

"I thought I could be friends with you but..."

"Me too "

"What do you mean "

"Forger you ever knew me Kai " She walked out of him .

"Roxie "He called her back putting his hand through his hair .

Roxanne POV

it's been two weeks now the final exams was today , I was actually feel very happy . I tried avoiding Kai for two weeks it was hard trust me , but Zach on the other hand was really fun to talk to as for Nick he and I only came across each other few times and we don't say anything to each other even if I wanted to ask him why he did that .

"I hope you are all with you writing materials, cheating won't be tolerated and please no side talks "The invigilator said as he shared the papers.

Third person POV

After an hour and thirty minutes the paper ended. Roxanne walked out of the class and let out a sigh. The only thing to look forward too was the break in from of her.

"Hey "Zach said and she turned to him

"Hey "She replied

"Are you coming for Kai's party"He asked

"No thank you "She said

"You're still avoiding him aren't you"

"Yes "

"Come on it's the last party before break you should be there , besides I'll be there we can talk"

"Aren't you going to be him "She said

"You can't avoid him forever you do know that"

"yeah I know ... okay I'll try to come"

"You're coming "

"Okay "

She walked away , she brought out her phone to call Xavion, through facetime

"Hey Xavi"She said

"Hey "He replied

"How are you feeling "

"I'm fine Jo's been taking good care of me "He said

"Are you coming home for the break "

"Maybe , I don't know yet "

"Hey Xavion"Nick said as he puts his arm around Roxanne.Roxanne looked at him shocked.

"Nick how..."

"Bye Xavi I'll call you later"She said and hung up the call removing his hand from her.

"What's wrong "He asked her

"Why'd you do that"

"What , put my arm on you"He said

"Yes ,you caught me by surprise"She said

"Oh so I should do it next time with your approval"He said

"Stop that "

"We haven't been talking "He said

"That's because I don't want to ..."

"Do you prefer me telling the class that we were dating"

"But we aren't "

"Yeah that's why I kept them suspicious, if I had told them yes , they will have a reason to mock you and if I say no , then you will be disappointed "He said.

Roxanne POV

"What do you mean by that "I said

"If I told them that I wasn't pretending to like you , you will be disappointed , wouldn't you "

"Why would I"

"Because you don't like me ... or do you "He said putting his hand through his hair.

"Or do you like me "

Can he stop being cute first then I can respond to his question. Do I like him?.

"Are you going to the party " I said trying to change the subject.

"You're really terrible at changing the subject "

Not the first time I'm hearing that . I looked away from him waiting for a response.

"Yes I'm going to the party"

"Does this mean you're no longer arguing with Kai "

"We're okay but we hardly talk"He said

"What of you "He asked.

"Oh I'm yes I'm going to the party"She said

"I mean you and Kai "He asked

"I haven't talked to him "

"Why are you going to the party then"He asked

"Zach invited me"

"So ... you and Zach are you like a thing now " He asked

"No no no ... we're just friends"

"Like you and me "He asked.

Shit! he went back to what I avoided , how does he do that.


"It's okay you don't have to respond , I'll see you later "He said and walked away and I let out a sigh of relief.